Monday, April 9, 2012


Why Some People Have It—and Others Don’t

Jeffrey Pfeffer

To the Amazing Kathleen


Author ’s Note

Introduction: Be Prepared for Power
1 It Takes More Than Performance
2 The Personal Qualities That Bring Influence
3 Choosing Where to Start
4 Getting In: Standing Out and Breaking Some Rules
5 Making Something out of Nothing: Creating Resources
6 Building Efficient and Effective Social Networks
7 Acting and Speaking with Power
8 Building a Reputation: Perception Is Reality
9 Overcoming Opposition and Setbacks
10 The Price of Power
11 How—and Why—People Lose Power
12 Power Dynamics: Good for Organizations, Good for You?13 It’s Easier Than You Think

For Further Reading and Learning
Searchable Terms
About the Author
Other Books by Jeffrey Pfeffer
About the Publisher


This book is about real people who have been kind enough to share their stories with
me over the years. In most instances, I have used their real names—in some instances
they are public figures and some of the material comes from public sources. However, in
a few cases, at the request of my sources, I have changed the names of people and,
less frequently, other identifying information to protect their anonymity.

Introduction: Be Prepared for Power

ALMOST ANYTHING is possible in attaining positions of power. You can get yourself
into a high-power position even under the most unlikely circumstances if you have the
requisite skill. Consider the case of a real person we’ll call Anne. Coming out of
business school, Anne wanted to lead a high technology start-up. But Anne had no
technology background. She was an accountant and had neither studied nor worked in
the high-tech sector. Not only that, prior to her business education she had practiced
public-sector accounting—she had been a senior accountant working in an important
agency in a small foreign country and she was now focusing her aspirations on Silicon
Valley in California. Nonetheless, Anne was able to accomplish her goal by making
some very smart power plays.
Success began with preparation. While most of her compatriots took
the entrepreneurial classes offered in the business school, Anne took a class in the
engineering school on starting new ventures. With that one move she altered the power
dynamics and her bargaining leverage. In the business school class, there were about
three MBAs for every engineer, while in the engineering school course, there was only
about one MBA for every four engineers. She explained that MBAs were unwilling to
walk all the way over to the engineering building. Not only did she want to improve her
bargaining position, Anne wanted to take a class closer to the laboratories, where
technology was being developed and where she was more likely to run into interesting
opportunities. Because of the pressure from the professor and the venture capitalists
who judged the business plans that were the central part of the course to get MBA skills
reflected in that work, Anne had bargaining leverage in her chosen environment.
After interviewing a number of project teams, Anne joined a group that
was working on a software product that improved existing software performance without
requiring lots of capital investment in new hardware. She had not developed the
technology, of course, and joined the team notwithstanding some disdain for her skills on
the part of her engineering colleagues.
Having found a spot, Anne was then very patient and let the others on
her team come to recognize her value to them. The team—she was the only woman
—initially wanted to target the product at a relatively small market that already had three
dominant players. Anne showed them data indicating this was not a good idea, but wentalong with the group’s wishes to focus on this first market in their class presentation. The
presentation got creamed by the venture capitalists. As a result, the engineers began to
think that Anne might know something of actual value. When the course was over, the
team continued to work on their idea and got a small seed grant from a venture capital
firm to develop the business over the summer. Anne, the best writer on the team, took
the lead in putting together the funding pitch.
Anne was graduating with an offer from a major consulting firm. She told
her team about the offer, thus letting them know she had much higher paid options so
they would appreciate her and realize that she could make a credible threat to quit. She
also intentionally let the engineers try to do things that she knew how to do proficiently
—such as making presentations and doing financial projections—so they could see
these tasks weren’t as easy as they thought. Anne used her accounting and business
expertise to review the articles of incorporation for the new company and the funding
documents for its financing. Meanwhile, she gathered lots of external information and,
being more social than the engineers, built a strong external network in the industry they
were set to target. Her outside contacts helped the team get funding after the summer
was over and the initial seed grant had run out.
Anne had more than business skills—she was also politically savvy and
tough. When classes were over and the team was setting up the company, there was
one other competitor for the CEO position. Anne told her colleagues she wouldn’t join the
company if he was named CEO. To show she was serious and to gain further leverage,
she had her colleagues meet with other MBAs who might be possible replacements for
her. Because she had spent lots of time working with the team, eating lots of pizza and
bad Mexican food, the group felt much more comfortable with Anne. In the end she
became co-CEO and found funding for the product at a hedge fund. Although there is no
guarantee the business or product will be successful, Anne achieved her goal of
becoming the leader of a promising high-tech start-up less than a year after graduating
from business school, overcoming some significant initial resistance and deficits in her
background along the way.
In contrast to Anne, you may have lots of job-relevant talent and
interpersonal skills but nevertheless wind up in a position with little power, because you
are unwilling or unable to play the power game. Beth graduated from a very high status
undergraduate institution and an equally prestigious business school about 20 years
ago. When I caught up with her she had just left the nonprofit she was working for after a
new executive director took over. The new boss was a friend of several of the nonprofit’s
board members and had once worked with Beth. He saw her competence as a threat
and was willing to pay her a decent severance to get her out of the way.
Beth has experienced a “nonlinear” career after her MBA, punctuated by
several spells of unemployment as well as some periods of great job satisfaction. She
has yet to attain a stable leadership position in her chosen field, even though she has
held senior jobs in government—on Capitol Hill and in the White House. The issue, as
she explained it to me, was her unwillingness to play organizational politics, or at least to
do so with the consistent focus and energy and maybe even the relentlessness
evidenced in Anne’s story. “Jeffrey, it’s a tough world out there,” Beth said. “People take
credit for the work of others. People mostly look out for their own careers, often at the
expense of the place where they work. The self-promoters get rewarded. Nobody toldme that my coworkers would come to the office each day with a driving agenda to
protect and then expand their turf. I guess I haven’t been willing to be mean enough or
calculating enough or to sacrifice things I believed in order to be successful, at least as
success is often measured.”
Systematic empirical research confirms what these two contrasting
stories, as well as common sense and everyday experience, suggest: being politically
savvy and seeking power are related to career success and even to managerial
performance. For instance, one study investigated the primary motivations of managers
and their professional success. One group of managers were primarily motivated by a
need for affiliation—they were more interested in being liked than getting things done. A
second group were primarily motivated by a need for achievement—goal attainment for
themselves. And a third group were primarily interested in power. The evidence showed
that this third group, the managers primarily interested in power, were the most effective,
not only in achieving positions of influence inside companies but also in accomplishing
their jobs.1 In another example, Gerald Ferris of Florida State University and colleagues
have developed an eighteen-item political skills inventory. Research on 35 school
administrators in the midwestern United States and 474 branch managers of a national
financial services firm showed that people who had more political skill received higher
performance evaluations and were rated as more effective leaders.2
So welcome to the real world—not necessarily the world we want, but
the world that exists. It can be a tough world out there and building and using power are
useful organizational survival skills. There is a lot of zero-sum competition for status and
jobs. Most organizations have only one CEO, there is only one managing partner in
professional services firms, only one school superintendent in each district, only one
prime minister or president at a time—you get the picture. With more well-qualified
people competing for each step on the organizational ladder all the time, rivalry is
intense and only getting more so as there are fewer and fewer management positions.
Some of the individuals competing for advancement bend the rules of
fair play or ignore them completely. Don’t complain about this or wish the world were
different. You can compete and even triumph in organizations of all types, large and
small, public or private sector, if you understand the principles of power and are willing to
use them. Your task is to know how to prevail in the political battles you will face. My job
in this book is to tell you how.


Obtaining and holding on to power can be hard work. You need to be thoughtful and
strategic, resilient, alert, willing to fight when necessary. As Beth’s story illustrates, the
world is sometimes not a very nice or fair place, and while Anne got the position shewanted, she had to expend effort and demonstrate patience and interpersonal
toughness to do so—to hang in with people who initially didn’t particularly respect her
abilities. Why not just eschew power, keep your head down, and take what life throws at
First of all, having power is related to living a longer and healthier life.
When Michael Marmot examined the mortality from heart disease among British civil
servants, he noticed an interesting fact: the lower the rank or civil service grade of the
employee, the higher the age-adjusted mortality risk. Of course many things covary with
someone’s position in an organizational hierarchy, including the incidence of smoking,
dietary habits, and so forth. However, Marmot and his colleagues found that only about a
quarter of the observed variation in death rate could be accounted for by rank-related
differences in smoking, cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity, and physical activity.3 What
did matter was power and status—things that provided people greater control over their
work environments. Studies consistently showed that the degree of job control, such as
decision authority and discretion to use one’s skills, predicted the incidence and
mortality risk from coronary artery disease over the next five or more years. In fact, how
much job control and status people had accounted for more of the variation in mortality
from heart disease than did physiological factors such as obesity and blood pressure.
These findings shouldn’t be that surprising to you. Not being able to
control one’s environment produces feelings of helplessness and stress,4 and feeling
stressed or “out of control” can harm your health. So being in a position with low power
and status is indeed hazardous to your health, and conversely, having power and the
control that comes with it prolongs life.5
Second, power, and the visibility and stature that accompany power, can
produce wealth. When Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House in 2001, they had little
money and faced millions in legal bills. What they did have was celebrity and a vast
network of contacts that came from holding positions of substantial power for a long
time. In the ensuing eight years, the Clintons earned $109 million, primarily from
speaking fees and book deals, as well as through the investment opportunities made
available to them because of their past positions.6 Rudy Giuliani, following his tenure as
mayor of New York City, became a partner in a security consulting firm, and through that
firm and his speaking fees, he too quickly transformed his economic status for the better.
Not all power is monetized—neither Martin Luther King Jr. nor Mahatma Gandhi traded
on their celebrity to attain great wealth—but the potential is always there.
Third, power is part of leadership and is necessary to get things done
—whether those things entail changing the U.S. health-care system, transforming
organizations so they are more humane places to work, or affecting dimensions of
social policy and human welfare. As the late John Gardner, the founder of Common
Cause and former secretary of health, education, and welfare under President Lyndon
Johnson, noted, power is a part of leadership. Therefore, leaders are invariably
preoccupied with power.7
Power is desirable to many, albeit not all, people, for what it can provide
and also as a goal in and of itself. The social psychologist David McClelland wrote about
a need for power. Although the strength of that power motive obviously varies across
individuals, along with a need for achievement, McClelland considered power seeking a
fundamental human drive, found in people from many cultures.8 If you are going to seekpower, you will be happier if you are effective in that quest.
To be effective in figuring out your path to power and to actually use what
you learn, you must first get past three major obstacles. The first two are the belief that
the world is a just place and the hand-me-down formulas on leadership that largely reflect
this misguided belief. The third obstacle is yourself.


Many people conspire in their own deception about the organizational world in which
they live. That’s because people prefer to believe that the world is a just and fair place
and that everyone gets what he or she deserves. And since people tend to think they
themselves are deserving, they come to think that if they just do a good job and behave
appropriately, things will take care of themselves. Moreover, when they observe others
doing things they consider to be inappropriate, self-aggrandizing, or “pushing the
envelope,” most people do not see anything to be learned, believing that even if those
people are successful at the moment, in the end they will be brought down.
The belief in a just world has two big negative effects on the ability to
acquire power. First, it hinders people’s ability to learn from all situations and all people,
even those whom they don’t like or respect. I see this all the time in my teaching and
work with leaders. One of the first reactions people have to situations or cases about
power is whether or not the individual “likes” the person being studied or can identify with
the object of study. Who cares? It is important to be able to learn from all sorts of
situations and people, not just those you like and approve of, and certainly not just from
people you see as similar to yourself. In fact, if you are in a position of modest power
and want to attain a position of great power, you need to pay particular attention to those
holding the positions you aspire to.
Second, this belief that the world is a just place anesthetizes people to
the need to be proactive in building a power base. Believing that the world is fair, people
fail to note the various land mines in the environment that can undermine their careers.
Consider the case of Jim Walker, hired to build up Nomura Securities’ Asian equity
operation in Hong Kong in the late 1990s. By many measures, Walker was quite
successful, recruiting outstanding analysts and garnering a strong ranking for the
company’s research team as well as increasing its profits. A charismatic leader who
built a flat organization focused on merit and business results, he nevertheless failed to
appreciate the political nature of the environment in which he was working. Confronted
with opposition, rivalry, and some setbacks that cost him a degree of control, Walker left
Nomura. “At the root of this latest departure is a misunderstanding. Walker
misunderstood how unyielding and political Nomura can be.”9
The pervasiveness of the belief in a just world, called in socialpsychology the “just-world hypothesis,” was first described by Melvin Lerner decades
ago.10 Lerner argued that people wanted to think that the world was predictable and
comprehensible and, therefore, potentially controllable. Or, as another psychologist
described it, from early childhood “we learn to be ‘good and in control’ people.”11 How
else could we navigate a world that is random and can’t be controlled without feeling
thwarted and frustrated much of the time? The desire for control and predictability results
in a tendency to see the world as a just place because a just world is one that is also
understandable and predictable. Behave by the rules and you will be all right; fail to
follow the rules and bad things will happen.
The just-world hypothesis holds that most people believe that “people
get what they deserve; that is, that the good people are likely to be rewarded and the
bad to be punished. Most important, the phenomenon works in reverse: if someone is
seen to prosper, there is a social psychological tendency for observers to decide that the
lucky person must have done something to deserve his good fortune. He or she
becomes a better person…simply by virtue of the observed rewards.”12 Conversely, if
something bad happens to someone, “the belief in a just world causes the conclusion
that the victim must have been a bad person.”13 This latter effect creates the frequently
observed phenomenon of “blaming the victim,” in which people find things that justify the
bad events that happen to targets of crimes or corporate misfortunes. And the opposite
is also true: success, however achieved, will promote efforts to find the many positive
virtues in those who are successful—thereby justifying their success.
There are literally scores of experiments and field studies that show the
just-world effect. Many of the original studies examined the opinions held by participants
of people who were randomly chosen by the experimenter to receive an electric shock
or some other form of punishment. The research showed that others were more likely to
reject the (randomly) punished people and to see them as lacking in social worth—even
though the observers knew those punished had received their bad outcomes purely by
chance! Moreover, victims of random bad luck got stigmatized: “Children who receive
subsidized school lunches are thought to be less able students than those not in the
lunch program; ugly college students are believed less capable of piloting a private
plane than pretty ones; welfare recipients are often treated as if they are untrustworthy or
incapable of managing any aspect of their lives.”14
As soon as you recognize the just-world effect and its influence on your
perceptions and try to combat the tendency to see the world as inherently fair, you will be
able to learn more in every situation and be more vigilant and proactive to ensure your
own success.

BEWARE OF THE LEADERSHIP LITERATUREThe next obstacle you will need to overcome is the leadership literature. Most books by
well-known executives and most lectures and courses about leadership should be
ORGANIZATIONAL SURVIVAL. That’s because leaders touting their own careers as
models to be emulated frequently gloss over the power plays they actually used to get to
the top. Meanwhile, the teaching on leadership is filled with prescriptions about following
an inner compass, being truthful, letting inner feelings show, being modest and self-
effacing, not behaving in a bullying or abusive way—in short, prescriptions about how
people wish the world and the powerful behaved. There is no doubt that the world would
be a much better, more humane place if people were always authentic, modest, truthful,
and consistently concerned for the welfare of others instead of pursuing their own aims.
But that world doesn’t exist.
As a guide for obtaining power, these recommendations are flawed.
Most CEOs are not the level 5 leaders described by Jim Collins in Good to Great as
helping to take companies up the performance curve—individuals who are “self-effacing,
quiet, reserved, even shy,” who get the best out of employees by not soaking up all the
limelight and making all the decisions.15 The rarity of such leaders may be why so few
organizations go from good to great. And even Collins begins his story when these
paragons were already in the CEO position—the road to the top may require different
behavior than being successful once you have arrived. For most leaders, the path to
power bears little resemblance to the advice being dished out.
The pablum in most leadership books and courses can be reduced to
three causes. First, leaders such as former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani or former
General Electric CEO Jack Welch, writing books and articles about themselves, may
believe they are being inspirational and even truthful.16 But leaders are great at self-
presentation, at telling people what they think others want to hear, and in coming across
as noble and good. This ability to effectively self-present is why successful individuals
reached high levels in the first place. In the stories told either directly in autobiographies
or indirectly in the case studies found in leadership books, leaders overemphasize their
positive attributes and leave out the negative qualities and behaviors.
Two other factors help ensure that the positive stories persist. Those in
power get to write history, to paraphrase an old saw. As we will discover in a later
chapter, one of the best ways to acquire and maintain power is to construct a positive
image and reputation, in part by coopting others to present you as successful and
effective. Second, lots of research shows evidence of a particular manifestation of the
just-world effect: if people know that someone or some organization has been
successful, they will almost automatically attribute to that individual or company all kinds
of positive qualities and behaviors. Although it is far from evident that doing the stuff in
the leadership books will make you successful, once you become successful, odds are
vastly increased that people will selectively remember and attend to the positive
characteristics they believe make good leaders.17 Stories of success that emphasize
“positive” behaviors help us believe the world is a just place. Also, we see what we
expect to see—imputing to successful individuals qualities that we think are associated
with success, even if such qualities aren’t actually there.
So don’t automatically buy into advice from leaders. It could be
accurate, but more likely it is just self-serving. People distort reality. One study found thatout of 1,000 resumés, there were substantial misstatements on more than 40 percent.18
If people make up educational qualifications and previous job experience—stuff that can
actually be verified—do you think everyone is completely honest when they describe
aspects of their behavior and character that are more difficult to discover?
What you should trust is the social science research that provides help
on how to acquire power, hold on to it, and use it. And you should trust your own
experience: Watch those around you who are succeeding, those who are failing, and
those who are just treading water. Figure out what’s different about them and what they
are doing differently. That’s a great way to build your diagnostic skill—something useful
in becoming an organizational survivor.


The third big obstacle to acquiring power is, believe it or not, you. People are often their
own worst enemy, and not just in the arena of building power. That’s in part because
people like to feel good about themselves and maintain a positive self-image. And
ironically, one of the best ways for people to preserve their self-esteem is to either
preemptively surrender or do other things that put obstacles in their own way.
There is an immense research literature about this phenomenon
—called “self-handicapping.”19 The logic is deceptively simple. People desire to feel
good about themselves and their abilities. Obviously, any experience of failure puts their
self-esteem at risk. However, if people intentionally choose to do things that could
plausibly diminish their performance, then any subsequent performance decrements can
be explained away as not reflecting their innate abilities. So, for instance, told that a test
is highly diagnostic of their intellectual ability, some people will choose to not practice or
study the relevant material, thereby decreasing their performance but also providing an
excuse for poor performance that doesn’t implicate their natural ability. Similarly, if
someone doesn’t actively seek a powerful position, the fact that he or she doesn’t obtain
it will not signal some personal shortcoming or failure but instead a conscious choice.
So, Beth’s apparent unwillingness to “play the power game” protects her from the self-
esteem consequences of possibly failing in that effort.
There is evidence that the tendency to self-handicap is an individual
difference and predicts the extent to which people make excuses about their
performance.20 Research shows, not surprisingly, that self-handicapping behavior
negatively affects subsequent task performance.21 Therefore, our desire to protect our
self-image by placing external impediments in our way so we can attribute any setbacks
to things outside our control actually contributes to doing less well. Keep this idea about
self-handicapping in mind as you read this book—you will be more open-minded about
the content and also more likely to actually try some of the things you learn.Self-handicapping and preemptively giving up or not trying are more
pervasive than you might think. Having taught material on power for decades, I have
come to believe that the biggest single effect I can have is to get people to try to
become powerful. That’s because people are afraid of setbacks and the implications for
their self-image, so they often don’t do all they can to increase their power.
So get over yourself and get beyond your concerns with self-image or,
for that matter, the perception others have of you. Others aren’t worrying or thinking
about you that much anyway. They are mostly concerned with themselves. The absence
of practice or efforts to achieve influence may help you maintain a good view of yourself,
but it won’t help you get to the top.


Not all organizations have identical political cultures, and not all individuals are the same,
either. Unfortunately, we live in a world in which much of the management advice
proffered is presented as universally true. And unfortunately, many people are looking for
simple, universal formulas for action that will work equally well in all circumstances. How
you behave and what you should do needs to fit your particular circumstances—the
organizational situation and also your own personal values and objectives. So always
place the ideas and examples of this book in context.
Second, except for certain laws in the physical sciences, we live in a
world of probabilities. Just as no drug works well for everyone or all of the time, the
same holds for ideas based on the best and most recent behavioral research. There will
be exceptions and times when the advice offered in this book won’t guarantee a good
outcome. But as long as the odds are in your favor, in the long run you will be much better
off heeding the research evidence and examples that illustrate that evidence.
Third, the learning process—in school and in the rest of life, too—is
frequently too passive to be as helpful as it might be. There is only one way to become
more effective in building power and using influence: practice. So don’t just read this
book and think about the examples—try some of the things you learn and see how they
work. Model the behaviors of some of the effective people you read about. Turn
knowledge into practice—it is the best way to develop the skills that make becoming
powerful second nature.
I have organized this book as my colleagues and I organize the course
we teach—using a path or developmental metaphor. The introduction and chapter 1
provide some orienting thoughts to help you reconsider taken-for-granted assumptions
about the sources of power and success. Chapter 1 considers the evidence on job
performance and power and how you can define job performance criteria in ways that
are beneficial to you. Chapter 1 also provides a conceptual framework—some simpleideas—you can use to guide your reading of the subsequent material.
Chapter 2 treats the personal qualities you might develop that produce
power. Many of these attributes are not inborn but learned. As such, you can diagnose
your strengths and weaknesses and build a personal development plan to strengthen
those personal characteristics that both research and logic argue are related to
obtaining influence. Chapter 3 considers how to decide where to begin your career, the
organizational locations most favorable for successfully launching your journey to power.
Chapter 4 provides some advice on how to obtain the initial positions you want at the
place where you want to begin—how to land a place on the first rung of the ladder to
The next chapters explore the sources of power and how to develop
them. These power sources include resources (chapter 5), social networks and network
position (chapter 6), the ability to act and speak in ways that both convey and produce
power (chapter 7), and building a reputation as a powerful individual—a reputation that
actually can become self-fulfilling and an important source of power (chapter 8).
Regardless of how successful and effective you are, sooner or later you
will encounter opposition and setbacks. Chapter 9 analyzes how, and when, to fight and
other ways to cope with opposition. It also provides some insight on the inevitability of
reversals of fortune and how to cope. Power brings visibility—public scrutiny—and other
costs as well. Chapter 10 treats the downsides, the costs of being in a powerful position.
Power tends to produce overconfidence and the idea that you can make your own rules,
and these consequences of having power often cause people to behave in ways that
cost them their power and their position. Chapter 11 explores how and why power is lost
and what you might do to better maintain positions of influence once you have attained
Implicit in virtually all of the discussion in this book is the idea that you
are creating your own personal path to power. Many people wonder about the
connection between such material and organizational effectiveness, the topic of chapter
12. Chapter 13, the last chapter, provides examples of people who have implemented
the principles of this book with some measure of success. Its goal is to convince you
that you can actually acquire power—not by becoming a new individual but by doing
some things slightly more strategically and differently. Just like the principle of compound
interest, becoming somewhat more effective in every situation can, over time, leave you
in a very different, and much better, place.


It Takes More Than Performance

IN 2004, the Miami-Dade County, Florida, school board hired former New York schools
chancellor Rudy Crew as superintendent to help improve a typical urban school district
struggling with both budget and failing schools problems. While Crew was in charge, the
district was a finalist for the Broad Prize for Urban Education in 2006, 2007, and 2008,
improved its bond rating, achieved improvements in student academic performance,
and built thousands of classrooms to ease overcrowding.1 Recognizing this
performance, in the spring of 2008, the American Association of School Administrators
named Rudy Crew the National Superintendent of the Year, bolstering his reputation as
an innovative school administrator. His reward? By September 2008, less than six
months after being named the best school leader in the country, Crew was negotiating
his severance package with a school board that had voted to get rid of him.
If you think it’s just in the domain of public education where success fails
to guarantee job security, think again. At the Veterans Health Administration, Ken Kizer,
appointed by Bill Clinton in 1994, inherited an antiquated, inefficient health-care system.
The VA faced changes in its client population, the competitive health-care environment,
and modalities for delivering care.2 In just five years, Kizer instituted an electronic
medical record system, made structural changes to enhance efficiency and quality of
care—with 20,000 fewer employees, the VHA went from serving 2.9 to 3.5 million
veterans—changed the culture to be more receptive to change, and according to a cover
story in BusinessWeek, laid the foundation for making the VHA the purveyor of “the best
medical care in the U.S.”3 In 1999, facing stiff Congressional opposition to his
reappointment, Kizer relinquished his post. Balancing politics and medical care turned
out to be difficult—“in particular, the closure of VHA hospitals in certain key
Congressional districts had created acrimony in Congress.”4
And it’s not just in the public sector where there is a weak link between
job performance and career outcomes. The world of business offers numerous cases,
too. Although few may remember, Jamie Dimon, the now-celebrated CEO of financial
powerhouse JP Morgan Chase, left Citibank when his onetime mentor and boss, Sandy
Weill, turned on him. Arthur Blank and Bernard Marcus founded the large and successful
home improvement company Home Depot after they were fired in the late 1970s from
Handy Dan Home Improvement Centers by a boss who didn’t like them. John Scully
forced Apple cofounder and technology visionary Steve Jobs out of the company in the
1980s. And that’s just a small sample from a very long list.
And it’s not just at the highest levels or just in the United States whereperformance doesn’t guarantee success. A marketing executive in India asked her CEO
to formally recommend her for a list of “high potential leaders” in the organization, which
would be accompanied by getting paid more than 30 percent higher than peers at the
same level and becoming eligible for assignments more likely to advance her career.
This request came just after she had been instrumental in turning around a distressed
brand, had been nominated for an internal marketing award, and after she won an
external advertising award at the Indian equivalent of the Cannes film festival. Her
request was refused, past outstanding performance notwithstanding.
Not only doesn’t good performance guarantee you will maintain a
position of power, poor performance doesn’t mean you will necessarily lose your job.
Michael Jeffery maintained his position as CEO of LECG Corporation, a global expert
services and consulting firm, for three years even though the company was almost never
profitable during his tenure and in just the two years prior to the announcement he was
voluntarily stepping down, the stock price declined 80 percent, much more than did
competitors’. His prior relationship with the non-executive chairman of the company and
his ability to “manage” the board and blame the company’s problems on his
predecessor (who had actually built the company) ensured his survival—for a while. Or
consider the CEO of a medical device company who has presided over nearly a decade
of flat stock price, a growth in sales that did not translate into a corresponding growth in
profits, and turnover in the senior executive ranks that left the company with no inside
successor. Notwithstanding this weak job performance, his salary has increased rapidly
and his job is secure—because of his close relationship with the non-executive board
chairman and with a majority of the board of directors. The lesson from cases of people
both keeping and losing their jobs is that as long as you keep your boss or bosses
happy, performance really does not matter that much and, by contrast, if you upset them,
performance won’t save you.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is thinking that good
performance—job accomplishments—is sufficient to acquire power and avoid
organizational difficulties. Consequently, people leave too much to chance and fail to
effectively manage their careers. If you are going to create a path to power, you need to
lose the idea that performance by itself is enough. And once you understand why this is
the case, you can even profit from the insight.


There is a lot of systematic evidence on the connections between job performance and
career outcomes. You need to know the facts if you are going to intelligently plot a
strategy to acquire power. The data shows that performance doesn’t matter that much for
what happens to most people in most organizations. That includes the effect of youraccomplishments on those ubiquitous performance evaluations and even on your job
tenure and promotion prospects.
More than 20 years ago social psychologist David Schoorman studied
the performance appraisal ratings obtained by 354 clerical employees working in a
public sector organization.5 Employees were categorized by their supervisors’
involvement in their hiring. In some cases, managers “inherited” employees—they were
there when the manager took on the supervisory role. In other cases, the boss
participated in the hiring decision and favored the job candidate now being evaluated. In
still other instances, the supervisor participated in the hiring or promotion decision but he
or she was overruled by others involved in the final choice. In this latter case, managers
found themselves supervising an employee they had not favored hiring. The simple but
important question Schoorman asked was: how does a supervisor’s mere involvement
in the hiring process affect the performance evaluations subsequently given to
As you might guess, supervisors who were actively involved in hiring
people whom they favored rated those subordinates more highly on performance
appraisals than they did those employees they inherited or the ones they did not initially
support. In fact, whether or not the supervisor had been actively engaged in the selection
process had an effect on people’s performance evaluations even when objective
measures of job performance were statistically controlled. Supervisors evaluated people
hired over their opposition more negatively either than those whom they had favored in
the hiring or those they had inherited. David Schoorman’s study shows the effects of
behavioral commitment—once someone has made a positive or negative judgment
about a potential job candidate, that judgment colors subsequent performance
appraisals. What this research means is that job performance matters less for your
evaluation than your supervisor’s commitment to and relationship with you.
Extensive research on promotions in organizations, with advancement
measured either by changes in position, increases in salary, or both, also reveals the
modest contribution of job performance in accounting for the variation in what happens
to people. In 1980, economists James Medoff and Katherine Abraham observed that
salaries in companies were more strongly related to age and organizational tenure than
they were to job performance.6 Ensuing research has confirmed and extended their
findings, both in the United States and elsewhere. For instance, a study using data from
Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker reported that white-collar workers who received
performance ratings of “very good” were only 12 percent more likely to be promoted than
colleagues rated “good.”7 Meanwhile, many studies have documented the influence of
numerous factors, ranging from educational credentials to race and gender, on careers,
with performance often having a statistically significant but substantively small effect on
advancement. For instance, a study of more than 200 employees from a variety of
companies found that managers considered job tenure, educational credentials,
overtime work, and absence as well as job performance in determining internal mobility
for employees.8 A study of federal civil service employees, an excellent setting because
of the extensive measures captured in the database, noted that performance ratings
were weakly tied to actual productivity and that people with more educational credentials
were more likely to be promoted even if they weren’t the best employees.9
Not only may outstanding job performance not guarantee you apromotion, it can even hurt. Consider the case of Phil. A talented young executive
working in a large financial institution, Phil had the uncanny ability to bring complex
information technology implementation projects in on or ahead of schedule and under
budget. His boss, a very senior executive in the bank, profited mightily from Phil’s
performance. He was willing to reward Phil financially. But when Phil asked his boss
about broadening his experience by moving to other jobs in the bank, the answer was
immediate: “I’m not going to let you go because you are too good in the job you are
doing for me.” And while Phil’s boss was quite willing to expand Phil’s scope of
responsibility for IT implementation in his division, he was completely unwilling to do
anything that would bring Phil to the attention of others and thereby risk losing him.
A slightly different variant of this same story comes from “Glenda.” A
Scottish manufacturing executive with an extraordinary ability to bond with front-line
employees, Glenda had worked for her employer for more than a decade, moving
around the world to accomplish almost miraculous turnarounds in troubled plants. Her job
evaluations were great and she received performance bonuses and regular raises for
her work. But there were no promotions in Glenda’s recent past with her employer nor,
she told me, in her future. Glenda figured out the problem: the senior executives in her
company saw her as extremely effective in her current position. But they did not want to
lose her abilities in that role, and they did not see her as senior executive material—as a
great candidate for much more senior jobs in the company. Thus, great performance
may leave you trapped because a boss does not want to lose your abilities and also
because your competence in your current role does not ensure that others will see you
as a candidate for much more senior jobs.
Doing great doesn’t guarantee you a promotion or a raise, and it may
not even be that important for keeping your job. Most studies of job tenure examine
CEOs, because CEOs are highly visible and that’s the position for which there is the
best data. Performance does affect job tenure and its obverse, getting fired, but again
the effects are small. According to one study, CEOs who presided over three straight
years of poor performance and led their firms into bankruptcy only faced a 50 percent
chance of losing their jobs.10 Whether or not poor performance led to dismissal
depended on the CEO’s power. Executives who had power because of their own
ownership position, because other ownership interests were dispersed, or because
there were more inside board members—executives who reported to the chief executive
—were more likely to retain power even in the face of bad business results. A study of
the top five executive positions in almost 450 companies found the sensitivity of turnover
to company performance was even smaller for those jobs than it was for CEOs. Turnover
in senior executive ranks was affected by CEO turnover, particularly when an outsider
came in. That’s because CEOs like to put loyalists in senior positions—regardless of
what past incumbents have accomplished.11
So great job performance by itself is insufficient and may not even be
necessary for getting and holding positions of power. You need to be noticed, influence
the dimensions used to measure your accomplishments, and mostly make sure you are
effective at managing those in power—which requires the ability to enhance the ego of
those above you.


People in power are busy with their own agendas and jobs. Such people, including those
higher up in your own organization, probably aren’t paying that much attention to you and
what you are doing. You should not assume that your boss knows or notices what you are
accomplishing and has perfect information about your activities. Therefore, your first
responsibility is to ensure that those at higher levels in your company know what you are
accomplishing. And the best way to ensure they know what you are achieving is to tell
The importance of standing out contradicts much conventional wisdom.
There is a common saying that I first heard in Japan but since have heard in Western
Europe as well: the nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Many people believe this
statement and as a consequence seek to fit in and not do anything to stand out too
much. This rule may make sense in some places and at some times, but as general
career advice, it stinks.
For you to attain a position of power, those in power have to choose you
for a senior role. If you blend into the woodwork, no one will care about you, even if you
are doing a great job. As one former student commented:

I am the guy you notice when he is gone, but necessarily while he is there. I call this
phenomenon becoming “the foundation guy.” The foundation is necessary for the
house and all goes to hell without it, but it is buried underground and works just fine
about 95 percent of the time. It usually goes unnoticed. Quiet work, or heads-down
work, which is efficient and effective—but never flashy—usually fails to get noticed.
You can make a great career as a middle manager doing quiet work, but can you
gain a lot of power? The answer is most definitely, “no.”

In advertising, one of the most prominent measures of effectiveness is
ad recall—not taste, logic, or artistry—simply, do you remember the ad and the product?
The same holds true for you and your path to power. That’s because of the importance of
what is called “the mere exposure effect.” As originally described by the late social
psychologist Robert Zajonc, the effect refers to the fact that people, other things being
equal, prefer and choose what is familiar to them—what they have seen or experiencedbefore. Research shows that repeated exposure increases positive affect and reduces
negative feelings,12 that people prefer the familiar because this preference reduces
uncertainty,13 and that the effect of exposure on liking and decision making is a robust
phenomenon that occurs in different cultures and in a variety of different domains of
The simple fact is that people like what they remember—and that
includes you! In order for your great performance to be appreciated, it needs to be
visible. But beyond visibility, the mere exposure research teaches us that familiarity
produces preference. Simply put, in many cases, being memorable equals getting
An Italian executive who has worked in numerous large multinational
corporations and has risen quickly through the ranks is an outspoken and provocative
individual. Consequently, he sometimes irritates people. But as another manager told
me, “decades from now I will remember him, while I will have forgotten most of his
contemporaries.” It is obvious whom that manager would choose to fill a position—the
memorable Italian leader. You can’t select what you can’t recall.


Tina Brown served as editor of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker before founding Talk
magazine and more recently starting the popular website The Daily Beast. A great editor
and arbiter of popular culture who was able to garner tremendous amounts of publicity,
Brown increased Vanity Fair ’s circulation fourfold to almost one million during her eight-
year tenure. At The New Yorker , newsstand sales increased 145 percent and the
magazine won almost two dozen major awards.15 The year before Talk folded in 2002,
ad revenues grew 6 percent even as the overall economy languished. But Brown
apparently never earned a profit at any of these magazines, partly because increasing
circulation, timeliness, and “buzz” can only be achieved at considerable expense.
Tina Brown’s performance as a magazine editor depends on what
criteria you choose to evaluate her work. She presided over great growth in advertising
revenue and circulation. She garnered press attention for herself and the magazines. But
there was no economic profit. That might not have mattered to S. I. Newhouse, the
billionaire whose Advance Publications owned The New Yorker and Vanity Fair . The
absence of profit apparently mattered more to the Hearst Corporation, co-owner of Talk.
No one is going to perform equally well on all the dimensions of their
work. What you can do is consistently emphasize those aspects on which you do well.
When Matt Lauer of the Today television show interviewed Tina Brown right after Talk
folded, he pressed her to admit that she had a flawed business model. Her constant
refrain—that the magazine had great content and that advertising was growing even inthe midst of the recession.
Chris was the CEO of a human capital software company selling a
hosted service focused on selecting hourly employees. His venture-funded company
operated in an increasingly competitive market and some rivals offered similar products
at much lower pricing. One way to compete would have been to offer an increasing
range of services to manage employees over the life cycle from hiring through career
development to retirement. But Chris’s company had an inferior technology platform and
Chris was no technologist, so he could not lead a technology enhancement effort.
To lock in customers to make the company more salable, Chris and his
management team offered reduced pricing for customers who renewed their contracts in
advance of expiration. In his presentation to the board, Chris maintained that this
strategy was a great way to grow the amount of deferred revenue on the books, ensure
customer continuity, and make the company more valuable by preempting competitive
threats. The presentation diverted the board’s attention away from why reduced prices
were required to lock in business.
It was a board member who provided data showing Chris’s company
was losing market share to competitors. But Chris had defined performance criteria in a
way that made him look good. After the company was sold at a multiple of revenue about
one-third that of competitors, with Chris nonetheless pocketing about $4 million, the new
buyer lost customers—defections had been delayed but not prevented.
There are limits to what you can do to affect the criteria used to judge
your work. But you can highlight those dimensions of job performance that favor you
—and work against your competition.


When Rudy Crew ran Miami’s schools, the district budget was about $4.5 billion and the
school system employed more than 55,000 people. Crew may have thought his job was
to improve school performance, but with vast resources at stake, some school board
members were interested in who was getting the contracts and the jobs. Fraught with
divisions along racial and class lines, the school board apparently cared a lot about the
ethnic composition of the senior staff. As one person, providing public comment at the
school board meeting that began Crew’s dismissal, stated, if Rudy Crew’s last name
had been “Cruz,” perhaps he would have kept his job, given the large Latino population
in Miami. And, of course, school board members cared about their egos, and Crew was
not nearly deferential enough to earn some members’ endearment.
One of the reasons that performance matters less than people expect is
that performance has many dimensions. Furthermore, what matters to your boss may not
be the same things that you think are important. Jamie Dimon lost his job at Citigroupwhen he got into a tussle with Sandy Weill’s daughter, who also worked for the company.
Weill cared about his family, not just about the financial results of Citigroup.
Many people believe that they know what their bosses care about. But
unless they are mind readers, that’s probably a risky assumption. It is much more
effective for you to ask those in power, on a regular basis, what aspects of the job they
think are the most crucial and how they see what you ought to be doing. Asking for help
and advice also creates a relationship with those in power that can be quite useful, and
asking for assistance, in a way that still conveys your competence and command of the
situation, is an effective way of flattering those with power over you. Having asked what
matters to those with power over you, act on what they tell you.


You can almost always tell at least one aspect of your job performance that will be
crucial: do you, in how you conduct yourself, what you talk about, and what you
accomplish, make those in power feel better about themselves? The surest way to keep
your position and to build a power base is to help those with more power enhance their
positive feelings about themselves.
Most people, not just those who are somewhat insecure, like to feel
good about themselves. They are motivated to self-enhance—to seek out positive
information and avoid negative feedback—even though, objectively, people may learn
more from mistakes and learning what they have done wrong. People overestimate their
abilities and accomplishments—a phenomenon called the above average effect—with
way more than half of surveyed respondents reporting they are above average on
positive attributes such as intelligence, sense of humor, driving ability, appearance,
negotiating ability—pretty much anything and everything.16 And because people like
themselves, people prefer others who are similar, because what is more self-enhancing
than to choose someone who reminds you of—you! A large literature documents the
importance of similarity in predicting interpersonal attraction.17 For instance, people are
more likely to marry others whose first or last names resemble their own and, in
experiments, are more attracted to people whose arbitrary experimental code numbers
were similar to the participants’ actual birthdays. And because people like those who are
similar to them, they also favor their own groups and disfavor competitive groups—an
effect called ingroup bias and outgroup derogation18—and also prefer people from their
own social categories, for instance, of similar race and socioeconomic background.
One sure way to make your boss feel worse is to criticize that individual,
and this criticism is going to be particularly sensitive if it concerns an issue that the boss
feels is important and where there is some inherent insecurity. A talented manager
working at a large credit card organization in the valuation and decision infrastructuregroup—a department that creates predictive models of customer payment as well as
modeling customer acquisition and retention—was seeking accreditation as a credit
officer. The chief credit officer in the company was a big fan of hers. But then “Melinda”
talked to him when she was angry about one of his subordinates’ bad behavior at a
meeting. She told the chief credit officer that his subordinate’s bad behavior reflected on
his own leadership style, which sometimes entailed screaming at people himself.
Because leadership was one of his areas of personal insecurity, he reacted badly to the
criticism. He then held up Melinda’s accreditation for a while—just to show her who was
boss and in a form of revenge.
“Brent” was a reporter for the Associated Press, covering stories all
over the world, literally putting his life on the line to be where the news was happening.
Even though he covered one of the biggest stories of 2006, North Korea’s underground
nuclear test, he received a poor performance evaluation that year. The evaluation
commented on Brent’s contentious relationships with editors, who he felt were adversely
affecting the news product—a feeling he shared with his bosses.
The lesson: worry about the relationship you have with your boss at least
as much as you worry about your job performance. If your boss makes a mistake, see if
someone else other than you will point it out. And if you do highlight some error or
problem, do so in a way that does not in any way implicate the individual’s own self-
concept or competence—for instance, by blaming the error on others or on the situation.
The last thing you want to do is be known as someone who makes your boss insecure or
have a difficult relationship with those in power.
One of the best ways to make those in power feel better about
themselves is to flatter them. The research literature shows how effective flattery is as a
strategy to gain influence.19 Flattery works because we naturally come to like people
who flatter us and make us feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments, and
being likable helps build influence. Flattery also works because it engages the norm of
reciprocity—if you compliment someone, that person owes you something in return just
as surely as if you had bought the individual dinner or given a gift—because a
compliment is a form of gift. And flattery is effective because it is consistent with the self-
enhancement motive that exists in most people.
The late Jack Valenti, for some 38 years head of the Motion Picture
Association of America and prior to that an aide to President Lyndon Johnson,
understood both the power of flattery and how to do it. In advice written to Johnson in
1965, Valenti noted, “What I am suggesting is that the President fasten down support for
his cause by resorting to an unchanging human emotion—the need to feel wanted and
admired.”20 Valenti himself flattered Johnson by showing him loyalty and consistently
agreeing with him. In a speech to the American Advertising Federation Convention in
June 1965, Valenti said, “I sleep each night a little better, a little more confidently
because Lyndon Johnson is my President.”21 Valenti also flattered the studio heads for
whom he worked for more than 30 years. In fact, he understood and used the power of
flattery almost continuously. When I wrote him a note after he visited my class, he sent
back a handwritten message on the note complimenting me on my thank-you.
In his autobiography, written when he was in his eighties and published
after his death, there is no dishing of dirt or unflattering portraits of anyone mentioned.22
A practice of flattering the other, begun decades earlier as Jack Valenti began his pathto power, persisted even to the end of his life. And although the autobiography did not
win reviewer plaudits because of its generally genial tone and a consequent absence of
nitty-gritty details of the important events he had witnessed, no one who read the book
would think ill of Valenti because of anything he had written about them.
Most people underestimate the effectiveness of flattery and therefore
underutilize it. If someone flatters you, you essentially have two ways of reacting. You can
think that the person was insincere and trying to butter you up. But believing that causes
you to feel negatively about the person whom you perceive as insincere and not even
particularly subtle about it. More importantly, thinking that the compliment is just a
strategic way of building influence with you also leads to negative self-feelings—what
must others think of you to try such a transparent and false method of influence?
Alternatively, you can think that the compliments are sincere and that the flatterer is a
wonderful judge of people—a perspective that leaves you feeling good about the person
for his or her interpersonal perception skill and great about yourself, as the recipient of
such a positive judgment delivered by such a credible source. There is simply no
question that the desire to believe that flattery is at once sincere and accurate will, in
most instances, leave us susceptible to being flattered and, as a consequence, under
the influence of the flatterer. So, don’t underestimate—or underutilize—the strategy of
flattery. University of California–Berkeley professor Jennifer Chatman, in an unpublished
study, sought to see if there was some point beyond which flattery became ineffective.
She believed that the effectiveness of flattery might have an inverted U-shaped
relationship, with flattery being increasingly effective up to some point but beyond that
becoming ineffective as the flatterer became seen as insincere and a “suck up.” As she
told me, there might be a point at which flattery became ineffective, but she couldn’t find
it in her data.
This chapter has emphasized managing up—both the importance of
doing so and some ways of being successful at the task. That’s because your
relationship with those in power is critical to your own success. Best-selling author and
marketing guru Keith Ferrazzi says that, contrary to what most people think, they are not
responsible for their own careers. As he noted, your driving ambition and even your great
performance are not going to be sufficient to assure success in a typical hierarchical
organization. The people responsible for your success are those above you, with the
power to either promote you or to block your rise up the organization chart. And there are
always people above you, regardless of your position. Therefore, your job is to ensure
that those influential others have a strong desire to make you successful. That may entail
doing a good job. But it may also entail ensuring that those in power notice the good
work that you do, remember you, and think well of you because you make them feel
good about themselves. It is performance, coupled with political skill, that will help you
rise through the ranks. Performance by itself is seldom sufficient, and in some instances,
may not even be necessary.


The Personal Qualities That Bring Influence

RON MEYER, the president and chief operating officer of Universal Studios since
1995, is the longest serving head of a major motion picture company. A powerful figure
in the film industry, Meyer also provides an example of a life transformed. Ron Meyer
dropped out of high school when he was 15 and a couple of years later joined the U.S.
Marines. After leaving the Marines he got a job at a talent agency as a chauffeur, a
position that permitted him to learn a lot about the entertainment business as he listened
to the conversations of clients. After working as an agent for the William Morris Agency,
Meyer and some friends founded the Creative Artists Agency, a position that helped
establish him as a power broker in Hollywood.1
Meyer, like many successful people, profoundly changed over the
course of his life. He developed qualities that permitted him to obtain and hold on to
influence. If you are going to do likewise, you need to successfully surmount three
obstacles. First, you must come to believe that personal change is possible; otherwise,
you won’t even try to develop the attributes that bring power—you will just accept that you
are who you are rather than embarking on a sometimes difficult path of personal growth
and development. Second, you need to see yourself and your strengths and
weaknesses as objectively as possible. This is difficult because in our desire to self-
enhance—to think good things about ourselves—we avoid negative information and
overemphasize any positive feedback we receive.2 And third, you need to understand
the most important qualities for building a power base so you can focus your inevitably
limited time and attention on developing those.


People often think that whatever qualities are needed for building a path to power, either
you have them or you don’t, at least by the time you are an adult. But the biographies of
Ron Meyer and scores of other figures in political and business life belie that idea. WillieBrown, the longest-serving speaker in the history of the California Assembly, two-time
mayor of San Francisco, and one of the most powerful and effective figures in American
politics, lost his first election for the Assembly and also lost the contest the first time he
tried to become speaker. Over time, Brown developed more patience and empathy with
others and honed his ability to forge interpersonal relationships.3 Just as people learn to
play musical instruments, speak foreign languages, and play sports like golf or soccer,
they can learn what personal attributes provide influence and they can cultivate those
qualities. It may be easier when you are younger, but it is never too late.
John, a business school student, was uncertain whether or how he could
become more effective in acquiring power. In a class on power, he saw the material as
something to be used later in life, when he was “higher in the food chain,” as he put it.
Nonetheless, John decided to run a small personal experiment as he looked for a job, to
see if he could act differently and what the results would be.
John understood he needed to project confidence and self-assurance,
even though his personal history and family background did not always leave him feeling
as if he “belonged.” Girding himself for the arrival of on-campus recruiters, John dressed
in a stylish fashion to stand out while still fitting in and projected himself forcefully during
his interviews while still being respectful of the other person. “I would stand and
approach the interviewer as they approached me, making eye contact, shaking their
hand before they shook mine, sitting in a slightly dominant position through the course of
the interview,” he said. “All of this was done to convey that I had some level of power in
the room.”
John received seven job offers from his seven interviews. And he
attributed his success to the way he had presented himself, in part because a number of
those offering him jobs commented on how he stood out from his peers through his
You can change, too. Choreographer Twyla Tharp, the winner of two
Emmy Awards and a Tony, in talking about creativity, made a comment that also rings
true for developing power and political skill:

Obviously, people are born with specific talents…. But I don’t like using genetics as
an excuse…. Get over yourself. The best creativity is the result of habit and hard

Of course people have personalities and individual attributes that come
from some combination of genetics and upbringing. But strategically changing individual
attributes to become more personally effective is both possible and desirable. When
one man I interviewed, Paul, questioned his ability to develop and use the qualities that
produce power, I asked him this:

PFEFFER: Did you learn to ski?
PAUL: Sure.
PFEFFER: Was skiing a natural act?
PFEFFER: You learned to ski, and you just admitted that the skills involved in skiing
weren’t natural. If you learned those skills, you can also develop the qualities that will
make you more powerful.


If you are going to develop yourself, you need to begin with an honest assessment of
where your developmental needs are the greatest—where you have the biggest
opportunity for improvement. Such an assessment poses a big motivational challenge. In
the first place, because we like to think well of ourselves, we overestimate our own
abilities and performance. We avoid people who are critical of us and our work and
frequently try to downplay any negative information about ourselves. We tell ourselves
that our past success shows evidence of our talents, so we can just keep doing what we
have always done. Marshall Goldsmith recognized the challenge of overcoming
defensiveness about our abilities and behaviors in his best-selling book based on his
many years of work as an executive coach.5 If, as you progress through your career, you
need to develop new ways of thinking and acting, and such development requires effort,
you must be sufficiently motivated to expend the effort. But to admit you need to develop
new behaviors and skills seems to require admitting you are not as perfect as you would
like to believe.
Goldsmith, in his work with high-level executives, who mostly have huge
egos, has tried to develop coaching techniques that mitigate the natural human tendency
to first avoid and then reject any information about our deficiencies. For instance,
instead of giving people feedback about what they have done right and wrong in the
past, he focuses on “feedforward,” which emphasizes what people need to do to get
ready for the subsequent positions and career challenges they will confront. The idea is
this: when people focus on what they need to get to the next stage of their careers, they
are less defensive. This is very clever: focusing on what you need to change to
accomplish future personal goals can be much more uplifting than going back and
reviewing past setbacks or considering areas of weakness. I don’t care what you do or
how you do it, but just as improving the décor of a house when you stage it for salerequires a walk-through in which you and others assess what needs to be changed,
enhancing your own skills requires the same sort of evaluation of your own areas for
Here’s a suggestion. After considering the personal qualities described
later in this chapter, do a self-assessment exercise. Grade yourself on a scale of 1 (“I
don’t have this quality at all”) to 5 (“I have a lot of this quality and can readily use it”) on
each of the attributes. Better yet, have others grade you as well. And then, either by
yourself or with a friend, develop a specific action plan for building those qualities where
you scored the lowest. Regularly review your progress, and make sure you are
continuing to develop those personal qualities that help build power.
And recognize a second challenge in your self-assessment. Even if you
are willing to do the emotionally tough work of being clinically objective about your
strengths and weaknesses, you may not have the requisite expertise to know how or
what to improve. Simply put, knowing what you’re doing wrong requires already having
some level of knowledge and skill—and if you had the knowledge and skill to recognize
your mistakes, you probably wouldn’t be making them in the first place!
I get asked for various kinds of help all the time—questions about the
business literature, requests to meet and provide career advice or to assist people
facing political difficulties inside their companies. I am sure many people receive such
requests, often out of the blue and frequently over the Internet because there is so little
anonymity these days. In most instances, the reason the person is having a particular
problem is evident in how the request is made: no attempt to provide any sort of
evidence of similarity or social connection; no understanding of the other’s perspective
as the recipient of such a request; no explanation as to how I, as the target, was
selected. And if the question is school-or project-related, there is often no familiarity with
or mastery of the subject matter. Later in this book we will meet Ray, an effective, book-
smart human resources executive and leadership trainer who lost his job to
organizational politics. Talking to Ray convinced me that although he was tremendously
knowledgeable about designing leadership training, and a hard worker with great
values, he understood little about the political dynamics inside companies—and
because of that, he did not know what he did not know.
This situation is not unusual. Cornell social psychologists Justin Kruger
and David Dunning did pathbreaking research about a decade ago showing that people
without the requisite knowledge to perform a task successfully also lacked the
information and understanding required to know they were deficient, and in what ways.6
For instance, people who scored in the 12th percentile on tests of grammar and logic
thought they were in the 62nd percentile. Not only did they overestimate their own
performance; they also had difficulty assessing what they had answered correctly and
where they had made mistakes, and they could not accurately recognize the relative
competence of others.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem: get advice from
others who are more skilled than you and will tell you the truth about yourself.
Unfortunately, asking for this sort of help sometimes feels like weakness and people are
reluctant to admit what they do not know—that self-enhancement thing again. Ironically,
therefore, those who admit ignorance are more likely to improve—in all domains,
including understanding power dynamics inside companies—than those who either don’tknow their deficiencies or are afraid to admit them to others. As Confucius said, “Real
knowledge is to know the extent of one’s own ignorance.” And to be able to improve
requires sharing this information with others who can help remedy the lack of
As for the third obstacle, it is possible to both identify what personal
skills and qualities produce power and then work to develop them. Here I highlight seven
of the most important qualities you need to traverse a path to power.


Although there is a growing research literature on power in organizations, there is less
systematic evidence than I might like on the personal attributes that produce power. In
part that’s because such research is inherently difficult. Asking about the qualities of
people already in power can confound whether the qualities created the influence or
whether they were a consequence of holding power. What research there is,8 plus my
own analysis of scores of political and business biographies and observing literally
hundreds of leaders in all walks of life, leads me to emphasize two fundamental personal
dimensions and seven qualities that are both logically and empirically associated with
producing personal power.
The two fundamental dimensions that distinguish people who rise to
great heights and accomplish amazing things are will, the drive to take on big
challenges, and skill, the capabilities required to turn ambition into accomplishment. The
three personal qualities embodied in will are ambition, energy, and focus. The four skills
useful in acquiring power are self-knowledge and a reflective mind-set, confidence and
the ability to project self-assurance, the ability to read others and empathize with their
point of view, and a capacity to tolerate conflict. After describing each attribute, I will
discuss a quality often associated with power but one that I think is, beyond some level,
highly overrated—intelligence.


Success requires effort and hard work as well as persistence. To expend that effort, to
make necessary sacrifices, requires some driving ambition. The late Richard Daley,
former mayor of Chicago and considered one of the 10 best mayors in American history,
did not run for that office until he was 53 years old. “Daley realized early in life that hedid not run for that office until he was 53 years old. “Daley realized early in life that he
desired power, and he was willing to wait patiently for the opportunity to exercise it. He
spent three decades toiling quietly at the routine jobs of urban machine politics.”9 Doris
Kearns Goodwin’s Pulitzer Prize–winning biography of Abraham Lincoln emphasized
Lincoln’s driving ambition as one of the most important qualities that produced his
success in political life. Lincoln’s drive enabled him to overcome an impoverished
background, early political setbacks, and personal slights.10
And what is true in politics is also true in business. Jill Barad, who rose
to become CEO of toy company Mattel, possessed unquenchable ambition. She often
wore a bumblebee pin. “The bee is an oddity of nature. It shouldn’t be able to fly, but it
does. Every time I see that bee out of the corner of my eye, I am reminded to keep
pushing for the impossible.”11
Organizational life can be irritating and frustrating and can divert
people’s effort and attention. Ambition—a focus on achieving influence—can help
people overcome the temptation to give up or to give in to the irritations. As Melinda, a
vice president in a large credit card organization, told me, the relentless focus on a goal
permits her to put up with the annoying, stupid, frustrating situations she encounters—to,
in her words, not get hung up with the imperfect in the moment. Her desire for career
success helps her control her emotions and continue to work to achieve her objectives.
And Melinda’s efforts to stay focused on the outcomes she is seeking and not get hung
up on the people and their idiosyncrasies have been an important factor in her rapid
career progress in the credit card company where she works.


Laura Esserman, director of the Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center at the University
of California–San Francisco, and a person who has led remarkable changes in medical
practice both locally and nationally from a position of little formal power, got her MBA
degree while practicing medicine full-time and having her first child. As she once said to
me, “You don’t change the world by first taking a nap.” The late Frank Stanton, president
of CBS and a huge influence in the news and broadcasting world, worked prodigious
hours including on the weekend and typically got five hours of sleep a night.12 Rudy
Crew, the school system leader, is an insomniac, often up at three in the morning. Crew
was typically the first person to arrive in the New York City chancellor’s office, where he
made the coffee.13 I know of almost no powerful people who do not have boundless
That’s because energy does three things that help build influence. First,
energy, like many emotional states such as anger or happiness, is contagious.14
Therefore, energy inspires more effort on the part of others. As a young congressional
secretary working for Representative Richard Kleberg in the early 1930s, future U.S.
president Lyndon Johnson worked his two aides mercilessly. But because he worked
alongside them with just as much effort, they didn’t complain.15 Your hard work signals
that the job is important; people pick up on that signal, or its opposite. And people arethat the job is important; people pick up on that signal, or its opposite. And people are
more willing to expend effort if you are, too.
Second, energy and the long hours it permits provide an advantage in
accomplishment achieved in a wide range of fields—consistently finds that “laborious
preparation” plays an important role. Social psychologist Dean Keith Simonton has
spent more than a quarter century studying the determinants of genius. He writes,
“individual differences in performance in a wide diversity of talent domains can be
largely attributed to the number of hours devoted to the direct acquisition of the
necessary knowledge and skill…. Some investigators have even suggested that the
notion of talent or innate genius may be pure myth.”16 Obviously, having the energy that
permits you to put in long hours of hard work helps you to master subject matter more
Third, people often promote those with energy because of the
importance of being able to work hard and also because expending great energy
signals a high degree of organizational commitment and, presumably, loyalty. As
Melinda, the credit card executive, commented, if there are two people and one is willing
and able to work 16 hours and one just 8, it is clear who will be chosen for a promotion
People can develop more energy and get by on less sleep. Laura
Esserman credits her surgical training and having to go long hours without sleep during
her internship and residency with helping build her endurance. This suggests that there is
a practice or training effect in developing energy. Kent Thiry, the CEO of kidney dialysis
company DaVita, and someone known to do backward somersaults at employee
meetings, has his personal assistant schedule exercise time for him—a lifestyle
influence on energy that implies that even people who have demanding jobs and travel a
lot can eat and exercise in ways that enhance their capacity for hard work. And you are
more likely to have energy if you are committed to what you are doing, so in that sense,
energy goes along with ambition.


Put some dried grass out in the sun and nothing happens, even on the hottest day. Put
the dried grass under a magnifying glass and the grass catches on fire. The sun’s rays,
focused, are much more powerful than they are without focus. The same is true for
people seeking power.
There are several dimensions to focus. One is specialization in a
particular industry or company, providing depth of understanding and a more substantial
web of focused relationships. From an early age, Bruce Cozadd knew he was interested
in the drug industry. His bachelor’s degree from Yale was in science. After he received
his MBA, he took a job with ALZA, a pharmaceutical company, rapidly rising to become
the chief financial officer and then executive vice president and chief operating officer.
After Johnson and Johnson purchased ALZA, Cozadd consulted for severalpharmaceutical companies before founding Jazz Pharmaceuticals. He serves on the
boards of two other companies—both in biotechnology. Unlike many of his peers,
Cozadd stuck with one company, ALZA, for the first 10 years after business school and
has remained in the same industry throughout his career. He argued that this focus has
provided him with more detailed knowledge of the industry, its technology and
management issues, and also a denser network of contacts within the industry than if he
had a more diffuse background.
Melinda has worked for the same credit card company since 2002. She
noted that one advantage of staying in one place is that you get to know more people in
a single organization, and this deeper knowledge permits you to better exercise power
because of the stronger personal relationships you form and your more detailed
knowledge of the people you are seeking to influence. Although there is a lot of talk
recently about increased career mobility, it remains the case that it is often easier to
acquire positions of influence as an insider. A recent profile of CEOs of S&P 500
companies found that the median tenure with their company was 15 years.17
A second dimension of focus is concentration on a limited set of
activities or functional skills. If, as much research suggests, genius requires a large
number of hours to achieve outstanding levels of competence, it is true, by definition,
that you can acquire those hours in less elapsed time if you focus your attention more
A third aspect to focus is to concentrate on those activities within your
particular job or position that are the most critical—that have the most impact on getting
work done and on others’ perceptions of you and your effectiveness. Vernon, a rapidly
rising executive at Barclays Bank, has impressed his peers with his laserlike focus on
the things that matter most to the company, whether it is some presentation to a senior-
level executive or an information technology project. Vernon argues that this focus on the
5 to 10 percent of all the possible job duties that actually have the most leverage allows
him to manage his time more effectively and also permits him to allocate the resources
of his team for greatest effect.
Focus turns out to be surprisingly rare. People are often unwilling or
unable to commit themselves to a specific company, industry, or job function. Particularly
talented people often have many interests and many opportunities and can’t choose
among them. Moreover, they often feel that diversification in their work roles provides
some protection against making the wrong choice. That may all be true, but the evidence
suggests that you are more likely to acquire power by narrowing your focus and applying
your energies, like the sun’s rays, to a limited range of activities in a small number of


A few years ago while conducting some executive training inside Fireman’s Fund, a $12
billion insurance company owned by the German financial services conglomerate Allianz,I met Joe Beneducci, who was chief operating officer at the time. In 2007, when he was
39 years old, Insurance and Technology magazine named him one of the tech-savvy
CEOs of the year. When I inquired about how he had reached such a high level at such a
young age, Joe assured me that it was not his educational background—he had done
well in his studies but had not gone to an elite school. Instead, he attributed his success
to extensive reading—he read at least one nonfiction book a week—and to his practice
of structured self-reflection. After every significant meeting or interaction, he would make
notes in a small notebook. He would write down what had gone well and what hadn’t,
what people had said and done, and the outcome of the meeting. That notebook
captured his thoughts about what had transpired so that he could make future
interactions more effective; and the discipline of writing fostered reflection and also
imprinted the insights more forcefully into his consciousness.
Dr. Modesto “Mitch” Maidique, a Cuban American who served as the
president of Florida International University for 23 years and previously ran two
companies and served as a partner in the investment banking firm Hambrecht and Quist,
has had a distinguished career in both the profit and nonprofit world. When I asked him
what leadership habits he thought made him effective, his response was immediate:
making notes about decisions, meetings, and other interactions and reflecting on what
he had done well or poorly so that he could improve his skills.
There is no learning and personal development without reflection. Andy
Hargadon, a business school professor at University of California–Davis, has noted that
many people who think they have 20 years of experience really don’t—they just have one
year of experience repeated 20 times. Structured reflection takes time. It also requires
the discipline to concentrate, make notes, and think about what you are doing. But it is
very useful in building a path to power.


Two decades ago, I watched Dr. Frances K. Conley, the first female full professor of
neurosurgery, in action. On one occasion she met with her surgical fellows and then with
a patient with a malignant brain tumor. Even today, treatments for cancerous brain
tumors aren’t often successful, and some 20 years ago, the treatment options were even
more limited. With her trainees, Dr. Conley exhibited uncertainty about what to do and
asked for their thoughts. But when she walked into the patient’s room, she became a
different person. Without denying the seriousness of the situation or glossing over the
prognosis, Dr. Conley spoke confidently about what she recommended as a course of
treatment. When I later asked her about her changed demeanor, Dr. Conley replied that
there is some placebo effect as well as an effect of attitude and spirit on the course of
disease; therefore, she did not want the patient to give up or become depressed. Had
she expressed self-doubt, the patient might have left to seek treatment elsewhere, from
people or facilities less qualified to provide state-of-the-art care.
Formal job titles and positions can provide influence and power. But inmany situations, you will be working with peers or with outsiders who may not know your
formal status. And in any case, observers are going to try and figure out if they should
take you seriously or not. Consequently, you need to seize control of the situation. In
making decisions about how much power and deference to accord others, people are
naturally going to look to the other’s behavior for cues. Because power is likely to cause
people to behave in a more confident fashion, observers will associate confident
behavior with actually having power. Coming across as confident and knowledgeable
helps you build influence.
Amanda was a middle-aged, talented executive sent by her large,
successful consumer products company to get a master’s degree in management. The
very fact that the company sent her and paid her salary and her tuition during the one-
year program signaled they had great expectations. The question was, could she
leverage the opportunity? In the spring, Amanda began thinking about her organizational
reentry. She drafted an e-mail she was going to send to her company sponsors, but
fortunately decided to run it by a friend, a woman executive from another company. That
friend strengthened the tone of the message, making it clear that Amanda aspired to the
senior executive ranks and was looking for a career path that would get her there and
stating much more explicitly the type of position she expected on her return. Although she
was initially reluctant to send what she viewed as a presumptuous message, Amanda
did forward it and was pleasantly surprised by the response. Her company colleagues
liked her confident approach and her expressions of ambitious career aspirations. And
why not? That’s how senior executives behave, and Amanda had shown she was just like
Showing confidence seems often to be a particular issue for women,
who are socialized to be deferential and less assertive. But that behavior causes
problems. Research by social psychologist Brenda Major shows that women work
longer and harder for the same amount of money, award themselves lower salaries, and
have lower career-entry and peak-earnings expectations than men.18 One implication of
this research is that because women don’t think they are worth as much, they are
disadvantaged in salary negotiations, which is one reason why there are persistent
male-female earnings differentials.
The consequences of not being confident and assertive apply to
everyone, not just to women, and not just in salary determination. If you aren’t confident
about what you deserve and what you want, you will be reluctant to ask or to push, and
therefore you will be less successful in obtaining money or influence compared to those
who are bolder than you.

Empathy with Others

Training in negotiation often includes advice to negotiate over “interests” rather than
“positions.” Through a process of mutual concessions, both parties may end up better
off, but in order to succeed at such an approach, you need to understand where the otheris coming from. This ability to put yourself in another’s place is also useful for acquiring
power. One of the sources of Lyndon Johnson’s success as Senate majority leader was
his assiduous attention to the details of his 99 colleagues, knowing which ones wanted a
private office, who were the drunks, who were the womanizers, who wanted to go on a
particular trip—all the mundane details that permitted him to accurately predict how
people would vote and figure out what to give each senator to gain his or her support.
University of Texas psychologist William Ickes has studied empathic
understanding. He notes:

Empathetically accurate perceivers are those who are consistently good at “reading”
other people’s thoughts and feelings. All else being equal, they are likely to be the
most tactful advisors, the most diplomatic officials, the most effective negotiators, the
most electable politicians, the most productive salespersons, the most successful
teachers, and the most insightful therapists.19

What sometimes gets in the way of putting ourselves in the shoes of
others is too much focus on the end goal and our own objectives and not enough
concern for recruiting others to our side—or at least curtailing the likelihood of their
opposition. When Laura Esserman was pushing for changes at the breast care center at
UCSF, she also agreed to raise funds for a mammography van to provide access to
these diagnostic services in the poorer sections of San Francisco. Meanwhile, the
department of surgery, where she held her primary appointment, was running a deficit,
and the department chair wondered why a radiology service was being supported out of
surgery; the medical center’s chief financial officer was worried about the bond ratings
for the debt required to build a new medical school campus in the Mission Bay section
of San Francisco; and many administrators were concerned about treating more
Medicaid patients, given the inadequate reimbursement rates, in the event that the
mobile diagnostic unit turned up lots of poor women with breast cancer.
Initially focused on saving lives, providing treatment to disadvantaged
women, and “doing the right thing,” Esserman ignored the others’ concerns. But then one
day she realized that mammography was not even a diagnostic modality she was
interested in pushing and that she was diverting her efforts into an enterprise that only
provoked opposition. So she called her department chair and said, “I understand your
point of view, I agree, and I will take care of this.” Within two weeks she closed the
service down, and that simple act gained her support from people whose help she
needed. It also conveyed an important lesson: far from diverting you from accomplishing
your objectives, putting yourself in the other’s place is one of the best ways to advance
your own agenda.

Capacity to Tolerate Conflict

There are lots of books and quite a bit of empirical research on the detrimental effects
of workplace bullying—the screaming, ranting, profanity, and carrying on that sometimes
occur in workplaces—on both the people who are the targets and the organizations in
which they work.20 So why does such behavior persist? Because it is often extremely
effective for the perpetrator. Because most people are conflict-averse, they avoid difficult
situations and difficult people, frequently acceding to requests or changing their
positions rather than paying the emotional price of standing up for themselves and their
views. If you can handle difficult conflict-and stress-filled situations effectively, you have
an advantage over most people.
Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s chief of staff and formerly a very
successful member of the House of Representatives from Illinois who ran the
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is known for his temper. “Emanuel
seems to employ his volcanic moments for effect, intimidating opponents…but never
quite losing himself in the midst of battle,” observes Ryan Lizza.21 Former New York City
mayor Rudolph Giuliani, recognized for accomplishing a lot while in office, was someone
who never shrank from a fight: “Mr. Giuliani was a pugilist in a city of political brawlers,”
noted New York Times writers Michael Powell and Russ Buetnner. “But far more than
his predecessors, historians and politicians say, his toughness edged toward
ruthlessness and became a defining aspect of his mayoralty.”22
Some people mistakenly believe that this willingness to engage in
conflict is a source of power only in Western cultures, with their higher tolerance for
individualistic behavior and more open, less circumspect style of interaction. But I don’t
see much evidence for this view. In Singapore, a country that runs campaigns promoting
courteous behavior, former long-serving prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, the father of the
country, has been described as someone who was “often rude and contemptuous.”23
Lee came to power by taking on the British, who governed the country, and has shown
no reluctance to back down from fights with political opponents over the ensuing years.
Katsuji Kawamata, who went to work at Nissan in 1947 after a failing career at the
Industrial Bank of Japan, eventually rose to become head of this large auto company
even though he had no experience in the industry. His path to power in this typical
Japanese organization entailed unexpected displays of toughness. As described in
David Halberstam’s book The Reckoning, Kawamata’s rude and coarse behavior had
a purpose: “It was…a power play. ‘What he was telling us—and we did not realize it at
first—was that what interested us did not have to interest him,’ one of them [a Nissan
manager] said years later, ‘but what interested him had to interest us.’”24INTELLIGENCE

As we have already seen, job performance is not strongly correlated with the ability to
acquire power. But what of intelligence? There is probably no human trait that has been
studied as much.
The research shows that intelligence is the single best predictor of job
performance.25 However, intelligence is often overrated as an attribute that will help
people obtain power. That’s because intelligence seldom accounts for much more than
20 percent of the variation in work performance in any event, and the relationship
between performance and attaining power is equally weak.
Explaining career success has been the holy grail for researchers and
practitioners—pursued by, among others, test developers and colleges and graduate
schools that would like to find more valid ways of screening applicants. However, the
goal remains elusive and the importance of general mental ability in understanding who
actually gets ahead is small. A meta-analysis—a statistical summary of existing
research—examining 85 data sets from a variety of countries concluded that the
correlation between intelligence and income was .2, and although this was statistically
significant, it meant that only about 4 percent of the variation in income was explained by
variation in intelligence.26
Many studies of the predictors of career success, focusing on both the
general population and specific subpopulations such as business school graduates,
have found that mental aptitude correlates somewhat with grades in school but has
virtually no ability to explain who rises to the top. That’s because academic performance
is a weak predictor of career success measures such as income.27 To take just one
recent example, Justice Sonia Sotomayor scored poorly on the scholastic aptitude tests
that measure general academic ability and was admitted to Prince ton on the basis of
affirmative action. Nonetheless, she graduated from Prince ton with academic honors
and then reached the highest levels of the law, finally being appointed to the Supreme
Court of the United States.28 The inability of measures of intelligence to account for
much variation in who gets ahead has led to the idea of multiple intelligences and efforts
to develop indicators of constructs such as emotional intelligence that might be more
useful in accounting for various career success measures.29
Furthermore, intelligence, particularly beyond a certain level, may lead to
behaviors that make acquiring or holding on to influence less likely. People who are
exceptionally smart think they can do everything on their own and do it better than
everyone else. Con sequently, they may fail to bring others along with them, leaving their
potential allies in the dark about their plans and thinking. Being recognized as
exceptionally smart can cause overconfidence and even arrogance, which, as we will
see in more detail later, can lead to the loss of power. And smart people may think that
because of their great intelligence they can afford to be less sensitive to others’ needs
and feelings. Many of the people who seem to me to have the most difficulty putting
themselves in the other’s place are people who are so smart they can’t understand why
the others don’t get it. Lastly, intelligence can be intimidating. And although intimidationcan work for a while, it is not a strategy that brings much enduring loyalty.
Many books about fiascoes—smart people making poor decisions
—make this very point in their titles: The Best and the Brightest, Halberstam’s study of
Vietnam, for instance, or The Smartest Guys in the Room, McLean and Elkind’s book
about Enron. The late Robert McNamara, secretary of defense during the Vietnam War
and a person invariably described as brilliant, told documentary producer Errol Morris in
The Fog of War that the big mistake was not seeing things from the perspective of the
North Vietnamese.30 Enron’s collapse resulted in part because some people thought
they were so smart they denigrated anyone who doubted their approach, and no
alternative viewpoints could survive inside the company. So while intelligence helps in
building a reputation and in job performance, it often holds the seeds of people’s
downfall in creating overconfidence and insensitivity.
Once you set out to develop the attributes that can bring you influence,
your next task is to figure out where best to deploy them. That is the subject of the next


Choosing Where to Start

WHERE YOU begin your career affects your rate of progress as well as how far you
go. At two University of California campuses, the speed with which professors moved up
a civil service–type salary ladder reflected the power of their academic department
—those in more powerful departments moved up the salary scale more quickly.1 A study
of 338 managers who began their career in a 3,500-employee public utility found that the
power of the unit where people began their careers affected the rate of salary growth,
with people starting in more powerful units moving up more rapidly.2 That study also
found that managers who began their careers in higher-powered departments, such as
operations, distribution, and customer service, were more likely to remain in high-power
units as they changed jobs. Prior to its breakup by the government, the road to the CEO
position at AT&T was through the Illinois Bell subsidiary. If you wanted to be CEO at
Pacific Gas and Electric, the legal department was the best place to build your career.
The shift in power from engineers to lawyers was visible over time: in 1950, only 3 of the
company’s most senior positions were occupied by attorneys; by 1980, the comparable
number was 18.3 For many years, finance was the route to the top at General Motors.4 At
the University of Illinois, where I began my academic career, senior university positions
were often filled with people from the physics department.
At Wells Fargo, prior to the merger with Norwest, senior leaders came
disproportionately out of the management sciences department. This list included Clyde
Ostler, who during his 30-year career was the chief financial officer, head of retail
banking, and head of Internet banking; Robert Joss, who rose to become vice chairman
of Wells Fargo before going on to be CEO at Westpac Bank in Australia and then dean
of Stanford Graduate School of Business; Frank Newman, who also served as CFO at
Wells Fargo before going on to run Bankers Trust; and Rod Jacobs, who served as CFO
and later as president of Wells Fargo. As the management sciences group provided
analysis for many of the bank’s most critical decisions, people in that department had
exposure to the bank’s most senior leaders. At the young age of 23, Ostler did analyses
for Wells Fargo’s investment committee, whose members included the top six decision
makers. Committee members were also part of the bank’s management committee, so
Ostler was soon working with that group and sitting in at their meetings. At a very early
point in his career, Clyde Ostler had an excellent position within the bank’s
communication network, with access to both critical information and key people.
We intuitively know that not all career platforms are equal in value as a
path to power, and research supports that intuition. But people often err in choosingwhere to start building their power base. The most common mistake is to locate in the
department dealing with the organization’s current core activity, skill, or product—the unit
that is the most powerful at the moment. This turns out to not always be a good idea
because the organization’s most central work is where you are going to encounter the
most talented competition and also the most well-established career paths and
processes. Moreover, what is the most important function or product today may not be in
the future. So if you want to move up quickly, go to underexploited niches where you can
develop leverage with less resistance and build a power base in activities that are going
to be more important in the near future than they are today. The following two examples
illustrate this idea in action.


You might think that knowing something about cars would be a good way to rise to the
top of an automobile company, or that having a background in software would be
important for having a successful career in one of the world’s largest software firms. But
you’d be wrong in both cases. And in understanding why, you can gain some important
insights into where to launch your career.
By 2009, Zia Yusuf was executive vice president of the Global
Ecosystems and Partner Group for SAP, the $15 billion company headquartered in
Germany that competes fiercely with Oracle in the enterprise resource planning and
database software market. One of the top executives in the multinational company
where he had worked for just nine years, the 41-year-old Yusuf headed a group that was
responsible for SAP’s partner relations, online communities, and customer outreach. But
Yusuf did not seem to have a background that would augur for career success in a high-
tech, engineering-dominated company.5
Zia Yusuf was born in Pakistan and educated at Macalester College in
Minnesota, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and international
studies. With an interest in international development, he went to work for a firm doing
development economics consulting and obtained a master’s degree from the
Georgetown University School of Foreign Service. Yusuf then joined the World Bank,
where he did quite well, becoming a permanent staff member. However, the bank did not
permit Yusuf to move to its private-sector arm, the International Financial Corporation, so
on the advice of his wife, Yusuf decided to go back to business school to strengthen his
private-sector credentials and get a second master’s degree. He obtained his MBA
from Harvard in 1998 and went to work for Goldman Sachs, a position that leveraged his
banking and economics background and was a common destination for HBS grads.
Yusuf did well at Goldman and was particularly skilled at managing client relationships,
but he did not enjoy the banking work.The late 1990s was the height of the dot-com boom and a time of great
excitement about Silicon Valley; many of Yusuf’s HBS classmates and Goldman Sachs
associates were going west to pursue their careers. One of his colleagues from Harvard
was a board assistant to Hasso Plattner, one of the cofounders of SAP. Yusuf, who had
never even heard of SAP let alone knew what it did, flew to the Bay Area to talk to
Plattner about a position in the company’s Palo Alto office. At the time, he thought this
was a good way to transition to the area—SAP would pay for the move and he could get
a better feeling of the Silicon Valley culture and opportunities at close range.
Yusuf’s first real job at SAP was as chief operating officer of the SAP
Markets group, a separate legal entity wholly owned by SAP that had been established
to build an electronic marketplace—an exchange that brought buyers and sellers
together and made money by taking a small fee on each transaction. Other companies
such as Commerce One were also pursuing this business model, which ultimately turned
out not to be successful. Although the unit in SAP did develop some important software
components used in other SAP product offerings, the 600-person operation was
When SAP Markets closed down, Yusuf got the assignment to build an
internal strategy consulting capability. Hiring talented people both from outside and from
other units inside SAP, Yusuf built a department that had its hand in almost every high-
level decision that required data collection and analysis—issues such as how to redo the
human resources department, pricing questions, and organizational structure and design
choices. The department, called the corporate consulting team (CCT), became the point
of contact for managing any outside consultants SAP used. When Hasso Plattner
became interested in user-centered design and design thinking, it was natural for Yusuf
and his group to take the lead in making connections with IDEO, the award-winning
product design firm, and with other outside resources that could help SAP build its user-
centered design capability.
After four years as head of the CCT, a unit with offices in Germany and
Palo Alto, Yusuf took on the job of consolidating and developing an ecosystem activity
for the company, reporting to Leo Apotheker, who later became CEO. With favorable
publicity for this activity in BusinessWeek,6 and with increasing revenues and products
coming from partners and the developer and customer community that fell within the
ecosystems domain, Yusuf had already accomplished quite a bit. Moreover, because of
his visibility to customers, partners, and competitors, Yusuf was in the sights of executive
search firms to fill a CEO role in a high-tech company, and many thought that would be
his next move.
Zia Yusuf had gone from being a banker to a senior leadership role in a
large software company and a possible chief executive in a high-tech company in less
than a decade—with no degree in engineering and never even having run an
engineering or sales organization. In late 2009, Yusuf announced he was leaving SAP
—as he told me, to find a COO or CEO role in a smaller company. His resignation
prompted calls from the most senior SAP executives, including Plattner and Apotheker,
who assured him that if he stayed, he would soon be on the executive board, one of the
top seven people in the company.
Zia Yusuf’s successful career had followed the trail developed decades
earlier at the Ford Motor Company—leveraging an analytical staff position into a powerbase. Right after World War II, a small group of highly trained, very smart young men who
had worked together in the Pentagon providing analytical support for the war effort
moved as a team to one company where they felt they could have a substantial and
immediate impact. The company they chose, Ford Motor, was led by a young and
inexperienced Henry Ford II and was a mess, with rampant internal corruption, union
troubles, and lax to nonexistent financial controls.7
The so-called Whiz Kids gravitated to the finance, accounting, and
control functions. Their analytical bent was not well suited to the backslapping, hard-
drinking world of sales and was particularly out of place in the tumult and grime of the
factories. Plus, none of them knew anything much about manufacturing or, for that matter,
cars. While Tex Thornton, their informal leader, left for Hughes Aircraft and later founded
Litton Industries, others, including Robert McNamara and Arjay Miller, eventually rose to
the top of the company and influenced a whole generation of management in many large
corporations. People from Ford, protégés of the finance group, eventually held senior
positions at Xerox, International Harvester, and other leading companies.
The career success of the Whiz Kids at Ford, and particularly
McNamara, who became the first non–Ford family member to be named president of
the company, depended on several factors. First, they had advanced degrees and elite
credentials from leading universities. Henry Ford II, who had not finished college and
was facing the very difficult task of turning around a faltering Ford Motor Company, was
impressed with the Whiz Kids’ pedigree. Second, the analytical orientation and the
numbers the group produced provided at least the appearance of rationality and
certainty to a troubled company. Third, the finance people talked the language of Wall
Street and the financial markets, which, even in the 1950s, with Ford becoming a public
company, seemed important. Ed Lundy, vice president of finance and a McNamara ally,
would speak authoritatively on what would happen to the stock price if a certain decision
were made and that argument would invariably carry the day. Fourth, the finance people
were conservative when it came to spending money, and the money they weren’t
spending was Ford money. Cutting out waste and internal corruption, McNamara and his
colleagues increased profits, and with this initial success, Henry Ford II became
increasingly risk-averse.
But perhaps the most important source of the finance group’s success
was their centrality in consequential decisions. Was money needed to modernize plants
or invest in new product development? Finance was not only involved in such decisions,
but its criteria and data were the most important considerations. Finance had staff
people ensconced in every plant, gathering information and seeing what was going on,
and to ensure loyalty to finance, those people were regularly rotated back to
headquarters, where, they were told, their careers would be made. Finance moved
talented people into other areas of the company to extend its influence and came to
control the agendas and the flow of information throughout the company. Vice president
of finance Ed Lundy and his group even gained control over the performance evaluation
process and the ratings that determined salary progress and promotions. Not
surprisingly, finance people and those loyal to the finance in-group did better: “The
company’s personnel charts were marked with green tape to designate employees who
were outstanding. An exceptional number of Lundy’s people, because they were smart
but also because they were doing each other’s personnel reports, were gradedoutstanding.”8 And because finance produced numbers, not cars, it was largely immune
to criticism. Finance people didn’t have to make or sell anything—just keep Henry Ford II
happy and their opponents on the defensive.


The Whiz Kids and the finance function at Ford illustrate one source of departmental
power—unit cohesion. At Ford’s finance function, there were socialization rituals
—running the overhead projector at meetings, preparing briefing books, gathering
articles and information—that served the same function as training in the military for the
company’s young, up-and-coming executives: imparting some specific skills and
knowledge but more importantly building common bonds of communication and trust that
come through shared experiences. Speaking with one voice, being able to act together
in a coordinated fashion, is an important source of departmental power and
effectiveness.9 That’s why the military evaluates leaders in part on the cohesion of their
units and why coaches of team sports work so hard to build unity of action and purpose.
Another source of departmental power is the ability to provide critical
resources, such as money or skills, or the ability to solve critical organizational problems,
both topics the subject of literally decades of research.10 Naturally, as competitive
exigencies change, creating different pressing issues and changing the sources of
money, so, too, does the locus of power. Berkeley sociologist Neil Fligstein’s historical
study of the backgrounds of large company chief executives nicely illustrates this
process at work.11 Around the beginning of the 1900s, entrepreneurs held the CEO
positions. Then manufacturing and production became the most common backgrounds
for corporate leaders: with the emergence of the large-scale industrial enterprise and
national markets, solving production and engineering issues were the most critical tasks
companies faced. Starting in the 1920s and into the 1930s, CEOs tended to come from
marketing and sales, as selling products and services, rather than producing them,
became a more important challenge. And finally, beginning in the 1960s and then
increasingly in the 1970s and 1980s, CEOs came out of finance. This change reflected
the growing power of the capital markets, the consensus that shareholder value was the
most important measure of organizational success, and the need for companies to build
strong relationships with the financial community.
Both Zia Yusuf at SAP and the finance function at Ford benefited from
being ahead of the changes confronting the two companies. When Yusuf arrived at SAP,
the big issue facing the company wasn’t how to design and build software: the company,
filled with talented engineers and software designers, had already done that. The
problem was that most of the large corporations that were target customers had alreadypurchased enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems either from SAP or from a
competitor. Therefore, in order to continue to grow, SAP needed to design products that
could be purchased and readily used by small and midsized enterprises—and that
required a new strategy and marketing approach. The CCT, the company’s first
corporate-wide strategy unit, was able to provide strategic focus and data necessary for
the change.
Yet another avenue for growth was to build or sell applications that could
turn the enormous amounts of raw data sitting in these ERP systems into business
intelligence and solutions to specific business problems. Consequently, SAP needed
application developers who, much like companies did with Apple’s iPhone, would build
and sell tailored applications that would use SAP’s platform—hence, the importance of
the ecosystems unit that Yusuf developed and ran. And as the ERP marketplace
became more competitive, pricing and marketing strategy and user-centered design
were all becoming much more critical. All of these changes made Yusuf’s skills and the
departments and connections he built more important. Describing his interactions with
some of his SAP colleagues about his group’s and his own role and their importance to
the company, Yusuf said, “You know about software design and development—good,
two points for you. How are we going to sell and make money off this software? All right,
two points for me.” Indeed, Hasso Plattner had recognized the changing skill sets
needed inside SAP, which is why he had encouraged the company to bring in people
with different, broader backgrounds.
Similarly, when the Whiz Kids arrived at Ford, they found a young CEO
and a company that was out of control. The most critical problem was imposing financial
discipline on this sprawling enterprise. Although it is hard to remember now, in the
1940s, after World War II, people would buy any car that was built; even into the 1950s
and 1960s, the big three U.S. automakers owned the market. Design and engineering
weren’t that critical when innovation was mostly about the size of tail fins, and although
the industry was always cyclical, sales skills were not that critical, either. As the Whiz
Kids arrived, finance and business education were both about to take off on a sustained
period of expansion, and to be an analytically skilled, highly educated person in finance
at Ford was to be almost in the center of this emerging universe. Without for a moment
denying the considerable skills of Yusuf and the finance folks at Ford, both also
benefited mightily from being at the right place at the right time. In Yusuf’s case, this
entailed an element of luck, but Halberstam’s description of the move of the Whiz Kids
to Ford Motor shows a good amount of strategic thinking about which company would
provide the group the best opportunity.12

DIAGNOSING DEPARTMENTAL POWERIt is always useful to be able to diagnose the political landscape, whether for plotting your
next career move or for understanding who you need to influence to get something done.
UK professor Andrew Pettigrew, studying power dynamics in a decision to purchase a
computer, noted the importance of understanding power distributions for influencing the
decision process.13 Carnegie-Mellon professor David Krackhardt’s analysis of power in
a small entrepreneurial company found that the people within the firm with the most
accurate perception of the power distribution and networks of influence had more
power.14 Skill at diagnosing power distributions is useful.
A single measure or a single indicator of anything invariably has
measurement error. That’s why a good doctor will take more than one reading of your
blood pressure and, in diagnosing an illness, typically uses multiple tests and considers
many symptoms. The same is true for diagnosing departmental power. Any single
indicator may be misleading—but if many such indicators provide a consistent answer,
then your confidence should be greater. Over the years, I have found the following to be
reasonably good clues to which departments have the most power.

Both starting salaries and the pay of more senior positions in departments connote
relative power. In the public utility study mentioned earlier, the starting salary was about 6
percent higher for people beginning their careers in the departments with higher power.
Although that appears to be a small difference, this was a company that hired new
managers into a relatively standardized training and initial career rotation program, so
any difference would be unexpected. Some years ago, a study of salaries of the most
senior executives (now called “C level,” as in “chief”) in different countries revealed that
in Germany, the head of research and development was the best paid; in Japan, it was
research and development and human resources; while in the United States, it was
finance. These relative pay levels speak to the power of the different departments and
show how that departmental power varies across countries.15

Being physically close to those in power both signals power and provides power through
increased access. Some years ago, a student group obtained floor plans for the Pacific
Gas and Electric Company’s headquarters building over many years. The company
provides electricity and natural gas to much of northern California and portions of
Nevada. Over time, the engineering department moved down in the building as the
lawyers and finance folks moved up. Finally, engineering went to a satellite facility miles
away from headquarters in San Francisco. This was occurring as the proportion of
lawyers and finance types in senior management was increasing.
The importance of office location leads to an often-expensive shiftingand redoing of offices as political fortunes wax and wane. This is particularly true in
highly politicized places such as the White House. As John Dean, counsel to President
Nixon, commented, “Success and failure could be seen in the size, décor, and location
of offices. Anyone who moved to a smaller office was on the way down. If a carpenter,
cabinetmaker or wallpaper hanger was busy in someone’s office, this was a sure sign
he was on the rise.”16 I once visited the office of a friend who had taken over as head of
training for a large bank. His office looked out on some air-conditioning units in a run-
down building several blocks from corporate headquarters. When I arrived he said, “Let
me tell you about the role of training in this bank.” He didn’t have to. The office,
unfortunately, told it all. He soon left for other opportunities as he discovered that training
really didn’t matter at that time at that bank.

One way of seeing the power of finance is to look at the salary of the head of that
function. But another would be to look at who, besides the CEO, is the insider most likely
to serve on a company’s board of directors. In many instances, particularly as boards
have replaced insiders with outsiders, finance is the only internal management function
represented on the board. That signals its relative power.
So, too, does the background of the senior-level team, particularly the
CEO and the COO. One way to sense the shift in power going on at SAP would be to
look at Zia Yusuf’s success. But another would be to note that the most recent appointee
as CEO, Leo Apotheker, came out of a sales background—the first nontechnologist to
lead the company. The changing environment of health care has produced a shift in the
power structure of hospitals: they used to be run by doctors; now they are more likely to
be part of a large chain run by people with business and administrative experience. Neil
Fligstein’s study of CEO backgrounds, discussed earlier in this chapter, is interesting
and important because it reflects the shifting power positions of different business
functions over time. And it is not just positions, but also the composition of powerful
committees—such as the executive committee—that can tell you the power of various
departments. Paying attention to what departments are represented in powerful
positions provides an important clue as to where the power lies.

COMPETITIONYou face a dilemma. Being in a powerful department provides advantages for your
income and your career. But for that very reason, lots of talented people want to go to the
most powerful units. The Ford finance department in the 1960s, clearly the road to senior
positions not only at Ford but at other companies that recruited from that department,
could take the best of the best graduates of the leading business schools—which was
great for the department and its ability to maintain its power but not so great for those
individuals facing heightened competition. Early entrants into the corporate consulting
team at SAP, not just Zia Yusuf, benefited from being valued pioneers of an important,
new (for the company) business unit with tremendous visibility at the executive board
level. Many people moved from the CCT to other important roles within SAP—something
that was intended from the beginning, since one of the department’s defined objectives
was to be an entry point for talented people from different academic disciplines. But
after a while, what was novel became routine, and it is far from clear that those entering
SAP today would benefit as much from beginning their careers in the CCT.
This type of trade-off—pioneering a new path and the risk that entails
versus entering an established domain but facing greater competition—occurs at the
business level as well. When Apple introduced the first personal computer in the late
1970s, there was no competition, but, as Steve Jobs frequently noted, the product was
often dismissed by those who thought it was too small to do serious computing. Now the
legitimacy of the small computer product category is unquestioned, but current entrants
confront a highly competitive market with very strong players.
Your answer to this dilemma depends on the extent to which you are an
organizational entrepreneur and risk taker. It also depends on whether you are satisfied
being carried along by a powerful tide or you want to get ahead of the wave or create
your own pond where you can stand out.
Ann Moore became chairman and CEO of Time, Inc., in 2002 and has
been frequently listed by Fortune as one of the 50 most powerful women in business.
Moore graduated from Harvard Business School in the late 1970s, but instead of
following her classmates into consulting or investment banking, she chose her lowest-
paying job offer to join Time’s finance department. After spending one year in the more
typical MBA role of financial analyst, Moore sought a central role within the magazine
group. She moved to Sports Illustrated. At the time, the cable division, which included
HBO, looked like where the action was going to be, as magazines were perceived as a
dying entity. Moore started a sports magazine for children and later moved to People,
where she was named president of the magazine in 1993 and increased People’s
performance from an already high level. Moore’s career success came from her
standout performance in a “dying” unit, and from being a woman in a man’s sports
magazine, which helped provide her visibility. By taking a different path, she helped her
prospects for career success.
Entering the Ford finance function, the University of Illinois physics
department, the cable division at Time, or the consulting unit at SAP even relatively late
in the game would, as long as the department remained powerful, assure you of a good
career both in terms of position and money. But if you want to break out of the pack,
other things being equal, you would be better off in a different department with more new
opportunity. Witness Yusuf’s move to the ecosystem unit and the additional career
success that has provided, and even more recently, his move out of SAP to pursue newopportunities.
What I have detailed is the risk-return trade-off faced in countless
business arenas. As such, there is no right or simple answer. But whatever your choice,
you would be well served to try to understand not just what today’s powerful departments
are, but where you think the power is going. And that forecasting skill is possible,
although not assured or easy, by paying attention to the unfolding dynamics of the
particular business and its environment.
Cisco, the designer and manufacturer of networking equipment, was
founded by computer scientists from Stanford. The power inside the company originally
resided with engineers and those with the technical expertise necessary to develop and
manufacture the company’s first products. But by 1994, the year Mike Volpi graduated
from business school and turned down offers from McKinsey, Bain, and Microsoft to join
Cisco in its business development function, it was becoming clear that Cisco could not
and would not invent all of the technologies necessary to maintain its market leadership
position. John Morgridge, then running the company, had already made the first large
acquisition, purchasing Crescendo Communications in 1993. Soon, Cisco was busy
making acquisitions—acquiring some 70 companies between 1993 and 2000. The
companies that Volpi and his business development team brought into the fold
contributed 40 percent of Cisco’s revenues by 2001.
At Cisco, as in many companies, acquisitions fell under the purview of
business development. Volpi moved to further enhance the business development unit’s
power by building the skills inside that unit that could diminish its reliance on external
advisers, such as investment bankers. Mike Volpi and his colleagues gained
considerable power at Cisco in a short period of time. By the early 2000s, Volpi was
among the four most senior executives at the company even though he was relatively
young and inexperienced with technology. There were other executives, some with
banking or consulting backgrounds, who joined the business development group early
on in its rise to power and participated in its success. Seizing that opportunity required
understanding the company’s need to acquire technology externally and to take seriously
its initial steps down the path to becoming a serial acquirer of existing businesses.
Joining Cisco’s business development unit in 1994 when it had two people, as Mike
Volpi did, put him in a rapidly expanding strategic business function with enormous
visibility to senior management and the board of directors that ultimately discussed and
approved all acquisitions. Joining much later provided comparatively fewer career
In this chapter, we have seen how and why power varies across
departments, with implications for developing your power base. In the next chapter, we
consider how, once you decide where you want to be, you can get the job or opportunity
that you want.


Getting In: Standing Out and Breaking Some Rules

WHEN KEITH FERRAZZI, now a best-selling author, marketing maven, and star of the
lecture circuit, graduated from Harvard Business School in 1992, he had offers from two
consulting companies, McKinsey and Deloitte. Pat Loconto, the former head of Deloitte
Consulting, recalled that before accepting the offer, Ferrazzi insisted on seeing the
“head guys,” as Ferrazzi called them. Loconto met Keith at an Italian restaurant in New
York City, and “after we had a few drinks at this restaurant, Keith said he would accept
the offer on one condition—he and I would have dinner once a year at the same
restaurant…. So I promised to have dinner with him once a year, and that’s how we
recruited him. That was one of his techniques. That way, he was guaranteed access to
the top.”1
Not many people would have the audacity to ask to speak with the head
of the firm where they were being hired, and even fewer would ask that individual to have
dinner with them once a year. They would be afraid of being turned down, of seeming
arrogant or audacious, of creating waves, and plus, that’s not how things are done in the
typical recruiting scenario. In chapter 3 we saw that it’s important to know where you
want to go—the department you want to be in and the path to power you see for yourself.
It’s even more important to be able to get what you want. As the Ferrazzi story and
research discussed in this chapter show, launching or re-launching your career requires
that you develop both the ability and the willingness to ask for things and that you learn to
stand out. People often don’t ask for what they want and are afraid of standing out too
much because they worry that others may resent or dislike their behavior, seeing them
as self-promoting. You need to get over the idea that you need to be liked by everybody
and that likability is important in creating a path to power, and you need to be willing to
put yourself forward. If you don’t, who will?
The late Reginald Lewis was a successful African American corporate
lawyer and founder of a buyout firm, TLC Group. TLC bought the McCall Pattern
Company in the early 1980s and, under Lewis’s turnaround efforts, returned investors 90
times their money. TLC later bought Beatrice Foods, creating the first black-owned
company with revenues of over $1 billion and making Lewis one of the wealthiest people
in the United States. But back in 1965, Lewis wasn’t someone with a prominent place in
African American business history. He didn’t have an international law program at
Harvard and an African American history museum in Maryland named after him.2 He was
just a young man from a tough Baltimore neighborhood who was graduating from
Virginia State University and had set his sights on going to Harvard Law School. Duringthat summer he was in a Rockefeller Foundation–funded program at Harvard Law
School for high-potential college students designed to interest them in careers in the law
and help them prepare for the application process. There was just one problem—one of
the rules of the program was that no one who participated could even be considered for
admission to Harvard Law School. Moreover, Lewis had not taken the Law School
Aptitude Test, or even applied to Harvard Law, and he wanted to start the program that
Even as he was doing well in the summer program by expending
enormous effort and standing out in the mock court trial to such an extent that 30 years
later professors still talked about his performance, Lewis met with a Harvard Law
professor and then with the dean of admissions. With these faculty members he pressed
his case by forcefully arguing “the myriad ways an association between Reginald Lewis
and the law school would be mutually beneficial.”3 At the end of the summer, Reggie
Lewis matriculated at Harvard Law School, becoming the only person in the history of
the school who was admitted before he filled out an application.
Both Reginald Lewis and Keith Ferrazzi understood that the worst that
could happen from asking for something would be getting turned down. And if they were
turned down, so what? They would not be any worse off than if they had not asked in the
first place. If they didn’t ask or if they were refused, they would not receive what they
sought, but at least with asking, there was some hope. Some people do believe that
worse things could occur: that their bold behavior could offend those exposed to it and
they could develop a “bad reputation.” Probably not, and the risk of standing out is well
worth taking, as we are about to see.


Asking often works. After reading the Keith Ferrazzi case, one student in my class
decided to ask the head of the London-based consulting firm recruiting him to have a
meal together once a year. The head of the firm not only agreed but suggested a lunch
once a month and also volunteered to be this former student’s mentor. Another individual,
Logan, was working at Deloitte Consulting while the firm was being reorganized. Logan,
a talented person with a good reputation in the Atlanta office, would be getting a boss
who didn’t know him. The new boss was coming to town to meet with everyone for 30
minutes as part of a get-acquainted visit. Logan called the guy and commented that
since he had to have lunch anyway, why not have lunch together? The new boss agreed
and Logan used the opportunity to start forging a positive, personal relationship with his
new boss.
Asking Works, but People Find It Uncomfortable

Asking for help is something people often avoid. First of all, it’s inconsistent with the
American emphasis on self-reliance. Second, people are afraid of rejection because of
what getting turned down might do to their self-esteem. Third, requests for help are
based on their likelihood of being granted: why ask for something like a meeting or
dinner once a year if you are certain the answer is going to be no? The problem is that
people underestimate the chances of others offering help. That’s because those
contemplating making a request of another tend to focus on the costs others will incur
complying with their request, and don’t emphasize sufficiently the costs of saying no.
Rejecting an appeal for help violates an implicit and socially desirable norm of being
“benevolent.” Would you rather be known as generous or stingy? In addition, turning
down a request made in person is awkward. We are taught from childhood to be
generous, so we are inclined to grant the requests of others almost automatically.
Furthermore, saying yes to a request for assistance reinforces the grantor’s position of
power. To offer mentoring or to open doors for another not only causes someone to
depend on you and reciprocate the favor, perhaps by becoming a loyal supporter in the
future; it also signifies that you can do something for someone else and that you
therefore have power.
Business school professor Frank Flynn and a former doctoral student,
Vanessa Lake, studied how much people underestimate others’ compliance with
requests for assistance in a series of studies that illustrate how uncomfortable asking for
help can be. In one study, participants were asked to estimate how many strangers they
would need to approach in order to get 5 people to fill out a short questionnaire. The
average estimate was about 20 people. When the participants actually tried to get
people to fill out the short questionnaire, they only needed to approach about 10 people
on average to get 5 to comply with the request. Asking for some small help from
strangers was apparently so uncomfortable that about one in five of the study
participants did not complete the task. This dropout rate is much higher than typical in
experiments where almost everyone finishes once they agree to participate.
In another study, people estimated they would need to approach 10
strangers to let them borrow their cell phone to make a short call—the actual number
approached to reach the target of 3 acceptances was 6.2. And people also
overestimated the number of strangers they would need to approach to get someone to
walk them to the Columbia University gymnasium about three blocks away. They thought
it would take 7 asks, but it took just 2.3 on average. Once again, asking people to walk
with the participant to show them the gym was apparently very uncomfortable, as more
than 25 percent of the participants did not complete the task after agreeing to do so.
The Flynn and Lake research demonstrates that people are pretty bad at predicting the
behavior of others. It is hard for us to take the other’s perspective and see the world from
his or her point of view. Their research also shows that asking people for small favors
makes the requesters very uncomfortable.4

Asking Is Flattering

One reason why asking works is that we are flattered to be asked for advice or help
—few things are more self-affirming and ego-enhancing than to have others, particularly
talented others, seek our aid. When Barack Obama arrived in the U.S. Senate, he built
relationships by asking for help. He asked about one-third of the senators for advice and
forged mentoring relationships with Tom Daschle, the party’s former Senate leader who
had just lost his reelection bid, as well as with Ted Kennedy and Republican senator
Richard Lugar. As an article about Obama in the New York Times noted, “His role as a
good student earned him the affection of some fellow lawmakers.”5 If you make your
request as flattering as possible, compliance is even more likely.
Ishan Gupta is a young man on the move. He cofounded Appin
Knowledge Solutions, a technology training institution in India. I met him when he was in
business school, which he attended after he lost a power struggle at Appin. He was still
in his twenties and about to graduate into the difficult labor market in the recession of
2009 with multiple offers. Gupta had done a great job building networks and branding
himself as an up-and-coming talent, particularly in India, and he did it by writing a book
on entrepreneurship.6 Although India has a number of large and successful high-tech
companies, such as Infosys and Wipro, there is not yet much of a culture of
Gupta’s book is interesting not so much for its content as for who it
includes as chapter authors and endorsers. The foreword is by Sabeer Bhatia, the
founder of Hotmail, the free e-mail service purchased by Microsoft in 1998 for a price
rumored to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars. On the back cover is a picture of
Gupta and his coauthor on either side of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, who also wrote an
endorsement that appears on the front cover—Kalam was the president of India at the
time of the book’s publication. Inside are 18 very, very short chapters by leading Indian
entrepreneurs, all of whom now know Ishan Gupta and are at least committed enough to
him to have written something for his book. He told me that of all the people he
approached to write a piece for the book, only four or five turned him down, even though
he knew none of them personally when he first approached them.
Gupta’s strategy for getting these people’s help was simple: determine
who he wanted to be involved in the project and then ask them in a way that enhanced
their feelings of self-esteem. Of course, once some prominent people agreed, those
who were approached later were flattered to be asked to join such a distinguished
group. Gupta focused his pitch on how important the subject of entrepreneurship was to
India’s economic development, how successful the people he approached had been in
building businesses, how much wisdom and advice they could share, and how much
help they could provide to others. He told them that he was a fellow entrepreneur and a
graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology like many of them, that he appreciated how
they had risked striking out on their own, and how unusual and courageous it was to start
a business at that time in Indian society. Gupta then paid them the ultimate compliment,noting that no one would take a book by someone like him seriously and he might miss
important insights, but with their help, it would be a better and more widely read book.
Gupta also lowered the cost of agreeing to his request by asking the prominent and busy
people he approached to write just a page or two, a few hundred words, with some key
advice. People love to give advice as it signals how wise they are, and Gupta packaged
the request brilliantly.
Gupta had cleverly noted that he was a fellow entrepreneur and an IIT
engineer—albeit one with much less success than the people he was approaching. This
strategy works because research shows that people are more likely to accede to
requests from others with whom they share even the most casual of connections.
Participants in an experiment who believed that they shared a birthday with another
person were almost twice as likely to agree to a request to read an eight-page English
essay by that person and provide a one-page critique the following day. In a second
study, people who believed they shared the same first name as the requester donated
twice as much money when asked to give to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.7
If you are approaching someone to ask for something—help finding a
job, a chapter for a book like Gupta’s, advice on some matter of consequence
—presumably you have selected the person you are asking because of their
qualifications and experience. Show that you understand their importance and how wise
they are in how you frame the request. Research summarized by social psychologist
Robert Cialdini in his best-selling book, Influence, illustrates how effective flattery can be
in getting others on our side. Asking for help is inherently flattering, and can be made
even more so if we do it correctly, emphasizing the importance and accomplishments of
those we ask and also reminding them of what we share in common.


There is lots of competition inside organizations—for jobs, for promotions, for power.
Your success depends not only on your own work but also on your ability to get those in a
position to help your career, like your boss, to want to make you successful and help you
in your climb. For someone to hire you or promote you they must notice you. You need to
do some things to stand out. And to do that, you need to get over the idea that “the nail
that stands up gets hammered down” and similar aphorisms I hear over and over again
as well as a natural reluctance to toot your own horn. In other words, you need to build
your personal brand and promote yourself, and not be too shy in the process.
When President Barack Obama selected Hillary Clinton to be secretary
of state, she was a U.S. senator from New York and Governor David Patterson had to
appoint her successor in the senate. Initially, virtually everyone thought they knew who
was going to be selected—Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of the assassinated formerpresident John F. Kennedy and a longtime New Yorker who had been actively involved in
the New York City schools and in a variety of public-service activities such as serving on
nonprofit boards. Kennedy had tried to live as normal a life as possible up until that time
and was unprepared for the limelight and the scrutiny that came with it. She was also
surprisingly unprepared for the rough-and-tumble competition for the job and reluctant to
engage in the campaigning—self-promotion—required to secure it. Although there are
many reasons Kennedy eventually decided to take her name out of consideration for the
post, Lawrence O’Donnell, a political analyst for the television network MSNBC and a
personal friend of Kennedy’s, commented: “Most of us have modesty impulses—you
don’t want to brag—and you have to learn to defy these basic human impulses and say,
‘I’m the greatest, and here is why you need me for this job,’ and do it without any
hesitation or any doubt.”8
Many people believe that they can stand out and be bold once they
become successful and earn the right to do things differently. But once you are
successful and powerful, you don’t need to stand out or worry about the competition. It’s
early in your career when you are seeking initial positions that differentiating yourself
from the competition is most important.
When Henry Kissinger, the Nobel Prize–winning secretary of state and
national security adviser, joined the Harvard undergraduate class of 1950 as a
sophomore in 1947, he was surrounded by talented peers. As Walter Isaacson
described in his biography, Kissinger sought the sponsorship of William Elliott, a pillar of
the Government Department. On the basis of his grades, Kissinger was entitled to have
a senior faculty member as his tutor, but Elliott brushed him off as he did many others,
giving him 25 books to read and telling him not to return until he had completed a difficult
essay assignment. Kissinger read the books, completed the essay, and got Elliott to
take him under his wing. Elliott’s sponsorship proved important in his academic career.
Later, Kissinger wrote an undergraduate honors thesis of some 383 pages, resulting in
a rule that specified that, in the future, no undergraduate thesis could be more than 100
pages and informally known as the “Kissinger rule.” Once in the doctoral program in the
Government Department, Kissinger carried himself as if he were a senior faculty
member. He made appointments as if his time were very precious, and invariably
arrived fifteen minutes late. Although such behavior and his apparent arrogance did not
endear him to his fellow students, he built a reputation for his brilliance in part on the
basis of his intellectual capacity but also on the basis of behavior that differentiated
Kissinger from his colleagues.9
But does this strategy of standing out work in cultures that are not as
focused on the individual and as brash as the United States? Absolutely. In Japan, where
I first heard the aphorism about the nail being hammered down, Akio Morita, the
cofounder of Sony Corporation, defied convention as an eldest son by not going into the
family’s sake business, broke from the mold as a father by sending his children out of
Japan for some of their education, offended many of his business colleagues in Japan
and elsewhere by writing a book highly critical of American business practices, led Sony
to become the first Japanese company to list on the New York Stock Exchange, and
built products that were smaller and more portable than those of his competitors.10
Soichiro Honda, founder of the Japanese automobile company that bears his name,
was famous for his antics, which included hurling tools at workers who did inferior workand skydiving even when he was in his seventies.
From another Japanese, Kiich Hasegawa, who built the consulting
company Proudfoot into one of the larger consulting companies in Japan, I learned the
wisdom of standing out, even in, or possibly particularly in, places where it is “not done.”
Proudfoot put on unconventional marketing events, such as a lavish reception with a
beautiful female Japanese violinist. Hasegawa often employed a brash style, speaking
frankly to customers and even potential customers about their organization’s problems.
When I asked him about his unusual approach, he described his marketing strategy as
almost seducing people to come to you and your company to see what you are about.
One way of doing that was by doing things differently, which intrigued others and piqued
their interest. He argued that he and Proudfoot had been successful precisely because
they did things differently from the expected Japanese way of doing things.
In advertising, the concept of standing out to become memorable is
called “brand recall,” which is an important measure of advertising effectiveness. What
works for products can work for you too—you need to be interesting and memorable and
able to stand out in ways that cause others to want to know you and get close to you.
This advice, and much other advice in this book, although based on
solid research findings, seems to defy conventional wisdom and break the rules of how
you are supposed to behave. Of course it breaks the rules! As Malcolm Gladwell has
insightfully noted, the rules tend to favor—big surprise—the people who make the rules,
who tend to be the people who are already winning and in power. Gladwell described
research that shows how playing by the rules—following conventional wisdom—in
arenas ranging from sports to war favors the already more powerful, while doing things
differently and following an unconventional strategy permits even heavily outresourced
underdogs to triumph. In every war in the last 200 years conducted between unequally
matched opponents, the stronger party won about 72 percent of the time. However, when
the underdogs understood their weakness and used a different strategy to minimize its
effects, they won some 64 percent of the time, cutting the dominant party’s likelihood of
victory in half. As Gladwell noted, “When underdogs choose not to play by Goliath’s rules,
they win.”11 So, if you have all the power you want or need, by all means not only follow
the rules but encourage everyone else to do so too. But if you are still traversing your
path to power, take all this conventional wisdom and “rule-following” stuff with a big grain
of salt.


People are sometimes afraid to ask for things and to pursue strategies that cause them
to stand out because they are concerned they won’t come across as likable. Research
generally shows that people are more likely to do things for others whom they like, andthat likability is an important basis of interpersonal influence,12 but there are two
important caveats. First, most of the studies examined situations of relatively equal
power where compliance with a request for assistance was largely discretionary.
Second, as Machiavelli pointed out 500 years ago in his treatise The Prince, although it
is desirable to be both loved and feared, if you have to pick only one, pick fear if you
want to get and keep power.
Machiavelli’s advice anticipated research in social psychology about
how we perceive others. That research found that the two virtually universal dimensions
used to assess people are warmth and competence.13 Here’s the rub: to appear
competent, it is helpful to seem a little tough, or even mean. Harvard Business School
professor Teresa Amabile studied how participants reacted to excerpts from actual
reviews of books. Amabile found that negative reviewers were perceived as more
intelligent, competent, and expert than positive reviewers, even when independent
experts judged the negative reviews to be of no higher quality.14 The title of her paper,
“Brilliant but Cruel,” says it all. Other research has confirmed her findings: nice people
are perceived as warm, but niceness frequently comes across as weakness or even a
lack of intelligence.15
Condoleezza Rice served as national security adviser under President
George W. Bush. Before joining the government, Rice was provost at Stanford under
President Gerhard Casper; there she was known for being someone you did not want to
cross. As Jacob Heilbrunn wrote, “Rice slashed the budget and challenged proponents
of affirmative action…earning the enmity of many students and much of the faculty for
her blunt style. Rice’s credo, as she told one protégé, was that ‘ people may oppose you,
but when they realize you can hurt them, they’ll join your side.’”16

Likability Can Create Power, but Power Almost Certainly Creates

Condoleezza Rice is right: people will join your side if you have power and are willing to
use it, not just because they are afraid of your hurting them but also because they want to
be close to your power and success. There is lots of evidence that people like to be
associated with successful institutions and people—to bask in the reflected glory of the
Some years ago, social psychologist Robert Cialdini and some
colleagues did a wonderful study of this effect. Cialdini taught at Arizona State University,
which has a first-class but not dominating football team. In a typical season ASU will win
some but not all of its football games. This created a great opportunity for the ASU
researchers to ask: If the team won the game the previous Saturday, would more
students wear clothes with school insignia the following Monday? Their study found that a
higher proportion of people wore visible items of clothing with the school colors, letters,
name, or other insignia following a victory than following a defeat. They also found thatpeople were more likely to use the inclusive pronoun “we” to refer to a group following
that group’s success rather than failure.17
What this research implies is that people’s support for you will depend
as much on whether or not you seem to be “winning” as on your charm or ability. When
writer Gary Weiss profiled Timothy Geithner, who was then the up-and-coming president
of the New York Federal Reserve, “some of the nation’s most prominent figures in
government and finance—former Federal Reserve chairmen Paul Volcker and Alan
Greenspan, as well as John Thain, then CEO of Merrill Lynch, and former New York Fed
chief Gerald Corrigan—were only too happy to share fond anecdotes about this youthful
public official.” But things changed in the fall of 2008, when Geithner became Obama’s
secretary of the Treasury and ran into trouble as the financial meltdown unfolded: “When I
approached them [these same prominent figures] again for this article, to get a word of
defense of their beleaguered friend, the reaction was far different.”18

What’s Likability Got to Do with Anything?

At a conference in Florida where I was giving a presentation, I sat next to a Harvard
Business School graduate from the class of 1992 at dinner. I asked if he knew Keith
Ferrazzi, who had graduated that same year. The answer was, “Of course.” He wasn’t a
close personal friend of Keith’s and noted that Ferrazzi was not necessarily very popular
with his HBS classmates. My next question, had he hired Ferrazzi to do marketing
consulting for his company in the online publishing space? The answer: “Certainly.
What’s liking got to do with hiring someone to help you build your business? The
question is, ‘Can they be helpful to you?’”
This instrumental view of personal relationships is not uncommon and
indeed may be necessary for organizational survival. During Clarence Thomas’s well-
publicized Supreme Court nomination hearings, Anita Hill came forward with
accusations of sexual harassment. The question frequently asked of her was: if she was
so uncomfortable and Thomas had actually behaved inappropriately toward her, why had
she continued to have anything to do with him? In Strange Justice, Jane Mayer and Jill
Abramson provided a possible answer: “Hill chose to stay in touch with Thomas
because it was good for her career. Thomas was one of the most powerful people—and
probably the most powerful African-American—in her field…. Whether Hill liked it or not,
she and Thomas were professionally linked, and it was up to her to either put a good
face on it or allow it to be a festering problem.”19
Research shows that attitudes follow behavior—that if we act in a
certain way, over time our attitudes follow. For example, if we act friendly toward an
adversary whose help we need, we will come to feel more friendly as well. There are
many theoretical mechanisms that account for this effect. One holds that people infer
their own attitudes from their behavior—or as Michigan professor Karl Weick put it, “I
know what I think when I see what I say.” Another is Leon Festinger’s theory of cognitive
dissonance, which argues that people seek to avoid inconsistency, and one way ofaccomplishing that is to adjust their attitudes to be consistent with their behaviors.20
What this implies is that if we interact with powerful people because we need them to do
some task or to help us in our career, over time we will come to like them more or at
least forgive their rough edges. And in choosing who we will associate with, usefulness
to our career and job loom as important criteria.

People Forget and Forgive

The principle of hedonism underlies many theories of individual behavior, ranging from
economics to psychology—we seek pleasure and avoid pain. This is as true for our
memories and our interpersonal relationships as it is for any other aspect of our lives.
Therefore, over time we will forget the specifics of painful interactions just as women tell
me they forget the pain of childbirth, and although we can remember the fact that we had
pain from a surgery, the intensity and specificity of that memory soon fades. We also
forgive the slights and wounds inflicted by others, and are particularly likely to forgive
people if we are in contact with them. And we are more likely to remain in contact if they
are powerful. Over time, even the most contentious adversaries can become close
In the 1920s, Robert Moses, New York City’s master builder and urban
planner, was beginning his career as Long Island parks commissioner. He seized some
land called the Taylor estate using a constitutionally questionable process. Kingsland
Macy, a stockbroker and a member of a corporation that had an interest in the estate,
opposed Moses and fought him in court, believing that no one’s home was safe if
Moses’s power was not curtailed. A few years later, Macy’s financial resources were
exhausted by the struggle and he finally gave in. Macy subsequently went into politics
and for decades ruled the Suffolk County Republican organization with an iron hand. The
two formerly bitter adversaries became close friends:

And when after Macy had fought his way to power, Robert Moses, needing his help,
made overtures of friendship, Macy accepted them. Although the strength of their
personalities often made them clash, the two one-time “amateurs in politics” were for
more than thirty years the closest of political allies, allies so close, in fact, that when,
in 1962, cancer-ravaged King Macy knew he was about to die, Moses was the only
person outside his immediate family whom he wanted to see.21Standing out helps you get the jobs and power you may seek. Asking for
what you need and being less concerned about what others are thinking about you can
help in launching your path to power. But acquiring and wielding power requires the
resources to reward your friends and punish your enemies, the information and access
that can foster your rise in the organization. So let’s explore how to acquire resources,
even if you seemingly have nothing.








IN VIRTUALLY all organizational domains, controlling access to money and jobs brings
power. In government, Jesse Unruh, a former Democratic political boss and treasurer of
California, called money the mother’s milk of politics. Former two-term San Francisco
mayor Willie Brown, whose 16 years as speaker and virtual ruler of the California
Assembly prior to becoming mayor marked him as an extremely effective politician,
began his campaign for the legislative leadership post by raising a lot of money. And
since he was from a “safe” district, he gave that money to his legislative colleagues to
help them win their political contests. Brown understood an important principle: having
resources is an important source of power only if you use those resources strategically
to help others whose support you need, in the process gaining their favor. In contrast to
Brown, the Assembly speaker at the time, Leo McCarthy, irritated his Democratic
colleagues to the point of revolt by holding a $500,000 fundraiser in Los Angeles
featuring Ted Kennedy and then using 100 percent of the money for his nascent efforts to
run for statewide office.1 He was soon out of his job, replaced by Willie Brown.
Investigative journalists have long adhered to the maxim “Follow the
money” as they uncover power structures in governments and communities. And for
good reason: research shows a correlation between campaign contributions and public
officials’ voting behavior, partly because legislators reward their supporters and partly
because political action committees choose to direct their funding toward legislators
with compatible voting records.2 What’s true in government and community power is just
as true for understanding power dynamics inside profit and nonprofit organizations—the
people and the subunits that control resources possess an important source of power,
as I briefly discussed in chapter 3. You can see this dynamic play out over time in
financial institutions, where the power of investment bankers waned as more profits
came from the firms’ trading activities—that is, until trading got the companies into
financial trouble. Then power migrated back to those responsible for more traditional,
stable, and less risky sources of revenue and earnings.
There are numerous examples of the connection between resources
and indicators of power in the corporate world. As one example, research on executive
compensation consistently shows a connection between the size of the firm and CEO
pay, an effect much larger than the relationship between pay and performance. One
meta-analysis of chief executive compensation found that firm size accounted for more
than 40 percent of the variation in pay while performance accounted for less than 5percent.3 The positive association between firm size—the amount of resources
controlled by the CEO—and pay results in efforts to expand the size of the pot
regardless of the financial consequences. Such behavior includes merging with other
companies to create a larger entity, even though studies consistently show that the vast
majority of mergers destroy shareholder value. The relationship between organizational
size and pay extends down into the employee ranks and holds for other organizations
such as universities and other nonprofits as well.
Resources are great because once you have them, maintaining power
becomes a self-reinforcing process. CEOs of larger companies with more resources
can afford to hire high-priced compensation consultants who, big surprise, recommend
pay policies that favor the CEOs who hired them. People with money or with control over
organizational money get appointed to various for-profit and nonprofit boards where they
are in contact with others who have business and investment ideas and social and
political influence. That access gives them even more money and resource control as
they obtain information and opportunities to get involved with other organizations in
powerful roles and meet additional important people. Or they get asked to serve on
advisory committees or they become members of elite organizations like the Council on
Foreign Relations or the World Economic Forum where they are privy to information and
relationships that further build their power and reputation. Furthermore, the best, most
talented people want to work with those with the most power and resources, so those
with access to important resources have advantages in hiring precisely the sorts of
smart, hard-working individuals who can further their success. It’s an old but accurate
and important story: power and resources beget more power and resources. Your task
is to figure out how to break into the circle.
There are two simple but important implications of resources as a
source of power. The first is that in choosing among jobs, choose positions that have
greater direct resource control of more budget or staff. That generally means preferring
line to staff positions, since line positions typically control more staff hiring and more
budgetary authority. At first glance, the examples of Zia Yusuf at SAP and the finance
function at Ford Motor Company would seem to belie this advice. But finance at Ford
controlled the process for allocating capital to the plants and for new product
development, and it also controlled the performance evaluation process that determined
people’s salaries and promotions. And the strategy group at SAP was involved in many
if not most major strategic decisions at the company, which, along with the imprimatur of
analytical neutrality, gave that group substantial influence over consequential
organizational choices. Moreover, Yusuf moved from the strategy group to the
ecosystem group and described his position to me referencing the amount of revenues
it was responsible for bringing in.
Most headhunters will tell you that when they seek candidates for senior
general management positions, including the CEO job, they look to people who have
had responsibility running operations, and the larger the division or operation the
potential candidate has run, the better, other things being equal. Job analyses such as
the Hay system used to determine salary ranges consider the number of direct and
indirect reports you have, as well as the amount of budget you can spend without higher-
level authorization, as measures of your responsibility and consequently the economic
value of your job. Getting control of resources is an important step on your path to power.The second straightforward implication is that your power comes in
large measure from the position you hold and the resources and other things you control
as a consequence of holding that position. It is easy for people, motivated by self-
enhancement, to believe that the deference and flattery of others is due to their inherent
intelligence, experience, and charm. This may be the case, but not often. When you retire
or otherwise leave a position in which you once had control over substantial amounts of
resources, people will pay you much less heed and give you less attention.
I had lunch with a very senior managing partner at a venture capital firm
as she was stepping down from the firm to spend more time with her family following a
long and successful career in that company. She commented that once she announced
her retirement, not only did her colleagues behave differently toward her, no longer
inviting her to meetings and seeking her advice as often, but her time was less in
demand by colleagues in the high-technology and venture capital communities more
generally. Her wisdom and experience hadn’t changed—the only difference was her
soon-to-be-diminished control over investment resources and positions in the venture
capital firm. The loss of personal importance and power that occurs when you leave a
position with substantial resource control is why, as Jeffrey Sonnenfeld documented in
his book The Hero’s Farewell, many CEOs who have enjoyed a lot of fawning attention
because of their position have great trouble stepping down from that role.4
“But,” you may say, “I’m just starting out,” or “I’m mired in some midlevel
job,” or “I’m involved in a serious competition for promotion to a position of more
influence. If I had control over lots of jobs and budget, I wouldn’t need to read about how
to get power—I would already have it!” True enough. But there are numerous examples
of people who have made something out of almost nothing. They understood that
building a power base is a process of accumulating leverage and resource control little
by little over time. It’s important to be able to see or even create opportunities that others
may miss—and even more important to have the patience and persistence to follow
through on those opportunities.


It would be nice to be Sergey Brin or Larry Page, cofounders of Google, or Bill Gates of
Microsoft. As they move through venues like the World Economic Forum, they are
surrounded not just by security staff but by people who want to meet them and get close
to them and the organizations they lead. But you can begin from where you are. In fact,
one of the big mistakes I see people make is to think that they can’t build a resource
base from their current position—they need to be higher up. Getting to higher-level
positions is easier and more likely if you build a power base, and it is never impossible
or too soon or too late to begin.A resource is anything people want or need—money, a job, information,
social support and friendship, help in doing their job. There are always opportunities to
provide these things to others whose support you want. Helping people out in almost any
fashion engages the norm of reciprocity—the powerful, almost universal behavioral
principle that favors must be repaid. But people do not precisely calculate how much
value they have received from another and therefore what they owe in return. Instead,
helping others generates a more generalized obligation to return the favor, and as a
consequence, doing even small things can produce a comparatively large payoff.

Provide Attention and Support

Sometimes building a relationship so that others will help you requires nothing more than
being polite and listening. One of the most amazing things about Willie Brown’s rise to
power in the California Assembly was that he originally got the job because of the
support of numerous conservative Republican legislators who were elected after a tax-
cutting initiative and swept into power with President Ronald Reagan. Brown received
this support even though he was best known for promoting legislation to relax the
penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana and decriminalizing homosexual
activity. The source of the bond: when conservative Republican legislators got together
for lunch, they talked about how Brown, at the time the chairman of a powerful
committee, treated them fairly, gave them a chance to speak, listened to their points, and
occasionally even agreed with them.5 Being nice to people is effective because people
find it difficult to fight with those who are being polite and courteous.
Small things can matter a lot—attending birthday parties, funerals, going
to lunch with people whose help you want, visiting them or their family members when
they are ill. Senator Ted Kennedy was an unabashed liberal who worked diligently during
his 47 years in the U.S. Senate to promote bills and causes he believed in. His ability to
get things done and the number of friends he had even among conservative Republicans
came from his skill and assiduousness at being friendly, listening, and spending time
with others at events that were important to them. So here’s some simple and practical
advice: most people like to talk about themselves—give them the opportunity to do so.
Being a good listener and asking questions about others is a simple but effective way to
use a resource everyone has—time and attention—to build power. And here’s some
more advice: if you don’t have much power, you probably have time. Use that time to
befriend others and go to events that are important to them.

Do Small but Important TasksPeople appreciate help with doing some aspect of their job, and they particularly
appreciate assistance with tasks that they find boring or mundane—precisely the kinds
of tasks great for beginning to build a power base. When Frank Stanton, later to
become president of CBS and a major figure in the broadcasting industry, arrived at the
company in October 1935 as a 27-year-old PhD from Ohio State University, he joined a
research department of two people. Although he didn’t have control over many
resources, he didn’t have a lot of competition, either. Seven years later, Stanton was
named a vice president of CBS in charge of a research department that had grown to
100 people; he was also in charge of advertising, sales promotion, public relations,
building construction, operations and maintenance, and overseeing the seven company-
owned radio stations.6
Sally Bedell Smith described Stanton’s rise to power in her book on
William Paley and CBS. His strategy? Making himself indispensable by working as hard
as he could to find as much information as possible about any and every topic of
possible interest to senior CBS management—such as who listened to various radio
programs and why, who owned buildings where CBS wanted office space, demographic
information on various media markets, essentially any data that might be useful. In many
instances, these data were sitting around at CBS waiting to be compiled or came
through surveys that anyone could have done—but no one had bothered to compile the
data, do the survey, or check public records to see who owned a particular building that
CBS might want to buy or lease for one of its radio stations. And Stanton was not above
using artifice to impress his superiors. He noted, “Every time management would ask
me a question, if I didn’t know it, I would fake it to a certain extent, and then run like hell
down the back stairs and get the World Almanac…. At that time I had more information
than I think most agencies had on Madison Avenue, because I kept this thing on my
Taking on small tasks can provide you with power because people are
often lazy or uninterested in seemingly small, unimportant activities. Therefore, if you
take the initiative to do a relatively minor task and do it extremely well, it’s unlikely that
anyone is going to challenge you for the opportunity. Meanwhile, these apparently minor
tasks can become important sources of power.
Michael was graduating from business school in a year and had already
taken a job with a hedge fund. The arrangement was that he would work full-time over the
summer, be in touch with the firm during the last year of his studies, and then go to work
full-time upon graduation. Michael was one of six people who worked at the hedge fund
that summer, and he had a big disadvantage compared to the other five: they had
completed their degrees and would be staying on when the summer ended. Michael saw
the managing partner’s attention naturally shift to the new full-time employees. Once
back in school, he decided to nevertheless try and build a power base at the fund. First,
he visited the office regularly, informally meeting people. This helped him overcome the
“out of sight, out of mind” phenomenon and use the mere exposure effect to his
advantage. Then he took charge of recruiting junior analysts. In professional service
firms, recruiting analysts—junior people who will probably return to school in a couple of
years to get another degree and who do much of the grunt work—is mostly viewed as a
necessary evil. The hiring process takes time and thus diverts people from their “real”
jobs—and the people hired are going to be just cycling through the firm anyway.When Michael got a “broadcast to everyone” e-mail from the head of the
firm about organizing a day of interviews for finalists for the analyst positions, he
immediately responded that since he was in school, he had more free time than the full-
time employees and would happily take responsibility for coordinating the day. He
proceeded to organize the recruiting logistics, including coordinating travel schedules,
developing interview schedules with the partners, and organizing a private dinner where
he sat himself at the center of the table. This initiative got Michael at the hub of all the
recruiting communications, caused him to be much more in touch with senior partners,
including the head of the firm, and built his reputation as someone who was willing to
help out even when he didn’t have to (because he was still a student). All of the analysts
who were hired knew him as the point person for analyst recruiting, and associated him
with their employment success. Thus, even before joining the firm full-time, Michael had
burnished his reputation and recruited allies.
When Karen joined a large Internet services company with a number of
well-known consumer brands, her background was in investment banking and venture
capital. She needed to build a power base in an organization that was much more
technology-and marketing-oriented than where she had previously worked. Avoiding her
boss’s advice to not waste her time on “small” projects, that’s precisely what she did in
an effort to learn about all of the company’s businesses. She organized summits and
invited important outside companies that her firm’s businesses wanted to get to know to
come and make presentations. She also invited prominent outside people who would be
of interest to managers throughout the company. Through these activities, she got to
know many outside businesses and the people in them. She also made contacts inside
her own organization as she solicited ideas about what would be interesting to the
brands inside her company.

Build a Resource Base Inside and Outside Your Organization
When I first met Dan more than 20 years ago, he was the head of labor relations for a
private university. But he had big ambitions—he wanted to become a university
president. Although he had a PhD and had published some articles on higher education,
a position in labor relations or even human resources was clearly not an obvious
launching pad for a senior academic administrative post. Dan knew he needed to move
out of labor relations into other administrative roles such as provost if he wanted to fulfill
his dreams. The question was how to leverage his current role to acquire the resources
that would be useful to building his power base.
Like most people with professional jobs, he was a member of a job-
related professional association, the College and University Personnel Association
(CUPA). That association, like most, had an annual meeting with speakers and
exhibitors. Dan volunteered to work on those activities, and over time he rose up the
association’s ranks, first becoming vice president of research, responsible for the
association’s programs, and later becoming president. In his leadership roles, he met
companies selling pension and other human resource products to colleges anduniversities, invited people whose support he wanted to speak at the meetings (and
paid them), and met scores of senior people in academic administration. Eventually he
did become provost and is currently a system-wide vice president of research at a large
state university. His path to a college presidency now seems assured because he
understood how to find and use resources.
Ivan joined a management consulting company as a junior consultant,
one of many in this large and prestigious firm. Ivan knew that the firm wanted to get
involved in more public-sector and public-policy work. He volunteered to put on a series
of seminars for the office, a task that required extra effort since he still had to do his
regular consulting. Doing something that the firm valued, he prevailed upon the partners
who ran the office to give him a budget to invite people of interest who could help the
firm build both contacts and connections in the public sector. Ivan was then in a position
to use those resources to cultivate relationships with powerful outside people, who were
both flattered to be invited to address such a prestigious firm and grateful for the
payments they received.

Leverage Your Association with a Prestigious Institution

If you’re in a place that has status, you can use that status to your advantage. The Sloan
program at Stanford is a one-year master’s management program—sort of an MBA for
midcareer executives who attend full-time. Some people are sponsored by their
employers, and while sponsorship means that your company has invested a lot in your
development, it also means you are away for a year and out of the action. Jim, an
operations executive from a large computer manufacturer, used the opportunity
presented by the prestige of the program to get the highest performance evaluation from
his boss, an “exceptional” rating reserved for just 15 percent of all employees, even
though he was not even working at his employer’s during the year as he was in school.
In addition to staying in contact with his boss under the guise of sharing
his learning, he knew that his boss, let’s call him Ken, wanted to have the opportunity to
teach a class at a business school. Fortunately, a case on the allocation of overhead
costs that used Jim’s and Ken’s company as the subject was taught in a managerial
accounting class. Jim had the perfect opportunity to create resources—to link Ken, who
wanted to teach a class in a business school, with the accounting professor, who would
be grateful to have someone from the company appear in the class when the company
was discussed.
Jim did a great job of convincing Ken that even though he would ask on
his behalf and work hard to make the visit happen, there was no guarantee that the
professor would want him to help with the class. Jim joked that if he could get Ken a role
as a guest speaker in the accounting class, Ken should help Jim get a job working
directly for the company’s CEO when his time at school was over. Ken replied,
“Absolutely.” The class came to pass and Jim got his excellent performance rating from
a grateful Ken.There are literally scores of examples like these—instances where
people were able to create resources almost out of thin air, and some are quite
amazing. In 1971 Klaus Schwab was a 32-year-old Swiss university graduate with
doctoral degrees in economics and engineering. He might have followed the
conventional academic route of doing research and publishing as a career strategy.
Instead, he saw an opportunity to organize a meeting, the European Business Forum,
made up of European business leaders concerned with the growing American economic
success. Out of that modest beginning came the World Economic Forum, an
organization with a staff of more than 100 running meetings all over the world, with
Schwab at the head. Its budget is over $100 million per year, his wife and son are on the
board and involved in the foundation, and because of his leadership of the forum,
Schwab has received six honorary doctoral degrees and a number of lucrative positions
on corporate boards of directors.8 Although journalists, academics, and nonprofit
leaders get in free, companies pay dearly—membership in the World Economic Forum
costs $39,000, and there is a charge of $20,000 to attend the large annual meeting in
Davos, where there are panel discussions by prominent people from the worlds of
government, business, and the arts as well as lots of private meetings and dinners.
Schwab recognized that global business and political leaders needed a forum to
exchange ideas and do business in one convenient place, the media needed access to
these people, and everyone needed ideas about the changing economy and social
issues. As a former managing director of the WEF commented, “Contacts ultimately
mean contracts.”9
Power accrues to people who control resources that others cannot
access. As the examples of the World Economic Forum and, on a less grand scale,
Karen’s summits at the Internet company illustrate, there are often natural monopolies
created by those who move first. The World Economic Forum is a great venue bringing
influential people together, but they don’t want or need many such places or meetings
because they have limited time. Once Karen started her summits, or Ivan began his
public–sector, public-policy lectures at the consulting firm, there was no need for others
to do so and almost no possibility that a competing effort would get much traction. So,
doing what these examples illustrate often works if you are first off the mark. And taking
initiative to create resources by finding speakers, organizing meetings, making
connections, and creating venues where people can readily meet others, learn
interesting things, and do business brings appreciation for your efforts, even as you
create the resources to help you on your path to power.
Bringing people together entails your taking on a brokerage role and
becoming central in social networks. Networking skills are important and the networks
you create are an important resource for creating influence, as we will see in the next


Building Efficient and Effective Social Networks


1980s, Heidi Roizen was the CEO of the spreadsheet software company
T/Maker and president of the Software Publishers Association. After her company was
purchased in the 1990s, Roizen became vice president of worldwide software
developer relations at Apple Computer. After leaving Apple, she became a partner at the
venture capital firms Softbank and, later, Mobius, serving on boards of high-tech
companies and making investment decisions about which companies and technologies
to back financially. Nothing unusual about this career in software and high technology,
except maybe for the level of success—that is, until you realize that Roizen’s bachelor’s
degree was in creative writing and her master’s was in business, not computer science,
engineering, or mathematics. Roizen’s success was built on her intelligence and
business competence combined with her ability to build strategic social relationships
—to network—both inside and outside her employers. Her first job following her
undergraduate years was editing the company newsletter at Tandem Computer. That
was a great starting position as her job required her to interact with people throughout
the company, including those at senior levels, who came to know her and appreciate her
The subject of a Harvard Business School case study, Roizen is often
used as an example of someone who succeeded on the basis of her networking
abilities.1 Students are often perplexed and even upset that a person could hold senior
positions in important software organizations and even lead the major industry group
without a technical background. Holding aside Roizen’s considerable substantive
business skills, people miss the point: some jobs are mostly about networking and
everyone can benefit from developing more efficient and effective social networks and
honing networking skills.

A DEFINITION OF NETWORKING AND NETWORKING SKILLSIf we’re going to talk about networking, we better define it and, in that process, describe
the behaviors that you might consider doing more frequently. Two German professors,
Hans-Georg Wolff and Klaus Moser, offer a good definition of networking: “Behaviors
that are aimed at building, maintaining, and using informal relationships that possess the
(potential) benefit of facilitating work-related activities of individuals by voluntarily
gaining access to resources and maximizing…advantages.”2 Their study of more than
200 people in Germany developed some scales of networking behaviors that
demonstrate what actions are required. These included:

1. Building internal contacts (e.g., “I use company events to make new contacts.”)
2. Maintaining internal contacts (e.g., “I catch up with colleagues from other
departments about what they are working on.”)
3. Using internal contacts (e.g., “I use my contacts with colleagues in other
departments in order to get confidential advice in business matters.”)
4. Building external contacts (e.g., “I accept invitations to official functions or
festivities out of professional interest.”)
5. Maintaining external contacts (e.g., “I ask others to give my regards to business
acquaintances outside of our company.”)
6. Using external contacts (e.g., “I exchange professional tips and hints with
acquaintances from other organizations.”)3

The networking behaviors they describe entail making some
incremental effort to build, maintain, and use social ties with people. The people
targeted are not necessarily in your sights if you are focused just on your immediate job
and company.


Many of the positions Roizen has held, including manager of software developer
relations at Apple and venture capitalist, are, at their core, jobs that entail bringing
together different parties who would otherwise not be in contact. Venture capital involves
bridging the gap between people and institutions who have money to invest andentrepreneurs with business ideas who need capital. The role of the venture capitalist
also entails helping start-ups find talent and occasionally business partners to assist in
distribution or product development, and an extensive set of contacts is obviously helpful
in these tasks. Roizen’s job at Apple linked the software development community to a
computer company that relied on these developers to build products that improved the
usefulness and therefore the marketability of its machines.
In general, jobs high in networking content require bridging separate
organizations, brokering deals, and relationship building to influence decision making.
When in 1966 Jack Valenti left his position as a White House aide to become head of
the Motion Picture Association of America, he could provide political access to the
movie studios that needed help staving off censorship and dealing with foreign
governments on commercial issues, including the repatriation of funds. At the same
time, he could provide an entrée to Hollywood and its enormous fundraising potential for
the Democratic Party and Valenti’s patron, Lyndon Johnson. When Valenti finally
stepped down, he was replaced by the former Kansas congressman and Clinton’s
agriculture secretary Dan Glickman, another Democratic politician with strong
Washington establishment connections.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America is closer
to the Republican Party. PhRMA represents U.S. drug companies, which face numerous
political problems ranging from staving off the importation of medicines from Canada to
maintaining the right to continue direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs,
Consequently, in 2005 it appointed as its head Billy Tauzin from Louisiana, who had
served in the House of Representatives from 1980, including serving in the Republican
leadership and as chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has some
responsibility for overseeing the drug industry. Tauzin had already been helpful to the
drug industry as one of the leaders passing the expansion of Medicare to cover drug
costs during the Bush administration.
Networking skills are not just important in the public sector or in
brokering transactions across organizational boundaries. Inside companies, the job of
project or product manager entails getting disparate groups to cooperate in making
information technology projects work and in managing consumer products successfully.
There are many leadership tasks where the essence of the work is bringing people and
organizational units with different competencies and perspectives together to complete
a task or consummate a transaction.


Although your social network—sometimes referred to as social capital—is more or less
important depending on the specifics of your job, the evidence shows that networking isimportant for people’s careers, period. Many studies show that networking is positively
related to obtaining good performance evaluations, objective measures of career
success such as salary and organizational level, and subjective attitudes assessing
career satisfaction.4 There is a problem with many of these studies in that networking
and success are measured at the same time, so it is not clear what is causing what. For
instance, it may be that successful people have more social contacts not because the
networking produced their success but because others want to be in touch with them to
obtain the benefits of their status. Thus, the study by the German academics Wolff and
Moser is particularly informative because of its longitudinal design. They measured
networking behavior in October 2001 and then did follow-up surveys late in 2002 and
2003 with more than 200 employees in Germany. Their measures of career success
were total compensation and a career satisfaction scale. Networking affected career
satisfaction, concurrent salary, and salary growth over time, with the two most important
networking behaviors being “maintaining external contacts” and “building internal
Another longitudinal investigation considered the effect of being
competent at networking on career advancement. This study, by Italian business school
professor Arnaldo Camuffo and some colleagues, sought to assess the effect of MBA
education by looking at what happened to people who graduated from a part-time MBA
program in Venice. Competencies were assessed by the students themselves, their
classroom peers, and objective observers using structured interviews. Competencies
did affect career advancement as measured by both salary progress and promotions.
The study showed that networking was the second most important competency, following
only the use of technology in importance in explaining how well these managers did. This
study plus research in Germany and Australia shows that networking is important in
business contexts outside of the United States, too.
We have previously discussed at least one mechanism that makes
networking important for career success—salience. You can’t select what you can’t
remember, and that includes professional advisers, candidates for leadership positions,
or job applicants. The effect of mere exposure on preference and choice is important
and well demonstrated. Networking brings you into contact with more people and keeps
you in contact with them, thereby increasing the chances that when they need advice,
want to find an investment partner, or are thinking of a candidate for some position, they
will remember you. Thus, effective networking creates a virtuous cycle. Networking
makes you more visible; this visibility increases your power and status; and your
heightened power and status then make building and maintaining social contacts easier.

NETWORK SKILLS CAN BE TAUGHT AND LEARNEDAlthough people have different levels of social skill and different preferences for how
they spend their time, there is some evidence that people can learn how to diagnose
network structures and become more effective in developing their social capital, with
positive effects on their career. University of Chicago professor Ronald Burt worked with
the Raytheon Company to develop an executive education program, called the Business
Leadership Program, with a strong network component. Raytheon, a large electronics
and defense contracting company, faced the challenge of “how to coordinate across the
organization silos of its acquired companies and its many product programs.”6 BLP was
offered to directors and vice presidents to enhance their ability to get things done across
internal organizational boundaries.
Evaluation of training is inherently difficult, because in the real world,
people are not randomly selected to attend (expensive) executive development
activities. Because more senior and more highly rated and capable people are those
typically chosen to participate, the fact that such people typically do better along
numerous dimensions is not surprising, nor does it reflect the effects of the program. To
deal with this issue, the researchers estimated an equation predicting who would be
chosen to attend sessions of the BLP. They then constructed a control group of people
predicted to be eligible to attend the program but who had not yet attended, either
because of scheduling constraints or because the program had not yet included all of its
intended beneficiaries. They also could compare the results of people attending the
program to those who didn’t attend and who wouldn’t be predicted to be eligible to
The people who attended the program and learned how to diagnose
and use networks received 35 percent higher scores on their performance evaluations
than did the control group. Program attendees had a 43 percent higher likelihood of
being promoted subsequently. And people who attended this executive training
experience were 42 percent less likely to leave the organization. These results and
others that show favorable evaluations of the program and an enhanced ability to
diagnose networks provide a demonstration that skills in building social capital can be


If networking is so helpful for people’s job performance and career success, the obvious
question is, why do some people devote insufficient time and attention to the activity?
One answer is the effort required. Another possibility is that some people find the activity
distasteful because they believe it is insincere to build relationships with people for
instrumental purposes. And a third answer is that people undervalue the importance of
social relationships and overvalue other aspects of job performance in thinking aboutwhat produces career success. The evidence shows that networking is important in
affecting career progress, and you need to get over qualms about engaging in strategic
behavior to advance your career—and that includes who you are in touch with.
Networking actually does not take that much time and effort. It mostly
takes thought and planning. Keith Ferrazzi’s book title Never Eat Alone makes the
point. People are going to eat and exercise anyway—why not use that time to expand
your network of contacts? When Ferrazzi turned 40, he didn’t have one birthday party; he
had seven, in seven different cities around the United States, hosted by seven different
friends. A birthday celebration became a wonderful opportunity to renew existing social
ties and build new ones. Heidi Roizen does what many people do—sends out a holiday
letter with some pictures and stories about her family. The difference—she gets about
700 copies printed and mailed. When she took the original in to be reproduced and told
the vendor how many she wanted, the response was, “Lady, no one has that many
friends.” But Roizen recognizes that an occasional note, for instance, at the holidays, or
an occasional e-mail or lunch or short phone call keeps you in front of and salient to a set
of people who can be helpful to you or may call on you for help.
Ignacio, an Argentinean who graduated from a prestigious U.S.
business school, did what many such graduates do—he went to work for the office of a
large, high-status management consulting company back in his home country. But he did
one thing that distinguished him from many of his colleagues in the firm or, for that
matter, in the country: in June 2007, he set up an “MBA en USA” network and website in
Argentina with the goal of increasing the number of Argentinean applicants and students
in top U.S. schools—the institutions that supply guaranteed financing for those admitted
to the program. In two years, he has recruited almost 400 members, with a 10-person
board of directors; made presentations in three universities; and become the reference
person for Argentineans pursuing U.S. business education opportunities. When he
began this network, it consisted of one person, himself. Because he had neither great
credentials nor high status, he involved others with high status, including those from his
consulting firm and alumni of leading U.S. business schools living and working in
Argentina, in his presentations and efforts. The results: Ignacio has become known in his
office as a great speaker who is good at coaching others; he has substantially enhanced
his visibility and built many more connections not just in Argentina but with the leading
consulting firms in the United States; and he is at the center of an expanding network of
companies, universities, students, and alumni. Not bad, for a very part-time and
inexpensive initiative.
Because networking does entail some effort, you ought to be strategic
about your networking activities. Make a list of people you want or need to meet and
organizations where some personal connection might be helpful. Work your way down
that list, figuring out ways to build social relationships with a wider and more diverse set
of individuals. A person I know wanted to build a career in biotech even though he did
not have a scientific background or any experience in the industry. He targeted people to
meet, asking others to introduce him when possible, followed up after meetings with
thank-yous, and provided information and contacts to the people he had met so they
would receive value from interacting with him. In a short time, proceeding from a position
of little formal power, he developed a large and influential network of contacts in the
industry that helped him launch his career in biotechnology.Another barrier that seems to stand in the way of networking is that
people naturally fall into habits, and one habit is interacting with the same set of people
all the time. You get comfortable with them, you come to trust them, and it is easier and
more pleasant to interact with people you already know than to build relationships with
strangers. So go out of your way to meet new people. Katie works at an executive
recruiting company. Executive recruiting assignments come, in part, from the human
resources department. To build a network of HR managers and to meet more people to
help her in her job, Katie organized short seminars in which participants would read and
listen to and then discuss ideas from thought leaders in managing people. Her very first
meeting was a big success, with lots of participants, a lively discussion, and the creation
of an ongoing forum that will be very useful for Katie in her current job and in building
relationships useful to her future career. Once again, not that much work. All that was
required was some initiative and being willing to reach out to strangers—to get out of
one’s comfort zone.


Not everyone is going to be equally useful to you and you should account for that fact in
how you spend your networking time. In the early 1970s, sociologist Mark Granovetter
conducted a classic study in Boston about how people find jobs.7 Two of his findings are
scarcely surprising. Granovetter found that social ties were important in the job-finding
process and the more one used social ties, as contrasted with less personal
mechanisms such as formal applications, the better the job the individual found. He also
found that the process used to fill jobs differed by job type: managerial jobs were more
likely to be found through personal contacts rather than through more formal means such
as responding to newspaper advertisements or making a formal application, whereas
lower-level or even well-paid but technical jobs tended to rely on more formal means of
hiring. What was surprising was the type of social ties that mattered in the job-finding
process: weak ties.8 Strong ties are typically with family, friends, and close associates at
work and involve frequent interaction. Weak ties are with casual acquaintances, people
you hardly know and with whom you have fairly infrequent interactions.
The intuition behind the idea that weak ties are frequently more useful
than stronger ones is that the people you are closest to, your close friends and family,
are more likely to travel in the same circles, be close to each other also, and therefore
provide redundant information. Weak ties, by contrast, are more likely to link you to new
people, organizations, and information, providing new information and contacts. For
weak ties to be useful, however, two things must be true: casual acquaintances must be
able to link you into diverse networks and they must be willing to do so. Frank Flynn’s
research on asking, reviewed earlier, shows that people are likely to comply with smallrequests, even from perfect strangers. Asking someone if she knows about a job
opening or about the particulars of a company or job will almost always produce
information even if the relationship is fairly weak and casual. Providing any information
lets the provider feel good about herself and is consistent with social norms of
Consequently, an optimal networking strategy is to know a lot of different
people from different circles, have multiple organizational affiliations in a variety of
different industries and sectors that are geographically dispersed, but not necessarily to
know the people well or to develop close ties with them. This advice does not imply that
the relationships aren’t genuine, just that the social ties are not so close that it becomes
difficult, because of time constraints, to build as large and diverse a set of contacts. This
advice is not inconsistent with the advice in chapter 2 to focus your efforts. You are
focusing your efforts on building social ties that can be helpful—it’s just that such ties
should be as many and as diverse as possible and useful for your obtaining power.
It’s also the case that both organizations and people are known by the
company they keep—so it behooves you to associate with high-status people. This
simple fact has interesting consequences, for it means that you cannot readily move
down the status food chain to take advantage of opportunities if you don’t want to risk
losing your own status. Joel Podolny, a sociologist who was former dean of the business
school at Yale and currently heads Apple University, asked an interesting question about
investment banks: because high-status investment banks have cost advantages deriving
from their status (as just one example, they can raise money at lower cost than lower-
status and presumably riskier banks), why don’t they dominate the market for both equity
and debt securities, over time taking away most of the business from their lower-status
competitors? His answer, from an empirical study of the investment banking industry, is
that higher-status banks are constrained from “moving down” and capturing more of the
market because in doing so, they would have to associate with lower-status securities
issuers and, as a result, lose at least some of their status advantage.9
One way to acquire status is to start an organization that is so
compelling in its mission that high-status people join the project and you build both status
and a network of important relationships. That’s what Philippe did in Mexico. Mexico is a
highly stratified society and many of the people who do manual and unskilled labor have
little education. Because of these educational deficits, people cannot get better jobs and
are consigned to a life of poverty. Philippe started a foundation to educate unskilled
workers, mostly in the construction industry, which is a large employer of unskilled and
semiskilled labor. The social importance of such an activity attracted the most
prestigious professor from his engineering school and a board that consisted of some
of the top social entrepreneurs in Mexico. Because the foundation’s work focused
mostly on construction workers, Philippe got access to the best people in the real estate
industry, and these social contacts have opened numerous real estate career
opportunities as well as built a large and influential network of people from both the
private sector and the government. As Philippe explained, he was both doing good and
doing well.
The fact that status hierarchies are stable means not only that it is
difficult to move up but also that it is difficult to move down. Once you have achieved
power and status through the network of your relationships, you will be able to maintainyour influence without expending as much time and effort.
You can monetize your high-status network. I have a friend who is a well-
known executive coach. A while ago he was asked to submit a proposal to coach a
certain CEO. His price: $250,000. The CEO told my friend that he had received a
proposal from another coach for $25,000. My colleague replied that he knew and had
trained the person supplying the lower-priced bid, and he thought the quality of this other
coach’s work was exceptional. Why should the CEO choose him, at 10 times the price?
Because, the executive coach noted, he was having dinner with the CEOs of several
large, prominent companies (whom he named). Could the other coach provide such
access and a similar sort of experience? He got the business. People like to bask in
reflected glory and associate with high-status others. Versions of this story in different
contexts happen every day.


Power and influence come not just from the extensiveness of your network and the status
of its members, but also from your structural position within that network. Centrality
matters. Research shows that centrality within both advice and friendship networks
produces many benefits, including access to information, positive performance ratings,
and higher pay.10 One study at a newspaper publishing company found that “being in a
position to control communications within the department is particularly important to
being promoted.”11 These results contradict the idea from human capital economics that
it is only individual human capital—education, years of experience, and intelligence
—that matters for people’s careers, as well as the commonly held belief that job
performance determines career outcomes. Network position matters a great deal for
your influence and career trajectory.
If virtually all information and communication flows through you, you will
have more power. One source of your power will be your control over the flow of
information, and another is that people attribute power to individuals who are central. You
can assess your centrality by asking what proportion of others in your work, for instance,
nominate you as someone they go to for advice or help with their own work. Another way
of assessing centrality is to ask what proportion of all communication links flow through
If you are sensitive to the importance of centrality, you can do things and
make choices that increase your structural centrality. When Henry Kissinger became
President Nixon’s national security adviser, he made sure that communication about
foreign policy issues flowed only through him. He appointed a staff of young, talented,
nonpartisan foreign policy analysts to work with him. This move gave Kissinger a good
image with the press because it appeared that he was just interested in obtaining talent.But because the Nixon loyalists were uncomfortable interacting with people so different
from themselves, and the staffers were estranged from the Nixon people, Kissinger was
at the center of the flow of information between the NSC staff and the White House.12
One way of building centrality is through physical location. A person I
know took a job at a Silicon Valley venture capital firm as an analyst, a low-level position.
When he started at the company, he had two options as to where to locate his desk: a
large cubicle in the corner that was quiet but outside of the flow of traffic, or a small
workstation outside the named partner’s office, which had no walls and no privacy.
Almost by chance he chose the location outside the partner’s office. Because of his
location, he knew what was going on in the firm and interacted with the numerous people
coming by to see the partners. As he noted, “Within just a few months of starting, at the
weekly Monday morning all-hands meeting, nearly every question began to be pointed in
my direction. The net of it was that I was the first analyst in the firm’s history to be invited
for a position after graduation.”
Centrality provides power within a network, but it is also important to
have power through connections across diverse networks. Most people tend to
associate with those similar to themselves—a tendency called homophily. Consequently,
groups that might gain from interacting with other groups don’t do so, because group
members are more comfortable associating with the people in their own group. This
natural tendency to associate with those close to us creates an opportunity for profiting
by building brokerage relations—or, to use the terminology of University of Chicago
business school professor Ronald Burt, by bridging the structural holes that exist
between noninteracting groups.13 The fundamental idea is deceptively simple: by
connecting units that are tightly linked internally but socially isolated from each other, the
person doing the connecting can profit by being the intermediary who facilitates
interactions between the two groups.
Consider the case of Kenji, working in a large Japanese electric utility.
Kenji, with an undergraduate degree in nuclear engineering and an MBA, speaks both
English and Japanese. When he returned to his company following his postgraduate
education, he went into international business development, where he worked building
and acquiring power plants all over the world. Even though Kenji had a low job title and
little seniority in a culture where seniority was valued, he was in a great position to broker
relations between important departments—engineering and business development. He
was the only MBA with a degree in nuclear engineering and the only nuclear engineer
with a business degree. He told me, “Right now I am in a unique position, where critical
information related to business development in the global nuclear power sector flows
through me since I am the only one who is well connected to both the international
division and the nuclear division.” Because Kenji’s English skills were better than many
of his colleagues’, he was invited to participate in telephone calls with some of the most
senior people on international development projects to help with the translation. Because
of his access to information from brokering relations between engineering and the
international business development people and the insights he acquired from his
participation in many calls about projects, senior managers began consulting Kenji on a
number of important topics.
Although it is too soon to tell how things will work out for Kenji on his
path to power, the research strongly suggests that occupying brokerage positions—filling structural holes—is advantageous for one’s career. Social capital, measured by
how many structural holes an individual bridges, positively affects promotions, salary,
and organizational level attained. Other research discovered that social capital also
increases an individual’s returns to personal attributes such as education and
experience—education and years of work have a greater effect on the salaries of
individuals who are rich in social capital.
One other research finding is important for the building of social
networks. People sometimes believe that if they are connected to someone else who
occupies a good brokerage position, they can achieve almost as much benefit.
However, Ron Burt found that this intuition was not accurate. People even one step
removed from the person doing the brokerage enjoyed virtually no benefit.14 To return to
the Japanese electric utility example, while Kenji enjoys many benefits from his network
position, someone who is connected to Kenji profits very little. You have to do the
network “work” yourself if you want to accrue the benefits.


You can overdo any strategy, including networking. Bridging structural holes and being in
the center of many social ties requires time. You should decide how much time to spend
and your specific networking strategy based on the extent to which your job requires
building social relationships for you to be successful—a topic already considered in this
chapter—and the type of knowledge most useful in your job.
The research literature typically divides knowledge into two types:
explicit, codified knowledge such as that represented in diagrams, formulas, or “recipes”
for task performance; and implicit, tacit knowledge such as that possessed by good
clinicians who understand not only the scientific basis of job performance but also know,
based on their experience, when to do what. University of California–Berkeley professor
Morten Hansen has studied what types of social networks are most useful given different
types of product development efforts. When you need to access tacit knowledge, a
smaller network of close ties is important because it takes close relationships to get
people to spend the time to explain their tacit expertise. When the project requires
locating explicit knowledge that can be readily transferred once you find it, a large
network of weak ties provides greater benefit.
Hansen also distinguishes between product development efforts that
entail doing very new things, where the type of information required was almost
impossible to specify in advance, and product development projects using existing
competencies and information that could mostly be anticipated. Hansen and his
colleagues found that a network rich in weak ties was most useful for doing new things
because a large network of weak ties permitted product development teams to explorebroadly for information that was helpful. In contrast, when the product development effort
leveraged well-established existing competencies, a smaller network got the product out
the door more quickly.15 Hansen’s research empirically demonstrates what many people
intuitively know: a large network of weak ties is good for innovation and locating
information, while a small network of strong ties is better suited to exploiting existing
knowledge and transferring tacit skills.
Both in the process of creating social ties and once you have created a
network, your ability to create and leverage social ties depends in part on how others
perceive you. And those perceptions depend in part on your ability to speak and act with
power. That is the focus of chapter 7.


Acting and Speaking with Power


NOVEMBER 1986, U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Colonel Oliver North was fired by
President Ronald Reagan from his position at the National Security Council for his
involvement in the Iran-contra scandal. Iran-contra involved selling weapons, via
intermediaries, to Iran and using the funds from these sales to finance the Nicaraguan
resistance then trying to overthrow a left-leaning government. After testifying before
Congress in the summer of 1987, North was indicted the following year on 16 felony
counts, including accepting illegal gratuities, aiding and abetting the obstruction of a
congressional inquiry, and destroying documents and evidence. Although he was
convicted on three counts, his conviction was overturned on appeal on the basis that
jurors had been influenced by the congressional hearings, during which he had been
granted immunity for his testimony. During the nationally televised hearings, North
admitted that he had shredded documents, lied to Congress, and violated, or at least
come exceedingly close to violating, a law prohibiting giving aid to the Nicaraguan
But Oliver North knew how to act and speak with power. These abilities
would produce an amazing effect on his reputation and his subsequent career. North
defended himself and his actions by appealing to a higher purpose—protecting
American interests, saving American lives, protecting important U.S. intelligence
secrets, following the orders of his superiors, and doing what he was told to do as a
good Marine lieutenant colonel—in short, being a good soldier. North wore his ribbon-
decorated uniform to the hearings, even though he was seldom if ever in uniform at his
job at the NSC. He took responsibility for what he did, saying that he was “not
embarrassed” about his actions or about appearing to explain them. And he asserted
that he had controlled what had occurred, frequently using phrases such as “I told” and “I
caused.” This phrasing demonstrated that he was not running away from what he had
done. Observers watching people who don’t deny or run away from their actions naturally
presume that the perpetrators don’t feel guilty or ashamed, so maybe no one should be
too upset. This phrasing also communicated power, that North was in charge rather than
a “victim” of circumstance.
Only seven years after this incident, using the celebrity and sympathy
that his testimony created, Oliver North ran for the U.S. Senate from Virginia and lost by
just 3 percent of the vote to the incumbent, Charles Robb. During that campaign, North
raised some $16 million through direct-mail solicitations, making him the top recipient of
direct-mail political funds in the United States that year. Today, North, author of severalbooks, is a television commentator on Fox News and a well-paid speaker at both public
and private organizations. And even at the time of the hearings, he enjoyed a positive
image. The Wall Street Journal asked dozens of senior U.S. executives if they would
hire Oliver North. “The majority said they would…. A poll of the general public reflected
the bullishness on Col. North…56 percent of those surveyed said they would hire Col.
North; 35 percent said they wouldn’t hire him and 9 percent weren’t sure.”1
Donald Kennedy, a biology professor and former commissioner of the
Food and Drug Administration, served as president of Stanford University. Kennedy got
caught up in a scandal over indirect costs in the early 1990s. Because it is impossible to
associate all the costs of running any organization, for instance, the water and power,
police and fire protection, and infrastructure such as libraries, with specific research
projects, research grants have an overhead rate that reflects these costs. That rate is
then charged to the government for all contracts. In the case of Stanford and other
research universities, the claim was that unallowable charges, for instance, for lobbying,
liquor, a yacht used by the sailing club, silverware and furniture for the president’s house,
and other items, had been included in the cost pools used for calculating the overhead
rate.2 After several years of investigation, litigation, and audits, the government found no
basis for its claim. Stanford agreed to pay just $1.2 million to the government for
overcharges for over 18,000 research grants covering the fiscal years from 1981 to
1992 that involved hundreds of millions of dollars in total funds.3
After the brouhaha broke, Kennedy, like North, appeared before a
congressional investigating committee. Donald Kennedy’s performance could not have
been more different from North’s. North appeared at the witness stand with just his
attorney. Kennedy came with a team that included the head of government contracts
from the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, the controller and assistant controller from the
university, and the chairman of the board of trustees, James Gaither. This coterie of
colleagues conveyed the image that Kennedy could not answer the questions on his
own. Using long, convoluted sentences full of subordinate clauses, answering questions
indirectly, admitting that he was “embarrassed,” and looking extremely uncomfortable,
Kennedy made a weak impression—he looked guilty. He left his position as Stanford
president soon thereafter.
The differences between Oliver North’s and Donald Kennedy’s
presentations may have had little to do with personality or individual style. Kennedy was
not only a distinguished scientist but a successful and effective teacher; he had testified
in front of Congress numerous times before, and many people watching his testimony
who knew him say he seemed like a different person. He came to the hearings
prepared, as did North. What differed was how they chose to present themselves, how
they decided to act, and the impression they made. Kennedy wanted to express
contrition; North chose to convey incredulity—how could he be questioned?—and some
righteous anger. As we will see later in this chapter, expressing anger is usually much
more effective than expressing sadness, guilt, or remorse in being seen as powerful.
We choose how we will act and talk, and those decisions are
consequential for acquiring and holding on to power. Harriet Rubin was, for eleven years,
the editor of a line of books called Currency devoted to understanding leadership.
During that time she at once occupied a position of leadership and published leaders’
autobiographies and books on leadership. Her experience suggested that the secret ofleadership was the ability to play a role, to pretend, to be skilled in the theatrical arts.4
Rubin is right. Differences in the ability to convey power through how we talk, appear,
and act matter in our everyday interactions, from seeking a job to attempting to win a
vital contract to presenting a company’s growth prospects before investment analysts.
In May 2008 I received an e-mail from a director of career management
services that reinforced the importance of how we “show up” in our interactions with
others for our job prospects. He had received comments from a Sam’s Club/Walmart
interviewer who had seen some students and commented on their self-presentation:

There were a couple of students who were very confident in their interviews but more
than half seemed slightly uncomfortable…. The students who impressed me the most
spoke articulately, looked me in the eyes, and could rattle off stories right away. The
students who didn’t impress me were the ones who stumbled over their words, looked
away, and had trouble giving examples of some basic stories.

Although the research literature shows the interview is not a reliable or
valid selection mechanism, it is almost universally used. And the impressions people
make as they talk to others matter for their likelihood of getting a job offer or a
promotion. It may not seem right that we are judged on our “appearance,” on how we
present ourselves and our ideas. But the world isn’t always a just place. To come across
effectively, we need to master how to convey power. We need to act, and speak, with
Atoosa Rubenstein began as a fashion assistant at Cosmopolitan in
1993 and in five years rose to the job of senior fashion editor. Rubenstein, at the
instigation of Hearst Magazine president Cathleen Black, came up with the idea for
CosmoGIRL! and in 1999, at the age of 26, Atoosa became editor-in-chief at the
magazine, the youngest person to hold such a position in the more than 100-year history
of the Hearst Corporation. Named by Columbia University in 2004 as one of its top 250
alumni of all time and recipient of much recognition, Rubenstein believes that her early
success came from projecting an appropriate image.5 As she told some people writing
about her:

I’m an actress. My chief trait in business is that I’m an actress. I’m not creative but I
can really whip it out when I have to. I put on the costumes and play the roles that
people need me to play. Bonnie [editor of Cosmopolitan] needed me to be very
fashionable. I put on the hair, the clothes; I became exotic. Because of that, I wentfrom being a background player to being on the pages of the magazine…. Cathie
[Black, president of Hearst Magazines] started sending me to black tie events to
represent Cosmopolitan.


Peter Ueberroth, Time magazine’s man of the year for his success running the 1984 Los
Angeles Olympics and former commissioner of major-league baseball, has a favorite
maxim: Authority is 20 percent given, 80 percent taken.6 Words to live by. If you are
going to take power, you need to project confidence, as the case of Oliver North and the
Walmart job candidates illustrate. You need to project assurance even if—or maybe
particularly if—you aren’t sure what you’re doing. Andy Grove, a cofounder and former
CEO and chairman of the semiconductor company Intel, has appropriate modesty about
his (or anyone’s) ability to forecast the technological future. In reply to a question at a
Silicon Valley forum about how to lead if you aren’t sure where you or your company is
going, Grove replied:

Well, part of it is self-discipline and part of it is deception. And the deception
becomes reality. Deception in the sense that you pump yourself up and put a better
face on things than you start off feeling. But after a while, if you act confident, you
become more confident. So the deception becomes less of a deception.7

Grove understood the importance of being able to put on a show. As
Harriet Rubin noted, “Grove insisted that his brilliant but shy managers attend a seminar
they called ‘wolf school.’ Attendees learned how to lean into a superior’s face and shout
out an idea or proposal…. If they didn’t feel fierce, they had to pretend.”8
Andy Grove understood three important principles about acting with
power. First, after a while, what started out being an act becomes less so. Over time, you
will become more like you are acting—self-assured, confident, and more strongly
convinced of the truth of what you are saying. Attitudes follow behavior, as much
research attests. Second, the emotions you express, such as confidence or happiness,
influence those around you—emotions are contagious.9 Walk down an airport corridorand smile, and watch people smile back; change your facial expression to a frown, and
you will be met with frowns. A study of emotional contagion and its use in marketing
found that when a person smiled, another individual exposed to the smile would be
happier and also have a positive attitude toward a product—emotions not only jumped
from person to person, but when someone was in a good mood because she had been
exposed to someone who was happy, that mood spilled over to other things like items to
be purchased.10 Third, emotions and behaviors become self-reinforcing: if you smile
and then others smile, you are more likely to feel happy and smile. This reflexive quality
in human interaction means that a mood or feeling, once generated, is likely to be quite
stable. Grove may have had to act confident and knowledgeable at first, but as others
“caught” that feeling, it would be reflected back, making Grove himself more confident.
If acting is important as a leadership skill and for acquiring power, it is
important to know how to perform. One principle is to act confident. There are others.

Gary Loveman, CEO of the casino company Harrah’s Entertainment, understands that
because many employees may see him only once in a year, he needs to be “on” when he
is in front of them. Even in momentary interactions, Loveman must convey that
employees work in a company led by caring, engaged people they can trust. Even if he
is tired or feeling ill, in public appearances Loveman radiates energy and competitive
intensity—and this competitive vitality has helped make Harrah’s successful.
You are on stage more than you think, and not just as a senior leader.
Morten Hansen, who used to teach at the French business school INSEAD before
moving to UC Berkeley, told me that he was sitting in the classroom one day watching
some group presentations for his class. He had just come back from a long trip. In
addition to watching the groups present at the front of the room, many of the students
had been watching him. They noticed that he seemed tired, which they interpreted as not
being interested in what the students were doing—and the class let him know. After that
experience, Hansen has been much more aware of being on display, even if he is not in
front of an audience.
To look engaged in meetings and other interactions, to signal that you
care about those around you, put away the BlackBerry, the laptop, the cell phone, and all
the other technological gadgets that compete for your time and attention. When you read
an e-mail while you are talking to someone or in a meeting, the message you send is
clear: I have other things to do that are way more important than paying attention to you.
Some people will tell you that in today’s high-technology, attention-deficit-disordered
world, people expect such displays of rudeness. People, having witnessed multitasking
in their interactions, may expect inattention as the norm. So when you do what IESE
business school professor Nuria Chinchilla does when meeting with someone—turn the
cell phone off and put it away—the effect is powerful. When you do what the late Jack
Valenti of the Motion Picture Association of America did—call people on the phone or
go meet with them in person—you have much more influence and will be much more
memorable—and powerful.memorable—and powerful.

Barack Obama’s chief of staff, former Illinois congressman Rahm Emanuel, is known for
his temper. In his New Yorker portrait of Emanuel, Ryan Lizza observes:

Emanuel seems to employ his volcanic moments for effect, intimidating opponents
…but never quite losing himself in the midst of battle…. Greenberg [an old friend]
argues that Emanuel’s antics have been integral to his success. “Understand that the
caricature and the mythology have always been helpful,” Greenberg said. “Sending
the [dead] fish to the pollster that he thought had failed sent a message about how
public he can be about his displeasure, and showed that he’s willing to step beyond
the normal bounds, that he’s willing to be outrageous and he doesn’t suffer fools.”11

What works for Emanuel may work even better for you: you may not
have a job with a lot of power; Emanuel does, and people know it. Sometimes you will
work with peers and colleagues of about equal rank whom you want to influence.
Sometimes your actual power will be ambiguous. In such situations, displaying anger is
Research shows that people who express anger are seen “as dominant,
strong, competent, and smart,” although they are also, of course, seen as less nice and
warm.12 Social psychologist Larissa Tiedens has conducted research on the
relationship between expressed emotions and perceptions of power. In three studies
using vignettes as the stimuli, Tiedens and some colleagues explored people’s
expectations for emotional expressions by high-and low-status others.13 The
researchers found that in negative situations, participants believed that high-status
people would feel more angry than sad or guilty and that low-status people would feel
sad or guilty instead of angry. A second experiment demonstrated that angry people
were seen as high-status while sad and guilty people were viewed as low-status.
In another series of experimental studies, Tiedens showed that people
actually conferred more status on people who expressed anger rather than sadness.
One study had participants watch two video clips from former president Clinton’s
testimony in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. In one clip he appeared angry, and in the
other he hung his head and averted his gaze, typical for someone expressing guilt and
remorse. People who viewed the anger clip were significantly more pro-Clinton in their
attitudes. They believed it showed he was a person in power compared to those who
saw him acting sad. In a second study, to avoid any contamination by preexistingattitudes about Clinton, an anonymous actor played the role of a politician and delivered
the identical speech on terrorism, in one instance acting as if he were angry and in the
other as if he were sad. Study participants were more likely to say they would vote for the
politician in the angry rather than the sad posture. They also thought the angry person
would be a better political leader.
In a study Tiedens conducted at a software company, people rated their
coworkers on how frequently these individuals exhibited a variety of emotions. People
rated coworkers who expressed more anger as better potential role models—people
from whom they could learn. In yet another study reported in the same paper, participants
assigned a higher-status position and a higher salary to a job candidate who described
himself as angry. He was perceived as more competent when expressing anger rather
than sadness.14
If you express anger, not only do you receive more status and power and
appear more competent but others are reluctant to cross you. After all, who wants to be
the brunt of anger? No wonder “General George Patton tried to practice his scowl in
front of his mirror.” Consider what political commentator and former legislative aide
Chris Matthews said about Senator Ed Muskie of Maine: “Why tangle with the guy? Why
ruin your day? A bad temper is a very powerful political tool because most people don’t
like confrontation.”15
Does this recommendation to display anger hold across gender and
cultures, or is it a behavior that is particularly effective for American males? According to
a survey of some 1,200 senior executives conducted by Catalyst, an organization aimed
at helping women advance in the workplace, women who acted more assertively and
displayed ambition were seen as too tough and unfeminine, although they were also
seen as more competent.16 Some experimental research supports the view that women
may benefit less than men by acting angry. Social psychologists Victoria Brescoll and
Eric Uhlmann conducted three studies examining the interaction between emotional
expression and gender on the conferral of status. They found that both men and women
conferred less status on angry female professionals than on angry male professionals,
and angry women, regardless of their presumed rank, received less status when they
expressed anger than when they did not.17 Another set of studies supported the
stereotype that men are expected to be more dominant and women more affiliative, so
men are expected to show more anger than women.18
When I asked Larissa Tiedens about this issue, she told me that she
has not found gender differences in any of the studies she and her colleagues have run,
although they have looked for them. She also noted that when women get angry, they
often don’t express their anger the way men do. Women frequently show their anger in
more “submissive” ways—such as folding their arms in front of their chest, raising the
pitch of their voices, or even crying. Tiedens maintains that forceful displays of anger that
put the other person on the defensive are effective for both women and men.
At the moment, the question of gender differences in the effectiveness
of expressing anger remains open. But if you have to choose between being seen as
likable and fitting in on the one hand or appearing competent albeit abrasive on the
other, choose competence. Self-deprecating comments and humor work only if you
have already established your competence. As the former Israeli prime minister Golda
Meir said, “Don’t be so humble; you’re not that great.”19

There is evidence that taller people earn more and are more likely to occupy high power
positions.20 There is also ample evidence that physical attractiveness results in higher
earnings.21 You don’t need to wear lifts in your shoes or get plastic surgery to act on
these findings. You can do a lot with what you have. You can dress up, an act that
conveys power and status—to look like you belong in the position to which you aspire.
You can do things with your hair, the style of the clothes you wear, and colors to enhance
your appearance. Get professional help in enhancing the influence you convey by how
you look.
And beyond clothes and hairstyle, you can “move with power.” When Bill
English, actor, director, and cofounder of the San Francisco Playhouse, teaches people
how to “act with power,” he often critiques their posture. When people are nervous or
uncomfortable, they often shrink in on themselves, caving in their chest, folding their
arms around them, going into what are essentially defensive postures. Bad idea if you
want to project power. Everyone can stand up straight rather than slouching, and can
thrust their chest and pelvis forward rather than curling in on themselves. Moving forward
and toward someone is a gesture that connotes power, as does standing closer to
others, while turning your back or retreating signals the opposite.
Gestures can also connote power and decisiveness, or their opposite.
Moving your hands in a circle or waving your arms diminishes how powerful you appear.
Gestures should be short and forceful, not long and circular. Looking people directly in
the eye connotes not only power but also honesty and directness, while looking down is
a signal of diffidence. Looking away causes others to think you are dissembling.

Sometimes you will be called upon to display emotions you don’t feel—confidence when
you are uncertain, anger when you are fearful, and compassion and empathy when you
may be feeling impatience or disappointment. To display the emotion you need to show,
go within yourself to a time and event when you did feel the emotion you need to project
at that moment. Recalling that event will bring back the associated feelings, which you
can then display. In that sense, acting is not inauthentic, displaying something you do not
really feel. Rather, acting, including acting with power, entails tapping into your authentic
feelings but just from a different time and place.
Many situations require that you display more than one emotion at a
time. In taking on a new, powerful role, you will want to project confidence and the sense
that you know what you are doing so that those around you will be inspired to follow your
lead. But at the same time, you may want to convey humility and affiliation with those
around you so that they will not see you as arrogant but will be motivated to offer their
assistance. Displaying several sometimes conflicting emotions at once requires moreassistance. Displaying several sometimes conflicting emotions at once requires more
skill and practice, but the fundamental principle remains the same: recall events or
people who trigger each of the emotions you want to show, at the same time.

Performers do their thing “on stage,” and the setting that you create for yourself has a lot
to do with your ability to command respect. We are often inattentive to how a physical
setting can help or hinder our aims.
Settings can convey power and status. A partner at a prominent San
Francisco law firm told me, when I inquired about why the firm had spent so much on its
lavish location and even more expensive interior furnishings, that people weren’t going to
pay high hourly rates for someone who worked at a cheap metal desk. The Oval Office
of the president of the United States is particularly powerful in this regard, and many
presidents have used its iconic status to influence others whose support they needed by
bringing them into the historic setting, subtly reminding them of the pomp and
importance of the presidency.
When Peter Ueberroth was baseball commissioner, he set about
establishing his power over a set of wealthy, independent individuals who were,
collectively, his boss. He helped build his influence by managing the physical context of
the owners’ meetings. Ueberroth doubled the number of meetings to four per year and
insisted that the owners personally attend rather than sending a stand-in. He set the
meetings in sites the owners were not familiar with. He used classroom-style, tiered
meeting rooms, which focused the owners’ attention on the front of the room and,
because of the seating arrangement, subtly reminded the owners that Ueberroth was the
“teacher” and they were “students” under his direction. Although Ueberroth obviously
benefited from his reputation resulting from his success with the 1984 Los Angeles
Olympics, the physical arrangements helped him establish and exercise his authority
over the owners.22

One reason people don’t come across as forcefully or effectively as they might is that
they begin to speak while they are flustered or unsure of the situation. In training people
to act with power, Bill English of the San Francisco Playhouse puts them in a scenario in
which they have just taken over as CEO of a company, say, a pharmaceutical
manufacturer, when the previous CEO has left under a cloud. The company had to recall
a product because of safety issues. Employees are embarrassed and fearful for their
jobs. English asks people to give a speech to the employees to instill confidence,
motivate them, and get them to accept the protagonist as their leader.
The people who do best at this task are those who, even though they
are in front of an audience and feel pressure to fill the dead air, collect their thoughts andthemselves, pausing often for what seems like a long time before beginning to speak.
They know what they are going to say, have thought consciously about how they are
going to use the space and their movements to inspire confidence, and have gotten their
nervousness under control so they can project influence. Obviously it is always desirable
to be prepared to make an important presentation. But there will be times when a
question or comment blindsides you or when you find yourself in a situation without
preparation. Breathe and take time to collect yourself—you will be much more effective
than if you just rush into the situation.


The language people use and how they construct presentations and arguments help
determine their power. Great orators move masses—Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I
Have a Dream” speech and the speeches of Barack Obama in his campaign for the
presidency being two notable examples. But power gets created in private interactions
and small meetings, not just on a huge stage. There are some well-established
principles that can help you subtly obtain more influence as you speak with power.

One source of power in every interaction is interruption. Those with power interrupt,
those with less power get interrupted. In conversation, interrupting others, although not
polite, can indicate power and be an effective power move, something noted by scholars
in a field called conversation analysis. Men interrupt others more frequently than women,
and doctors seldom listen to their patients for very long without interrupting. In each
instance, patterns of conversation reinforce differences in power and status derived from
other sources such as general social expectations and expert authority.
Watching the Oliver North and Donald Kennedy hearings illustrates this
phenomenon. North on one occasion stops an interrogator’s anticipated interruption by
holding up his finger and saying, “Let me finish.” He refuses to be interrupted and in
several other instances talks over the lawyers and legislators questioning him. By
contrast, at one point Donald Kennedy requests permission to continue speaking,
asking, “Can I continue?” and thanks the congressman when permission is granted.CONTEST THE PREMISES OF THE DISCUSSION
In analyzing the Watergate hearings, sociologists Harvey Molotch and Deidre Boden
note that there are three faces of power. The first is the ability to win in direct contests:
Whose point of view prevails? The second is more subtle: Who sets the agenda, and in
the process determines whether a specific issue will even be discussed or debated at
all? And the third form of power is more subtle still: Who determines the rules for
interpersonal interactions through which agendas and outcomes are determined?23
For interaction to take place at all, we must share at least some
common understandings or we could never proceed. Molotch and Boden discovered
that one way in which someone in a dominant position can leverage that influence is to
question and challenge the basic assumptions that underlie another person’s account.
This is also a strategy to obtain power in an interaction.
For example, John Dean, counsel to President Nixon, was the organizer
of the cover-up that followed the Watergate break-in and the arrest of its perpetrators. In
the hearings, he had the best opportunity to cast a damaging light on the president’s
involvement because he had firsthand knowledge of what Nixon had said and done.
Republican senator Edward Gurney attempted to damage Dean’s credibility by denying
him access to such typical conversational conventions as assertion of motive or
recollection of impressions, insisting instead that Dean stick to “the facts.” Dean
remarked that the president had expressed appreciation of what he’d been doing, which
implicitly meant that the president had to know what he had been doing about the cover-
up—after all, how can you thank someone if you don’t know what you are thanking them
for? Gurney challenged this interpretation, noting that there was never any explicit
conversation about the cover-up particulars.
I have observed similar ploys used to gain power in business meetings.
In most companies, the strategy and market dynamics are taken for granted. If someone
challenges these assumptions—such as how the company is competing, how it is
measuring success, what the strategy is, who the real competitors are now and in the
future—this can be a very potent power play. The questions and challenges focus
attention on the person bringing the seemingly commonsense issues to the fore and
causes people to have to renegotiate things that were always implicitly assumed.

Language that influences is able to create powerful images and emotions that
overwhelm reason.24 Such language is evocative, specific, and filled with strong
language and visual imagery. When Winston Churchill became prime minister of Britain
in May 1940, he was 65 years old and had been out of power for 10 years. Churchill and
Britain faced uncertain prospects and terrible travails in the war with Germany. His
oratory helped build his power and image, rally the country, and turn the tide of the war:
You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all
our might and with all the strength that God can give us…. You ask, what is our aim? I
can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all the terror,
victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no

Churchill understood the power of language, having once commented,
“Words are the only things that last forever.”26 So did Oliver North. When North says
during the Iran-contra hearings that he would have offered the Iranians a free trip to
Disneyland if that would have gotten the hostages home, you can picture both
Disneyland and the hostages. In contrast, Donald Kennedy’s testimony about indirect
costs was filled with an alphabet soup of references to the various agencies that audit
contracts for the government and descriptions of MOUs (memoranda of understanding
that set out contract provisions). The sense is that even if there were no technical
violations of regulations, he was trying to cower in the protection of legal technicalities
rather than confront commonsense understanding of what is right and wrong.
Sociologist and conversation analyst Max Atkinson has analyzed
speeches and everyday talk to understand what creates persuasion and makes the
speaker seem potent. In addition to noting the importance of terms that push emotional
hot buttons—in the United States, phrases such as “socialist,” “free market,”
“bureaucracy,” and “national security”—persuasive language that produces support for
you and your ideas is language that promotes identification and affiliation. Good
examples of such language would be presidential candidate John McCain’s use of
phrases such as “my friends” and “we” during his campaign. Words suggesting common
bonds cause the audience to believe that you share their views.
In addition to using words that evoke emotions and signal common
interests and shared identity, Max Atkinson describes a number of conventions that
make speech more persuasive and engaging. Here are five such linguistic techniques.

1. Use us-versus-them references. “It is widely known that the need to resist an
external threat, whether real or imagined, has always been an extremely effective
rallying cry when it comes to strengthening group solidarity.”27 When United
Airlines entered the California market in 1994, Herb Kelleher, then CEO of
Southwest Airlines, sent his employees a video describing United as a “war
machine” aimed to strike at Southwest and imploring his people to stick together
to provide great customer service all over the system. Steve Jobs, cofounder and
CEO of Apple Computer, focused first on IBM as the enemy—for instance, in
Apple’s famous “1984” commercial—and later on Microsoft as he used a commonthreat to energize Apple’s employees.
2. Pause for emphasis and invite approval or even applause through a slight delay.
“A pause just before getting to completion and a slightly extended final segment of
talk are both common features in the design of most types of claptrap [a rhetorical
device designed to produce applause and approval].”28
3. Use a list of three items, or enumerations in general. “One of the main
attractions of three-part lists is that they have an air of unity and completeness
about them.”29 Lists make a speaker appear as if he or she has thought about the
issue and the alternatives and considered all sides thoroughly.
4. Use contrastive pairs, comparing one thing to another and using passages that
are similar in length and grammatical structure. The contrast is strategically chosen
to make a point. During the heated debate over health-care reform in 2009,
opponents of government involvement would pose the question: Do you want your
health-care decisions being made by you and your doctor or by some government
bureaucrat? Proponents would employ a different contrast: Do you want greedy
insurance companies who drop people when they get sick and exclude preexisting
conditions deciding on your care, or would you like to leave those decisions to you
and your doctor? The use of contrast as a rhetorical device relies in part on the “us
versus them” construct, but it also invites explicit comparison that is structured to
be favorable to the ideas advocated by the speaker.
5. Avoid using a script or notes. If you speak without aids, the implication is that
you have a mastery of the subject and are spontaneous. In addition, not using
notes or a script permits the speaker to maintain eye contact with the audience.
Jack Valenti of the MPAA testified often before Congress. He commented that
many of those testifying used notes. He didn’t, as he wanted the language to be
vibrant and spontaneous and to illustrate his mastery of the issues. As he put it, “If
you can’t speak five minutes without a note in front of you, about a subject you
know cold, you’re not working at your job.”30 The use of PowerPoint presentations
is effective in executing this strategy, as the presumption is that the presentation is
there for the audience rather than the speaker.

To Atkinson’s list of speaking tips I would add one important suggestion:
use humor to the extent possible and appropriate. As the novelist Salman Rushdie noted
on a radio program, “If you make people laugh, you can tell them anything.”31 Humor is
disarming and also helps create a bond between you and your audience through a
shared joke. When Ronald Reagan ran for reelection in 1984 against Minnesota senator
Walter Mondale, he was the oldest person who had ever run in a presidential election
(John McCain in 2008 would be older when he ran). During one of the presidential
debates, Reagan was asked if he thought age would be an issue in the campaign.
Reagan replied, with a smile, that he would not make an issue out of his opponent’s
youth and inexperience. Everyone laughed as Reagan used humor to diffuse a
potentially troublesome issue and transform a serious concern into a laughing matter.
Sentence structure is also important for making language persuasive.Sentence structure is also important for making language persuasive.
During the 2004 presidential election, University of Illinois professor Stanley Fish had his
students examine some of the speeches of the two candidates, George W. Bush and
John Kerry. The students perceived Bush to be more effective, regardless of their own
political views. Bush would be begin with a simple declarative sentence, “Our strategy is
succeeding.” Bush would also use the repetition of sounds. As Fish noted, “There is of
course no logical relationship between the repetition of a sound [as in alliteration] and
the soundness of an argument, but if it is skillfully employed, repetition can enhance a
logical point or even the illusion of one when none is present.”32 By contrast, Kerry would
use more convoluted sentence structure and words that did not seem presidential (for
instance, “stupid”). Kerry often presumed his audience had information he had yet to
We often avoid situations in which we feel uncomfortable, but if we are
going to get better at talking and acting with power, there is no substitute for experience.
Seek out opportunities to make presentations for your company, give talks at clubs or
professional groups, and find someone to observe you and provide feedback on what
you are doing well and poorly.
Social ties and how you present yourself through language and
demeanor are components of creating a reputation and an image. We will examine
other aspects of creating a reputation, an important source of power, in the next chapter.


Building a Reputation: Perception Is Reality

T WO HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, almost iconic American football coaches, who coached
about the same number of games: one had an overall winning percentage of 76 percent;
the other, 61 percent. Both won National Football League titles. One quit coaching while
still in his early forties before the team’s owner could fire him, while the other never left a
coaching position, in either the professional or college ranks, involuntarily or under
pressure. The coach who left, John Madden, had the higher winning percentage. The
coach who was never forced out of any job, Bill Walsh, was nicknamed “The Genius.”
Few people or organizations are going to fire a “genius” and be known for doing so. The
lesson? Accomplishment matters, but so, too, does your reputation. Therefore, one
important strategy for not only creating a successful path to power but also maintaining
your position once you have achieved it is to build your image and your reputation.1
Reputations matter, not just in professional football, but in all domains,
including business. In an experimental study of the performance appraisals people
received, those who were able to create a favorable impression received higher ratings
than did people who actually performed better but did not do as good a job in managing
the impressions they made on others.2 Or take senior corporate leaders. In a world
where outside CEO successions are increasingly common and boards of directors
seek people who will be well received on Wall Street and by the business media, being
perceived as a superstar can change the negotiating dynamic. Instead of competing for
a job and selling yourself to the board and senior executives, if you have a stellar
reputation, companies will be fighting to hire you. If you have a reputation that can move
the stock price up by the very announcement of your hiring, companies will pay
outrageous sums of money in their quest to obtain a “corporate savior.”3 The companies
will do this even though the evidence shows that these outside hires frequently fail and
even if your reputation for executive brilliance is more myth than reality.
Sometimes reputation adheres to individuals, but sometimes individuals
get a good reputation by their association with high-status institutions. General Electric
is considered to be a great training ground for senior leaders. Consequently, senior
executives can leave General Electric for CEO jobs at other firms with big salaries and
enormous financial market expectations. Harvard Business School professor Boris
Groysberg and some colleagues studied 20 former GE executives who left the company
for the top job at another firm between 1989 and 2001. In 17 of the 20 cases, the stock
market’s reaction to the hiring announcement was positive, with an average gain of $1.1
billion in market capitalization for the hiring firm on the day the move was announced. Insome instances, the gains from the hiring announcement were enormous—when Home
Depot hired Robert Nardelli, shareholder value jumped almost $10 billion.4 Groysberg’s
research shows that leaders are not particularly portable and this outside hiring often
does not work. But for the leader with the great reputation, no problem—when Nardelli
left Home Depot under duress, he departed with a total package valued at a quarter of a
billion dollars. His reputation apparently still intact, Nardelli moved on to run Chrysler
even though he had no auto industry experience. Chrysler subsequently went into
The fundamental principles for building the sort of reputation that will get
you a high-power position are straightforward: make a good impression early, carefully
delineate the elements of the image you want to create, use the media to help build your
visibility and burnish your image, have others sing your praises so you can surmount the
self-promotion dilemma, and strategically put out enough negative but not fatally
damaging information about yourself that the people who hire and support you fully
understand any weaknesses and make the choice anyway. The key to your success is in
executing each of these steps well.


Social perception—how people form judgments of others, which is something we do
continuously to successfully navigate the world—has been studied extensively. That
research reveals several crucial facts relevant to your building a reputation that will help
you create a power base.
First, people start forming impressions of you in the first few seconds or
even milliseconds of contact. Impressions aren’t just based on extensive information
about you, your behavior, and what you can do as manifested in job performance, but
also on initial readings of your facial expression, posture, voice, and appearance. One
study found that judgments of people made in the first 11 milliseconds correlated highly
with judgments made when there were no time constraints, suggesting that extremely
brief exposure was all that was required for people to form a reasonably stable
impression.5 This result suggests that the material from chapter 7 on acting and
speaking with power is really important, as how you first present yourself matters a great
Second, and this may surprise you, these fast first impressions are
remarkably accurate in predicting other more durable and important evaluations. Social
psychologists Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal did a meta-analysis of the accuracy
of predictions in many domains in clinical and social psychology. They found that short
slices of behavior—less than five minutes—yielded accurate predictions, for instance,
about assessments of people’s personality. Moreover, they found that predictions basedon extremely small samples of behavior, less than half a minute, did not differ in their
accuracy from impressions formed using longer, four-and five-minute snippets of
behavior.6 In one empirical study using college teacher ratings as the outcome to be
explained, Ambady and Rosenthal noted that ratings based on a silent video clip of the
instructor lasting less than half a minute significantly predicted the course evaluations
given by students at the end of the quarter. In a second study, again using an extremely
short video clip, of high school teachers, ratings of these short silent videos significantly
predicted the ratings given to the teachers by their principals.7
Not only are reputations and first impressions formed quickly, but they
are durable. Research has identified several processes that account for the persistence
of initial reputations or, phrased differently, the importance of the order in which
information is presented. All three processes are plausible. We don’t need to know
which is operating to worry about making a good first impression.
One process, attention decrement, argues that because of fatigue or
boredom, people don’t pay as close attention to later information as they do to
information that comes early, when they first form judgments. When you first meet
people, you are going to be quite attentive to what they say and do as you seek to learn
about them and sort and assign them to categories, including how helpful and powerful
you think they are or could be. After a while, you will think you know them and stop paying
as close attention to what they say and do. As you sit in a meeting, because you think
you know what the other person is going to say, you stop paying attention to what they
actually do say.
A second process entails cognitive discounting—once people have
formed an impression of another, they disregard any information that is inconsistent with
their initial ideas. This process is particularly likely when the decisions and judgments
are consequential. Who wants to admit that we are wrong about something important,
with the negative consequences such an admission has for our self-image? It is much
easier to discount inconsistent information and seek data that buttresses our original
Third, people engage in behavior that helps make their initial
impressions of others come true. One study of interviewers of job applicants examined
the impressions interviewers formed on the basis of test scores and resumés. Then the
actual job interviews were analyzed. When interviewers had formed an initially favorable
impression of an applicant, they showed positive regard toward that person, engaged
more in “selling” of the company, provided more information about the job and the
company, and asked for less information from the candidate. Interviewers built more
rapport with candidates they thought they would like.8 Other research shows that when
people believe they are interacting with a qualified, intelligent individual, they ask
questions and provide opportunities for the other to demonstrate competence and
intelligence. Behavioral dynamics tend to reinforce initial impressions and reputations,
making those impressions become true even if they weren’t originally.
And yet another process, biased assimilation, involves taking later
information and reinterpreting it in ways consistent with our original beliefs and
judgments.9 When Charlie Varon, a comedian, playwright, and performance artist, was
asked by the California Medical Association in 2001 to give a speech, they expected
some comedy over lunch. But Varon, with the cooperation of his hosts, reinventedhimself as Albin Avgher, PhD, and gave a talk about his theory of human communication
using all sorts of made-up statistics and facts to an audience filled with physicians and
attorneys. Until they were let in on the joke, the audience almost to a person believed
Varon was who he was introduced as being—an expert on human genomics. The
audience interpreted the fact that some of his talk made no sense as coming from their
own inadequacies and absence of particular specific knowledge. Had Varon been
introduced as the comedic impostor that he was, the talk and his expertise would have
been interpreted very differently.10
Many behaviors are ambiguous—is someone eccentric and brilliant or
just socially incompetent? How people interpret what they see depends on their
expectations that precede their observations. We see what we expect to see, so
entering a situation with a reputation for power or brilliance is, other things being equal,
more likely to have you leave the setting, regardless of what you do, with your reputation
for power or brilliance enhanced. Impressions and reputations endure, so building a
favorable impression and reputation early is an important step in creating power.
There are two important implications of the durability and rapid creation
of first impressions. First, if you find yourself in a place where you have an image
problem and people don’t think well of you, for whatever reason, it is often best to leave
for greener pastures. This is tough advice to hear and heed—many people want to
demonstrate how wonderful they are by working diligently to change others’ minds and
repair their image. But such efforts are seldom successful, for all the reasons just
enumerated, and moreover, they take a lot of effort. Better to demonstrate your many
positive qualities in a new setting where you don’t have to overcome so much baggage.
Second, because impressions are formed quickly and are based on
many things, such as similarity and “chemistry” over which you have far from perfect
control, you should try to put yourself in as many different situations as possible—to play
the law of large numbers. If you are a talented individual, over time and in many contexts,
that talent will appear to those evaluating you. But in any single instance, the evaluative
judgment that forms the basis for your reputation will be much more random. This advice
is consistent with that offered on network building, where again the best practice is to
widely disperse your network building efforts and build many weak ties. Don’t get hung
up on making a favorable impression in any single place, but instead find an
environment in which you can build a great reputation and keep trying different
environments until this effort succeeds.


You need to think strategically about the dimensions or elements of the reputation you
want to build and then conduct yourself accordingly. Ryan Lizza’s account of the rise ofBarack Obama in the tough world of Chicago and then Illinois politics illustrates how
Obama, from the very beginning, worked to build a political identity that would be useful
to him:

Obama seems to have been meticulous about constructing a political identity for
himself. He visited churches on the South Side, considered the politics and
reputations of each one, and received advice from older pastors…. Though he
admired Judson Miner, he was similarly cautious about joining his law firm…. Obama
was writing “Dreams” at the moment that he was preparing for a life in politics, and he
launched his book and his first political campaign simultaneously.11

For more than a decade, John Browne served as CEO of British
Petroleum; under his aegis, BP bought Amoco and Arco as well as making numerous
smaller acquisitions. Browne was named to the British House of Lords and was voted
the country’s most admired business leader numerous times.12 But as the many
executives I have spoken with over the years point out, Browne is not necessarily the
most obvious leader: he is short, less than five feet six inches tall; soft-spoken and
awkward in social settings, essentially an introvert; and an intellectual in an industry
known for brash, bold leaders who take big chances. Browne’s rise to power and his
consolidation of his position was based in part on his ability to build an image that
served him well.
Although Browne’s reputation is multifaceted, three dimensions stand
out: hard work and dedication, intelligence, and intimidation of others. Browne was at
BP throughout his working life, spending over 30 years in the company. He moved
around the world—his postings include Anchorage, Alaska, New York, Cleveland, and
London, among others. He worked enormous hours. It is helpful to be seen as someone
devoted to the company above all else.
Browne’s intelligence is legendary. Trained in physics, Browne always
emphasized first principles and asked inquisitive questions. His analytical training
permitted him to do well in his jobs both in finance and in exploration. But what comes
across is how he uses his intelligence and memory to build his reputation as being super
smart, not unlike what Robert McNamara did at both Ford and the Department of
Browne turned his shyness into a virtue. He carefully controlled his
schedule. As a result, those who were lucky enough to get a meeting with him
understood that each encounter was very important and high stakes. Browne turned
even the ability to interact with him into a source of power—he controlled the scarce
resource of his time. And as he displayed his intellectual prowess during those
meetings, Browne built a reputation for brilliance that served him well both inside andoutside BP.
The specifics of a useful reputation will obviously vary depending on the
context and your own personal strengths and weaknesses. What is important is that you
think carefully about the dimensions of the reputation you want to build, and then do
everything in your power, from how you spend your time to what organizations and
people you associate with, to ensure that is the image that you project.


When Marcelo, a Brazilian, was 23 years old, he was named controller of one of the
largest real estate companies in that country. At the time, he had four years’ experience
as a financial analyst, and he was given the responsibility for running a department with
70 people doing finance, accounting, internal audit, and investor relations. Why he got
the job is not nearly as interesting as what he did once he was in it. Marcelo knew that he
was not particularly qualified for the position, that many on his team—whose help and
hard work he needed—would wonder about him, and that peers in other organizations,
who might also prove helpful, would also need to be won over.
Marcelo built a three-pronged strategy. The first part entailed doing a lot
of hard work and, to the best of his ability, delivering good results. The second was to
build networks both inside and outside of the company—relationships that could help
him be successful. But Marcelo also recognized the importance of creating a positive
external image that would attract allies and support. He began to carefully cultivate the
media as a way of becoming “better than he actually was” in the eyes of the world and,
by so doing, actually be better because of the effect of positive expectations and image
on how he would be seen.
Marcelo understood that, particularly in today’s world with media
budgets cut and organizations facing financial stress, journalists need and very much
appreciate help doing their jobs. So Marcelo began writing articles about finance and
management and sending them off to relevant Brazilian publications that wanted
interesting content. At first, of course, not all the publications accepted his contributions,
but over time, he got some of his writings placed. One of his angles was to play on his
young age and offer a different generational perspective on management issues. Once
some of his articles had been published, he had more credibility, so it was easier to get
still other articles published. Marcelo also volunteered to do interviews about his
company with the media. Many of his colleagues felt that this was a waste of time and a
distraction from their real jobs. Few wanted to be bothered with drafting press releases
and handling media relations. Marcelo was soon doing these tasks not just for his
department but for many others in the company, and as his skill and success at these
tasks grew, others came to him for help. Through these activities, he was able to connectwith many important people in the media in Brazil and also gain considerable stature
inside his company.
When at the age of 27, with no top management experience, he was
given the job of chief financial officer to guide a turnaround, lead a 100-person team,
and be the co-general manager of one of the company’s business units, Marcelo had
already learned the importance of the media. He continued writing articles, doing
interviews, and building relationships. In 2007, Marcelo, not yet 30 years old, was
featured in a leading Brazilian business magazine as one of ten young executives
designated “CEOs of the Future,” and was on the cover of another leading Brazilian
magazine with an article on how to trade in the stock market. Who knows what will
eventually happen to Marcelo, but the odds of his being named a CEO are certainly
enhanced by being designated as such by a leading business publication.
The lessons from the Marcelo story are to be persistent and to spend
time cultivating media people—not just press, radio, television, and the Internet, but also
business writers and thinkers who can help you burnish your image. The best way to
build relationships with media people is to be helpful and accessible.
When Nuria Chinchilla completed her doctoral thesis at IESE, the
business school of the University of Navarra in Barcelona, and joined the IESE faculty,
she became interested in the topic of women in the workplace and building family-
friendly workplaces. Although this issue gained prominence over the years as more
women joined the labor force in Spain and elsewhere, and work-family conflicts
continued to grow, what’s interesting is how Chinchilla built an international reputation for
herself as a leading, maybe the leading, speaker, consultant, and writer on this topic.
There were, after all, many other professionals and policy analysts working on this topic,
but few have had the visibility or influence in multiple countries as had Chinchilla, who
has influenced awards and regulations in more than a dozen countries all over the
When Chinchilla organized the first meeting for women human resource
managers in 2001, she invited reporters to attend and interview the women there. A full-
page article resulted. She recruited a former journalist and writer, Consuelo Leon, to
come to IESE for a doctorate and to work in Chinchilla’s research center with her. Leon
now provides help with writing and research and also tacit knowledge of the media
landscape. And Nuria makes herself open to doing interviews with journalists and
building relationships with them: “I am doing my interviews mostly by phone in the car, in
my office, from home. Every time, every hour. I am managing my time and providing a
good service to the person who wants to have an interview. So this is why the television
and radios and newspapers are happy with me, and then they come back. And also,
because they know that I have data and this is what they want.”14
There is no doubt that it is easier to get media attention once you are in
power. Once in a very senior leadership role, you can hire the ghost writers to help you
get your favorable story out and you can put your company’s marketing muscle behind
such efforts, which makes magazines and book publishers much more interested in the
project. And by so doing, you can take control of your image, burnishing the positive
aspects and ignoring anything negative. So you can read automobile executive Lee
Iacocca’s autobiography, one of the first big selling stories by a corporate CEO,15 but
never learn about his disinterest in issues of auto safety or see much about his role inthe design and marketing of the Ford Pinto, a car with a gas tank engineered in such a
way that it would explode and catch fire if hit from behind.16 You can read Al Dunlap’s
autobiography and never learn that this former CEO of Scott Paper and Sunbeam
perpetrated massive accounting fraud.17 As John Byrne wrote, Dunlap was lionized in
the business press until his fall from grace, and his “celebrity was based less on
achievement than his eager willingness to say and do the offensive and the outrageous”
as a way of playing to the media.18 Byrne should know about how to hurt or help a CEO
build his image, as his book with General Electric’s chief executive Jack Welch took
someone known more for downsizing—remember the nickname “Neutron Jack”—and
turned him into a business hero,19 even though there is evidence that GE polluted the
Hudson River, engaged in massive price fixing, and never was quite as financially
successful as it appeared.20
As the cases of Marcelo and Nuria Chinchilla illustrate, it is possible
and desirable to have a media image–building strategy even at the beginning of your
career. Consider getting public relations help early on. Reach out to the media and
academics who write cases and articles, and write your own articles or blogs that
enhance your visibility.
Marketing expert Keith Ferrazzi recommends writing articles because it
helps you clarify your thinking. It does that, but writing can also be a way to build visibility
and create an image, helping you find a good job. Karen, whom we discussed in chapter
5, worked at a venture capital company in San Francisco in the early days of blogging.
Inevitably, there were discussions in the firm about whether someone should write a blog.
What was the company’s public relations strategy? People were busy with their deals
and their board commitments. Karen loved writing and so she began a blog. It was
successful, and soon she was being asked to be an occasional guest columnist on other
blogs. One day she was approached by a head-hunter about moving to a new, senior
role in strategy at a large Internet company in another city. As Karen told me, when
people are going to meet you, they Google you, and in her case, they could read her
musings, which gave her credibility. Her future boss had only a 15-minute interview with
her. He told her that they had read her blog, could see how she thought, felt there was a
great fit, so basically she had been hired through her blog and because of her writing.


As you burnish you image, you need to be cognizant of the self-promotion dilemma and
figure out some ways around it. The dilemma is this: on the one hand, research shows
that when people don’t advocate for themselves and claim competence, particularly in
settings such as job interviews or pushing for a promotion when they would be expected
to do so, others believe they must be either incompetent or unskilled in handling suchsituations, a perception that works to their disadvantage.21 On the other hand, self-
promoting behavior, although expected in many instances, also creates difficulties.
When you tout your own abilities and accomplishments, you face two problems: you are
not going to be as believable as presumably more objective outsiders; and research
shows that people who engage in blatant self-promotion are perceived as arrogant and
self-aggrandizing, which causes others not to like them.22 Although likability is not
essential for obtaining power, there is no point in putting others off if there is a way to
avoid it.
There is a solution to this dilemma: get others, even those you employ
such as agents, public relations people, executive recruiters, and colleagues, to tout your
abilities. In a series of experiments, I and some colleagues investigated what happened
when a person claimed competence for himself compared to when another made the
identical statements on his behalf.23 Not surprisingly, when another made statements
about how great an author was, for instance, that person was perceived as more likable
than if he made the same statements on his own behalf. The author was also perceived
as more competent when another stated his abilities than when he did so himself. And
people were more willing to offer extra help to others who were not seen as arrogant or
self-aggrandizing, who had an intermediary speak on their behalf rather than promoting
themselves. In one of the experimental studies, we used a video scenario in which an
actor, playing the role of an agent, made statements supporting the value of his client
and that person’s work while the client sat by his side in the picture. Even though
participants in the study reported that the agent was under the control of the client and
was acting on his behest, they nevertheless rated the client more highly than in situations
where the client made the identical statements for himself. What these studies show is
that even though people understand the financially intertwined interests of people hired
to act on your behalf, and even though they know that agents or intermediaries are under
your control, they will still rate you more highly and offer more help than if you acted on
your own.
Those who speak on your behalf also have their statements judged as
more credible than when you make the same claims yourself. And the very fact that you
were able to get, for instance, a reputable public relations firm or a great agent to work
for you signals your capability and adds luster to your reputation. The advice from this
research and the observations that stimulated it: don’t be cheap—hire people to
represent and tout you. It can work to your advantage in several ways.


Larry Summers, Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, president of Harvard University,
and the head of President Barak Obama’s National Economic Council, is oftendescribed as prickly, outspoken, and not very sensitive. Ryan Lizza’s description of
Summers in the Obama White House is typical:

Summers is a brilliant yet heroically self-regarding economist. His capacity for
equations is not matched by a capacity for working easily with others. When I asked
the senior White House official about the relationships between him and Orszag
[Obama’s budget director], he replied, “There’s a little turbulence between Larry and
everybody, because that’s just the way he is.”24

Not only has Summers’s reputation not hurt him; it has actually helped. If
you know you are hiring someone who is difficult, and you do so anyway, you will be
more committed to the decision—because you will have made the selection in spite of
whatever flaws the person has. Displaying some negative characteristics, as long as
they aren’t so overwhelming as to preclude your selection, actually increases your power
because those who support you notwithstanding your flaws will be even more committed
to you and your success. The process is one of reputational inoculation—people can’t
complain about traits they know about and will, as in the quote about Larry Summers,
come to discount any negative traits as being “just who you are.”
Consider the nonexecutive chairman of a publicly traded company
making point-of-care ultrasound equipment. A former Marine, the chairman set meeting
dates not by consulting with board members on their schedules but by fiat—and woe to
anyone who missed meetings, even if they were set at times impossible to attend. He
also ran the meetings in an authoritarian fashion. But no harm to him. As one board
member commented after agreeing with this characterization, “That’s just how he is.”
You probably aren’t—and don’t want to appear in any case—perfect. As
long as the quirks you display are irrelevant to the core of your reputation and why
people select you—in the case of Summers, for his brilliance in the field of economics
—the flaws and foibles can actually strengthen people’s commitment to you.


People benefit, or suffer, from the self-reinforcing aspect of reputations. As one analysisof Mike Volpi, former head of business development at Cisco, the network equipment
maker, noted:

He gained a reputation with Chambers [the CEO] and other senior managers for
being able to get things done…. Volpi began to get a reputation outside of Cisco as
well. Favorable press coverage helped to increase his influence within Cisco and with
important constituencies outside of the company; reports of his influence became a
self-fulfilling prophecy.25

You don’t have to trade reputation for reality. Volpi was a very successful
business development executive. A great reputation can help you achieve great
performance and vice versa. The trick is to be sure you do the things to build your
reputation, have others tout you, and attract the kind of media coverage and image that
can help build your power base.


Overcoming Opposition and Setbacks

NO MATTER how worthy your goals, how hard you work, and how talented you are,
virtually everyone encounters opposition and setbacks along the path to power. Sandy
Weill, who built up several financial services companies before becoming the all-
powerful CEO of Citigroup, was turned down by Merrill Lynch, Bache, and Harris Upham
when he applied for a job as a stockbroker in the 1950s,1 and resigned from American
Express when he lost a power struggle in 1985—Weill had come to American Express
when he sold the company the securities firm, Shearson, he had built.2 The important
question is how you respond to the inevitable opposition and reversals of fortune you will
When Laura Esserman, a breast cancer surgeon with an MBA, became
head of the Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center at UCSF in 1997, she had a vision for
what needed to happen. First, she wanted to get the relevant specialties together in one
attractive, patient-friendly setting so women did not have to go from place to place, in
some instances carrying their own medical tests and records. Women frequently
confronted delays and inconvenience in the diagnostic process along with uncertainty
and fear as they went from having a mammogram to a biopsy to consulting with a
surgical oncologist, often in different offices and with days between steps. Esserman
wanted to create a facility where women could arrive in the morning referred by their
primary care physician with a suspicious lump or another symptom and leave at the end
of the day with a treatment plan, having had the necessary tests and evaluation during
one day in one nicely designed and decorated place.
Second, Esserman was aware that the cycle time for learning and
improving cancer treatments was too long and too expensive, with implications for
patient outcomes. As Sue Dubman, now at Genzyme but at one time in the informatics
division of the National Cancer Institute, showed me, recruiting patients for clinical trials
consumes about 20 percent of the enormous cost of drug development, and the slow
pace of signing up doctors and patients causes delays in evaluating new drugs and
other treatments. Could these costs and delays be cut? Furthermore, although important
information came out of the clinical trials, hundreds of thousands of women were being
treated every day and information about what was working and what wasn’t from those
everyday experiences was being lost. So, Esserman had two other objectives: to build
an informatics system to capture more of the data from treatment outcomes and to
increase the ease and speed of enrolling patients in clinical trials.
All of these worthy objectives confronted opposition. Although Essermanran the cancer center, she did not have line authority or budgetary control over the
separate academic departments such as surgery and radiology—each with its own
budget and priorities—that would need to come together into a single facility to provide
the one-stop service she envisioned. Moreover, UCSF was famous for its fundamental
scientific research, and patient care was less of a cultural imperative. Academic medical
centers faced financial challenges, particularly in California with its high proportion of
health-maintenance organizations, which made investment in informatics difficult.
Academic physicians were trained to compete for funding and prestige; that
individualistic, competitive culture would have to change if patient data from multiple
sites were to be combined for analysis about what did and didn’t work. To compound her
other difficulties, Esserman was, by her own admission, quick to anger, impatient, and
often neither able nor particularly interested in seeing things from the perspective of
others, particularly those she saw thwarting her efforts. At the time I wrote a case about
Laura Esserman in 2003, it was unclear how much of her agenda she would be able to
accomplish. Many people who saw the case thought her efforts were doomed.3
By 2009, the answer was clear: Laura Esserman was well on her way to
doing it all. Already by 2003 she had the facility and brought together the resources that
provided patient-centered care and fulfilled the promise of less delay in the diagnostic
process from initial symptom through mammography to biopsy and then a plan for
treatment., a website where patients could enter their own
information and get matched with appropriate clinical trials, had been piloted in the San
Francisco Bay area in 2008 and was rolling out nationally in 2009, speeding the process
and cutting the cost of enrolling patients. And project Athena, an unprecedented effort
that brought together five medical facilities throughout the University of California system
to build a database covering the treatment of thousands of patients, was well under way,
sponsored by the university’s system-wide leadership and encouraged by the UC Board
of Regents and its chair, Richard Blum. Laura Esserman had also evolved in her
leadership skills. In her story, and in the examples of others we will see in this chapter
seeking to build influence and get things done, there are important lessons for everyone
attempting to acquire the power to make change and the resources to build their
reputation and career even as they overcome opposition and setbacks along the way.


Because people come from different backgrounds, face different rewards, and see
different information, they are going to see the world differently. Consequently,
disagreements are inevitable in organizations. Unfortunately, many people are conflict-
averse, finding disagreement disagreeable and avoiding surfacing differences of
opinion and engaging in difficult conversations with their adversaries. As school leaderRudy Crew has said, “Conflict is just an opportunity for another person’s education,” for
exploring why people think the way they do, and for sharing perspectives so the parties
to the conflict can learn about and from each other. Particularly in a leadership position, it
is irresponsible to avoid people with whom you have disagreements and to duck difficult
situations. There are, of course, better and worse ways to engage in conflict. Here are
some ideas to make you more successful in surmounting opposition.

Social psychologist Jack Brehm’s theory of psychological reactance holds that people
rebel against constraints or efforts to control their behavior—force is met with
countervailing force.4 Seeking to dominate the conversation and the decision making
and totally control the situation may work on some of your adversaries, but probably not
too many. Most will seek to push back, very hard—they will react to your attempts to
overpower them by doing things to maintain their power and autonomy. Therefore, one
way to deal with opponents is to treat them well and leave them a graceful way to retreat.
Sometimes, coopting others and making them a part of your team or organization
carries the day by giving them a stake in the current system.
Some years ago at the University of Illinois, a group of women faculty,
staff, and students were upset because the university was apparently paying women less
than men and jobs held by women paid lower salaries than comparable jobs with similar
skills held by men. When this group pressured the university, the administrative response
was brilliant and effective: the university established a Committee on the Status of
Women, gave the committee some stationery, a budget, and a modest amount of office
space—in short, legitimacy and a few resources—and told the committee to study the
facts and come up with recommendations. This move effectively coopted the opposition,
making the potential protesters part of the university, feeling less estranged and like
outsiders. The stridency of the demands diminished and soon people were almost as
concerned with the committee’s budget for the following year as they were about the
status of women on campus.
You can turn enemies into allies, or at least people who are indifferent to
you and not in your way, through strategic outplacement—getting them a better job
somewhere else where they will not be underfoot. When Willie Brown became speaker
of the California Assembly after a tough race against fellow Democrat Howard Berman,
Brown showed benevolence to his opponents. Following a decennial redistricting that
created more congressional districts, Howard Berman and two other Brown rivals, Mel
Levine and Rick Lehman, went to the U.S. Congress with Willie Brown’s help. “Other
Democratic Assembly rivals, like Wadie Deddeh of San Diego, got safe seats in the
state Senate.”5 Brown rewarded his Democratic rivals rather than exacting retribution,
and thereby solidified his power. Helping opponents move to another organization where
they won’t be in your way may not be the first thing you think about doing, but it ought to
be high on the list.
“Face” is important for people’s self-esteem. Giving adversaries
something to make them feel better works to your advantage, particularly if the movesomething to make them feel better works to your advantage, particularly if the move
doesn’t cost you that much. That’s why boards and bosses often say nice things about
people being shown the door, and even sometimes provide money—seldom from their
own pockets—that makes the exit easier to swallow. At a large human resources
consulting partnership that elects its leader by a vote of the partners, one partner who
had built a large organizational practice and was quite visible in the business media
backed the losing candidate. The winner called this partner into his office and told him
he had to leave, his value to the firm notwithstanding. But to ease the pain and ensure
that he would leave quietly, the newly elected leader gave the departing partner enough
money that he didn’t have to work for a year. If you make it easy and pleasant for your
opponents to depart, they will. By contrast, once people have nothing left to lose, they will
have no inhibitions or constraints on what they will do to fight you.

Conflict arouses strong emotions, including anger, and these strong feelings interfere
with our ability to think strategically about what we are really trying to do. You need to
continually ask yourself, “What would victory look like? If you had won the battle, what
would you want that win to encompass?” People lose sight of what their highest priorities
are and get diverted fighting other battles that then cause unnecessary problems.
Laura Esserman was already pushing a large agenda and needed all
the support she could get. Even she will now say that appearing at a hearing chaired by
a state senator friend of hers to investigate the catastrophic merger, subsequently
unwound, between the hospitals at Stanford and the University of California at San
Francisco was not the smartest move. As she entered the hearing room, she spotted
Mike Bishop, the chancellor of the UCSF campus, who knew who she was and
commented on her testifying. The UC hospital merger was not on her critical path to
change breast cancer treatment, and testifying against the administration of the place
where she worked wouldn’t make her many friends.
Zia Yusuf, the former senior executive in SAP, sometimes exasperated
his subordinates because in a meeting when he saw that the decision was going against
him and his group, he typically did not dig in his heels and fight. “It is important to live to
fight another day,” he says. Because he did not push too hard against his bosses or his
peers, Yusuf defused the emotional tone of meetings and by not creating unnecessary
enmity, could often get the decisions he wanted, even if it took some time.
Not creating enemies or turmoil when it isn’t necessary requires
something I have discussed before—focus. You need to have a clear understanding of
where you are going and the critical steps on the way. When you confront opposition on
this path, you need to react. But you just waste your time and possibly acquire gratuitous
problems if you get involved with any issue or individual that has some connection,
regardless of how irrelevant, to you and your agenda.DON’T TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY—MAKE IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS
When Gary Loveman became chief operating officer of Harrah’s, the casino company, in
1998, many insiders thought they were more qualified for the job and resented his arrival
from his position as an associate professor at Harvard Business School who had done
some consulting for the company. One of those potentially difficult people was the chief
financial officer of the company, a senior executive, older than Gary, who was unhappy
with Loveman’s appointment. The CFO position was critically important not just politically
but also for accomplishing the organizational improvement that would eventually provide
Loveman the CEO position in 2003. Loveman moved quickly to cement his relationship
with the CFO. He spent some time with the CFO almost every day, visiting him in his
office, kept the CFO informed about what he was doing and why, involved him in
decisions and meetings—in short, did everything he could to make the relationship
successful. Gary Loveman’s advice: after you reach a certain level, there comes a point
in your career where you simply have to make critical relationships work. Your feelings,
or for that matter, others’ feeling about you, don’t matter. To be successful, you have to
get over resentments, jealousies, anger, or anything else that might get in the way of
building a relationship where you can get the resources necessary for you to get the job
Zia Yusuf had a strategy for depersonalizing the difficult situations he
confronted when he ran SAP’s internal consulting team and sometimes had to
recommend restructuring or other decisions that caused some senior people to lose
resources and power: focus on the data. He pushed himself and his team to get as much
objective information as possible, and to be analytically and logically rigorous, so that
facts would dominate the discussion and make strategic issues less about personalities
and feelings.
The ability to not take opposition or slights personally, think about whose
support you need and go after it, regardless of their behavior toward you or your own
feelings, and remain focused on the data and impartial analysis requires a high level of
self-discipline and emotional maturity. It is a rare skill. But it is crucial in surmounting and
disarming opponents.

I met Richard Blum at a meeting launching the Athena project, the multicampus,
information technology–intensive effort to gather clinical data about the effectiveness of
breast cancer treatments. Blum, an investment banker and investment manager with vast
personal wealth, is chair of the UC Board of Regents and also the husband of California
senator Dianne Feinstein. When I asked Blum, who serves on numerous corporate
boards and nonprofit foundations as well as running his own vast enterprises, what
caused him to turn up for this meeting, he replied, “I have learned that when either my
wife or Laura [Esserman] asks you to do something, the best answer is, ‘Yes, dear.’
Because even if you say no, sooner or later you are going to do it anyway. You might aswell save yourself the time and aggravation and agree at the beginning.” Laura
Esserman describes her success as coming from her dogged persistence and likes to
talk about other examples of successful scientists who emphasized the importance of
not giving up in the face of setbacks. People who have observed her in action describe
her as a force of nature.
Persistence works because it wears down the opposition. Much like
water eroding a rock, over time keeping at something creates results. In addition,
staying in the game maintains the possibility that the situation will shift to your advantage.
Opponents retire or leave or make mistakes. The environment changes. When
Esserman entered medicine, breast cancer was, believe it or not, a relatively unsexy
medical backwater. Women’s advocacy and scientific progress that has enhanced
diagnosis and treatment have given the disease and its treatment much more visibility. In
a tenured academic position (Esserman) and a safe legislative seat (Brown in San
Francisco), being patient and persistent is easier to implement than might be the case in
other, less secure situations. Nevertheless, not giving up is a precursor to winning.

When Esserman was thwarted at UCSF, she built a scientific and clinical reputation at
the national level with, for instance, the head of informatics at the National Cancer
Institute. National visibility and ties could be deployed to build her power locally. She also
continued to practice medicine, building a loyal cadre of former patients, some of whom
had incredible wealth, talent, and connections. As she put it, when she was thwarted
making systemic change, she could work on helping people one at a time. When she
was discouraged by what she could do for individual patients—breast cancer remains a
deadly disease—she could focus on making systemic changes that would improve care
and enhance knowledge. By building her power base nationally and locally, both inside
UCSF and with others in the community, Esserman could leverage power from one
setting to get influence in another.
It’s a long way from breast cancer in San Francisco to cricket in India,
but the story of how Lalit Modi gained control of the Board of Control for Cricket in India
(BCCI), the most powerful and wealthy body in world cricket, and launched the new
Indian Premier League (IPL) also illustrates the importance of moving ahead on many
fronts. The son of a wealthy family, Modi attended Duke University, where he learned
about sports marketing. Back in India, he signed a deal with Disney to sell licensed
merchandise. His first attempt—to set up an Indian cricket league with foreign players
that was going to get air time on ESPN—foundered when the BCCI opposed it. Modi
used his contacts in large U.S. companies such as Disney and ESPN to convince allies
in India that if he could open up the BCCI monopoly and build a more entrepreneurial
culture, there was a lot of money to be made by selling merchandise and games. He
was extremely patient, beginning more than a decade ago to build the relationships that
would enable him to successfully seize power in the BCCI, relationships that were, in
many instances, only tangentially related to cricket and included powerful Indian

If you move quickly, you can often catch your opponents off guard and secure victory
before they even know what is happening. In 2005, Jagmohan Dalmiya stood for
reelection as president of the BCCI. Modi, coming out of nowhere as a leader of the
Rajasthan Cricket Association, hired numerous lawyers to pursue allegations of
corruption and mismanagement against Dalmiya and ran an overtly political campaign to
oust him. “Dalmiya could not believe the effort being put in by his opponents. He was
caught totally unaware.”7 After winning the election and installing himself as vice
president and an ally as president of the association, Modi moved quickly to remove
opponents and sell TV rights and merchandise sponsorships at high prices to bring in
the resources and show people that siding with him was very much in their economic
This dynamic plays out all the time in board of directors and CEO
struggles. If the CEO can move first to rid the board of opponents, he can usually be
successful and save his job. If the board organizes while the CEO is away on vacation or
distracted, the members can often mobilize the support to unseat the CEO before he
can mount a counterattack. The lesson: Don’t wait if you see a power struggle coming.
While you are waiting, others are organizing support and orchestrating votes to win.

Serving on a publicly traded company’s board of directors provides prestige and money.
At one medical device company, the chair of the compensation committee got into
conflict with the CEO. The board member felt that the company was underperforming,
not attaining the profit margins that had been projected as sales grew, and the stock
price was stagnant. Meanwhile, the CEO retained outside counsel to help him in his
negotiations for a larger compensation package. When the board acquiesced to his
demands, the CEO had won. Soon, the compensation committee chair was off the
board. Coincidence? Possibly. But a lesson to other board members, nonetheless: if
you want to keep your position, go along.
The late John Jacobs, political reporter at the time for the San
Francisco Chronicle and later the McClatchy chain, told me that when as a young
reporter he wrote negative articles about the new speaker of the assembly, Willie Brown,
he was told he could be barred from the floor of the assembly. That might make doing
his job as a political reporter more difficult. When he wrote a favorable article about
something Brown had done, he received a gift basket. The lesson: there would be
consequences from the relationship Jacobs developed with Brown.
In companies, in government, even in nonprofits, people who have any
resource control use it to reward those who are helpful and punish those who stand intheir way. When the charming, gentle, and scrupulously honest John Gardner, founder of
Common Cause and a man of distinction, was HEW secretary in the Johnson
administration, a time when the programs in health, education, and social welfare were
greatly expanded under the Great Society rubric, he told people that it was firmly within
their right to oppose what he was doing, but he wanted them to know there would be
“consequences.” If using power in this way seems tough, it may be. But get over your
inhibitions, because many of the people you will meet on your path to power will have
less hesitation about rewarding their friends and punishing those who oppose them.

Your path to power is going to be easier if you are aligned with a compelling, socially
valuable objective. That doesn’t mean you are cynically using some social cause for your
own gain—just that to the extent you can associate your efforts with a socially desirable,
compelling value, you increase your likelihood of success.
Opposing Laura Esserman’s efforts at UCSF was tantamount to turning
one’s back on breast cancer and its victims and their families. Rudy Crew would
invariably talk about the hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren being left behind in
New York and then Miami-Dade County by the current educational arrangements, and
note that his initiatives were designed to remedy real problems with schools. Robert
Moses ruled New York for decades because to oppose him was to oppose parks, and,
as he put it, to be on the side of parks was to be on the side of the angels.
Power struggles inside companies seldom seem to revolve around
blatant self-interest. At the moment of crisis and decision, clever combatants customarily
invoke “shareholders’ interests.” As in, “It would be in the shareholders’ interests to have
a new CEO,” or a “new board member,” or for that matter, new executives in other senior
roles. Gary Loveman’s rationale, as he removed people after he became COO? “They
could not do the new jobs expected of them” under a strategy of data-based marketing
necessary to enhance Harrah’s performance. For example, the marketing executive who
won the chairman’s award for excellence the preceding year was a great advertiser and
photographer of crab legs and properties: this man was great at what used to be the
essence of his job, but he could not do the analytical work required to leverage a large
customer database to build share of wallet. Loveman often frequently notes that no one
owns a position, not even him—everyone works in the interests of the shareholders, who
own the right to put whoever is most effective in the job. Loveman is sincere and he has
certainly delivered for the shareholders—a stock price of about $16 when he arrived at
Harrah’s in 1998 became $90 a share when he completed the last of the big leveraged
buyouts before the crash in the fall of 2007. But this talk about shareholder sovereignty is
also a framing that works to portray his power at the gaming company in a socially
desirable and acceptable fashion.
If you are going to do good—for educational systems, public works,
breast cancer, or shareholders—you are going to need to be in power. Otherwise, you
won’t be able to accomplish as much. The lesson: place your own objectives in a
broader context that compels others to support you.broader context that compels others to support you.


Most successful people have encountered setbacks along the way, and survived. In
entrepreneurship, people expect that not every venture is going to succeed. John Lilly,
CEO of Internet browser company Mozilla, was much less successful with his first
venture. Reed Hastings, the highly successful founder and CEO of Netflix, had a much
less successful experience with his first software start-up, Pure Software, where he tried
to fire himself twice. Bad things sometimes happen to good people. The issue becomes
how and if they recover.
On the evening of December 1, 1997, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a professor
at the Emory University School of Business, responded to a message from the campus
police and went to the police station, thinking it was a prank. It wasn’t. The police
accused Sonnenfeld, who had built a leadership institute at the university and was
famous for his CEO college that brought together leading chief executives and leaders
from the public sector, of vandalizing the new business school building. They said they
had videotape evidence and got Sonnenfeld to sign a letter of resignation from his
tenured full-professor position on the spot, promising they would not arrest him if he quit.
Since Sonnenfeld was leaving after the first of the year to become dean of the business
school at Georgia Tech anyway, he didn’t care about the Emory position, and he was
afraid the possible publicity from an arrest would jeopardize his job at Tech. Within days,
Emory’s president, William Chace, had called senior people at Georgia Tech about
Sonnenfeld; Tech then failed to proceed with the approval of Sonnenfeld’s appointment
at the state board of regents. Shortly after killing Sonnenfeld’s new job, Chace talked to
a reporter at the New York Times and soon the strange case of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld was
all over the media. By the end of December 1997, Sonnenfeld had no job and no
prospect of one and his reputation was in tatters. Many doubted that those who had
given money to the leadership institute or his academic friends would stand by him, and
some worried for his physical and mental health.8
Many, although not all, of his supporters and faculty colleagues did
remain on Sonnenfeld’s side during the protracted struggle with Emory. Today Jeffrey
Sonnenfeld is a professor of management practice and associate dean for executive
education at the Yale School of Management. He has coauthored a book about
overcoming setbacks, using examples from politics and industry. The book also reflects
his own experience about how to survive reversals of fortune.9DON’T GIVE UP
When Jon, the successful director of a major American ballet company, lost his position
as head of the organization in a falling-out with the board, his first reaction was
embarrassment. It didn’t matter that he had positively affected a number of quantitative
measures of the troupe’s operations—he felt uncomfortable talking about the
circumstances of his departure. Rudy Crew had trouble admitting in public or even to
himself that he had been fired by Rudy Giuliani and the New York City school board. Jeff
Sonnenfeld’s first reaction to the tempest in Atlanta was to curtail his normally frenetic
outreach and networking because he felt bad about what had happened.
Embarrassment is the normal reaction to losing one’s job, even if it isn’t your fault. And
why not? We are as subject to the just-world effect—believing that we get what we
deserve—as are outside observers, so when people lose a power struggle, the first
thing they do is blame themselves.
This reaction may be natural, but it is not helpful. Jon, Rudy Crew, and
Jeff Sonnenfeld all had a story to tell—their story, about what happened to them and what
it reflected, not just about them but about those taking the actions against them. Telling
that story requires getting over any embarrassment and the associated tendency to
retreat from view. If you are going to persevere and recover, you need to stop blaming
yourself, letting your opponents dominate the discussion of what happened, and feeling
bad about your complicity in your demise.
The best way to overcome the embarrassment is to talk about what
happened to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. You will probably learn
that you have more support than you think, and that others, rather than blaming you, will
want to come to your aid. Also, the more you tell the tale, the less the telling will stimulate
strong emotions in you. You will become acclimated to the story and desensitized to its
effects. Making what happened less emotionally fraught is absolutely essential for your
being able to think strategically about your next moves.

People who reach senior-level positions in any field are good at what they do. Even if job
performance is not the most important determinant of career success, it does matter
and, moreover, once you reach a high-level position, unless you go to sleep, over time
you will become more capable at doing the job through your accumulated experience.
That means that when you face a setback, don’t take the advice of those who advocate
finding another area of work. Your experience and contacts are all context-specific—you
have human and social capital in a particular job domain. Moving to something else,
whatever else the virtues of that new career path, will rob you of the resources and
competence you have built doing what you do.
Jeff Sonnenfeld got lots of advice in early 1998 about what he should
do. He could go into consulting, or go to work for someone like Bernard Marcus of the
Home Depot, who had been one of the strong supporters of his leadership center at
Emory. But Sonnenfeld wasn’t a full-time consultant and he certainly was not a companyexecutive with experience in day-to-day executive responsibilities. He was an educator.
And the thing that had made him famous, putting him on national television and receiving
favorable press coverage in BusinessWeek, was his CEO college—the meeting that
brought together leading CEOs to discuss issues in a candid, off-the-record atmosphere
with Sonnenfeld as the very effective moderator and organizer. Although this meeting
had been held at Emory, the particular physical location had no implications for the value
that the CEOs derived from the get-together.
Sonnenfeld started a nonprofit in Atlanta, the Chief Executive
Leadership Institute, and found that many, although not all, of the companies that had
supported his center at Emory supported his new endeavor. He took his staff from
Emory with him. He maintained his contacts—with NASDAQ and other groups for whom
he had done similar meetings. He continued his writing and research. This continuity in
activity is what permitted him, along with his eventual exoneration and a favorable CBS
60 Minutes television segment focused on his plight, to rebuild his reputation and
successfully return to academia.

A very successful former CEO of a human capital software company took a job as a
partner with a foreign venture capital firm. The firm’s investments weren’t very good, and,
more importantly, Steve soon figured out that he could not work effectively with his
overseas partners. They parted ways, and Steve’s next job was as CEO of a small
software company in which he had invested while he was still at the venture capital fund.
Even though he had left his previous position and was running a company that was both
small and in a precarious financial position, in talking to him you would never know there
had been any problem at all. He spoke enthusiastically about his current job and the
company’s prospects and refused to acknowledge any setback from his venture capital
experience. Now an executive vice president at a large international research and
consulting firm, Steve’s success in landing a great position derives in no small measure
from his never appearing as if there had been any career reversal.
Situations are often ambiguous. Did you resign or were you fired? Was
your previous job experience successful or not? One of the ways others are going to
ascertain how things turned out is by how you present yourself. Are you upbeat? Do you
project power and success or the reverse? This is why developing the ability to act in
ways that you may not feel at the moment, described in chapter 7, is such an important
skill. You want to convey that everything is fine and under your control, even under dire
People want to associate with winners. At the very moment when you
have suffered a reversal in fortune and most need help, the best way to attract that help
is to act as if you are going to triumph in the end. This advice does not mean that you
should not tell people what happened and enlist their aid. It does mean you need to show
enough strength and resilience that your potential allies will not believe their efforts to
help you will be wasted.
For Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, suing Emory University in Atlanta, where youFor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, suing Emory University in Atlanta, where you
could hardly find a judge or law firm that didn’t have some tie to Emory or its law school,
was emotionally tough. Having to scramble for money to support the new leadership
institute was also difficult. But Sonnenfeld, feeling not only wronged but confident in his
abilities as an educator and researcher, was able to show toughness and act as if he
was going to eventually prevail. That confidence helped him attract the funding for his
new center in the first place—no one is going to donate money to an organization that is
not going to be able to collect sufficient resources to fulfill its mission. It’s in that sense
that the ability to act as if you will win becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


The Price of Power

IT WAS the late Nobel Prize–winning economist Milton Friedman who famously said,
“There is no free lunch.” Nothing comes without cost, and that is certainly true of power.
As you chart your course and make decisions about what you will and will not do to
acquire power, consider carefully what you are striving for and if you really want it.
People who seek and attain power often pay some price for the quest, for holding on to
their positions, and confronting the difficult but inevitable transitions out of powerful roles.
This chapter considers some of the costs incurred by those who successfully pursue a
path to power.


In January 2005, two employees of a large U.S. manufacturing company, one of whom
was divorced and one who was still married, began having a consensual affair. There
was never any evidence of sexual harassment or unwanted advances—it was a case of
mutual attraction. There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of such incidents
each year, most of which have little or no consequence for the professional careers of
the people involved and few of which gain any public attention. But not in this case,
because the man involved was Harry Stonecipher, the CEO of Boeing, and the woman
was a Boeing vice president. The Boeing board of directors asked for, and got,
Stonecipher’s resignation when the affair was brought to its attention by an internal
whistle-blower.1 An important lesson: if you are going to misbehave in any way, do so
before you achieve a high-level position that makes you the object of constant attention
by peers, subordinates, superiors, and the media.
It’s not just the big things that draw scrutiny when you are in power. Rudy
Crew, when he ran the Miami-Dade County school district, faced public commentary on
the fact that he drove a Mercedes. One reporter found it important to write that in a self-
serve restaurant, he failed to bus his dishes when he had finished eating. As theseexamples illustrate, holding a position of power means that more than your job
performance is being carefully watched—although that happens, too. Every aspect of
your life, including how you dress, where you live, how you spend your time, who you
choose to spend time with, what your children do, what you drive, how you act in
completely non-job-related domains, will draw scrutiny. As A. Bartlett Giamatti, the former
president of Yale University, noted, “Not that I’ve been treated unfairly, but you go from
being a private person to suddenly reading descriptions of your face, your clothes, the
way your hands look.”2 Organizational behavior scholars Robert Sutton and Charles
Galunic note that the public scrutiny experienced by organizational leaders entails
persistent attention, close performance monitoring, interruptions, and relentless
questions about what is going on. They argue that such scrutiny has many negative
consequences for both the leaders and the organizations they lead.3
All this scrutiny makes doing your job more difficult. If you ever played a
musical instrument, I’m sure you remember your first recital. If you are like most people,
playing while others watch is a different and more demanding experience than playing
under the gaze of your music teacher or parents or, better yet, alone. A recital is a lot
more stressful. That stress leads people to forget their notes—or their lines if they are on
stage—and perform a lot worse than when they perform without an audience.
Social psychologists have a term for this widespread and well-studied
phenomenon—it is called the “social facilitation effect.”4 When you are in the presence
of other people, even if they aren’t watching you, you are more motivated and on edge.
That’s fine, up to a point. The relationship between motivation and performance is
curvilinear—positive up to some level as effort increases but then negative as increased
tension decreases your ability to process information and make decisions. The social
facilitation literature shows that the presence of others, by increasing motivation and
psychological arousal, will enhance performance of overlearned and simple activities
such as running or walking, but will decrease performance on tasks that entail new
learning or involve novel or difficult activities. What tasks people have mastered varies
depending on the person. But generally, simple repetitive motions such as those
involved in assembly-line work benefit from the social facilitation effect, while tasks
entailing complex intellectual work, such as analyzing complex and multifaceted
information to make a decision, are harmed. The negative effect of observers on
performance that is not completely routinized through repeated practice is why actors
and other performers do so much rehearsing before they have to appear in public.
Another cost of visibility is distraction of effort. People are interested in
their reputation and image. Consequently, they spend time on impression management.
This need to spend time and other resources on image maintenance increases as
public scrutiny increases. And time spent dealing with scrutiny and managing
appearances is time that cannot be spent doing other aspects of one’s job.
To take the starkest example of how visibility diverts effort, consider the
life of a CEO of a publicly traded company. One survey of American CEOs found that
they spent 11 percent of their time on corporate governance and administration, which
includes investor presentations and conferences, quarterly conference calls, and the like.
To put that 11 percent in perspective, this amount of time was as much time as the
CEOs reported spending on operations and more time than they spent on product
development.5 A study of 79 CEOs in Japan, even with its less shareholder-obsessedculture, reported that they spent more time on investor relations than they spent on
unions, employee training, and outsourcing issues combined.6
The distractions caused by the requirements for responding to the
demands of visibility can cripple both individual and organizational performance. One
biography of Nobel Prize–winning physicist Richard Feynman noted how the attention
that came with winning the prize often made it impossible for the winners to continue the
research work that brought them distinction in the first place:

Most scientists knew that not-so-amusing metalaw that the receipt of the Nobel Prize
marks the end of one’s productive career…the fame and distinction tend to
accelerate the waning of a scientist’s ability to give…creative work the time-intensive,
fanatical attention that it often requires.7

The Wallace Company was the first small manufacturing organization to
win the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, which at one time was accompanied
by a lot of press and public attention. The visits, press requests, and conferences proved
so distracting that the company wound up filing for bankruptcy. An executive commented:

When you win the Baldrige, there is also an obligation, if not a contractual
commitment, to go out and spread the gospel. You also have to open up your
business to others who want to see your systems and procedures. That is good, but if
you are in the business of trying to survive, it becomes a financial problem and
defeats your original purpose of being in business.8

There is yet another cost of visibility. Under the pressure to “look good,”
people and companies are reluctant to take risks or innovate, opting to do what seems
safe. This may help to explain the “innovator’s dilemma,” described by Clayton
Christensen.9 Christensen noted that once companies became large and successful,
they seldom introduced the next generation of innovations in their industries, particularly
when such innovations were disruptive to their existing business model. This reluctance
to innovate occurred even though the large, dominant players typically had the intellectual
and financial wherewithal to bring the new technologies to market and in many instanceshad discovered or developed the new ideas themselves. This process is quite evident in
the semiconductor industry, where each generation of new technology has produced
different companies that then came to dominate the industry. Under public scrutiny and
demands from analysts and the media to perform reliably, industry leaders become
unwilling to take the chance of missing a quarter or taking undue risks. Because of the
costs of scrutiny, it can pay to be under the radar for as long as possible, and this is true
whether you are a company or an individual trying to forge a path to power.


James March, a very distinguished organizational scholar and political scientist, once
remarked that you could have power or autonomy, but not both. How right he was. When I
asked a former colleague what changed when he became a business school dean, his
reply was that he lost control over his schedule. Whereas once he could exercise, take
time to think and reflect, and do things that interested him, now there were many people
and constituencies wanting to see him. Like many senior leaders, his “office” scheduled
his time, and unless he got to them and blocked time for himself before they scheduled
every minute, there would be no free time or even time whose allocation he controlled so
he could move his agenda forward.
At first, in a powerful role, all the demands for your attention are flattering
—after all, it’s great that so many people want to see you. Therefore people who have
recently been promoted tend to be overwhelmed by the time demands of their more
powerful job. Not wanting to refuse requests by groups and individuals whose support
they may need and whose attention they value, powerful people can easily find
themselves overscheduled and working too many hours, something that drains their
energy and leaves them unable to cope with the unexpected challenges of their job. After
a while, most of the CEOs and other senior leaders I know block out time for themselves
and the activities that they want to do. But all of them talk about the loss of control over
how they spend their time as one of the big costs of being in a position of power.

COST 3: THE TIME AND EFFORT REQUIREDBuilding and maintaining power requires time and effort, there are no two ways about it.
Time spent on your quest for power and status is time that you cannot spend on other
things, such as hobbies or personal relationships and families. The quest for power often
exacts a high toll on people’s personal lives, and although everyone bears some costs,
the price seems to be particularly severe for women.
Frances Conley was one of the first female neurosurgeons and, at the
time of her retirement, chief of staff for the Veterans Administration hospital in Palo Alto,
an associate dean at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, and an accomplished
researcher whose work had helped start a biotechnology company. Conley’s life in
academic medicine, described in her autobiography, was demanding.10 Her husband,
Phil, a Harvard MBA, left the corporate world and did investment management for them
and for others, playing the role of supportive spouse, doing much of the cooking, and
taking care of the house. Phil occasionally resented the fact that, for his wife, patients
and work came first. As for having children, Conley wrote, “by the time of my tenure
review in 1982, Phil and I had decided…that we would not have children. Having children
never seemed to fit into our lives—I was always a student, an intern, a resident, or a
faculty person, driven to succeed.”11
Things aren’t that different today. An up-and-coming, high-potential, 41-
year-old female executive at a large shoe company told me in 2009 that of the top 100
or so women at her company, there were very, very few in traditional marriages with
children. Some of the senior women were single, like her; some were married with no
children. Speaking of her own situation, she said she had no real personal life: she had
moved numerous times for her career, and men often saw her as “threatening” because
she was a strong and successful woman. Andrea Wong, the CEO of Lifetime Television
and a former executive at ABC, where she developed a number of the early reality
shows, is in her early forties and has never married. An executive running retail
operations in China for a large oil company is married with children, but her husband
does not work. Although there are strong, successful women with similarly successful
husbands—Hillary and Bill Clinton would be one notable example—such arrangements
are still the exception rather than the rule.
Sociologist Hanna Papanek described women’s frequent response to
the demands of their husbands’ occupations as the “two-person single career.”12 Wives
contribute to their husbands’ success by providing advice and support, entertaining
colleagues, and relieving husbands of many of the routine tasks of daily life. Although it
is most often women who fill this role, men can and do so also, as I have already
described. I have heard many professional women say that they “need a wife,” meaning
they need someone to help them in their quest for success. Two talented people working
on a single career bring more time and resources to bear, enhancing the odds of
success. Because of these career dynamics, studies of the graduates of leading
professional school programs in law, medicine, and particularly business document the
fact that most women 15 years after graduation have dropped out of the labor force, at
least temporarily, at some point in their work lives.
The trade-offs between having a successful career and a family, and the
fact that the social policies in most industrialized countries don’t provide much help
navigating this situation, is one reason why virtually every advanced industrialized
country with the exception of France has a below-replacement-level birth rate. Researchshows that being married and having children has either no effect or a positive effect on
men’s careers, while most studies show a negative impact on the careers of women
from being married and having children.13
Put simply, you can’t have it all, and the quest for power entails trade-
offs, including in one’s personal life. Men also confront the choice of how to spend their
time, and for them, too, there are only 24 hours in a day. Being successful exacts a price
for men also. I recall Jack Valenti, who ran the Motion Picture Association of America for
38 years, expressing his concern that his ambition had been a “dark thread” throughout
his life that had taken him away from his family, and he worried, still keeping a busy
schedule into his eighties, that he had not spent enough time with his children. Valenti
had a house in the Washington, D.C., area and also an apartment in Los Angeles. His
wife had not wanted to move to California and in any event, the arrangement worked well
given his job. The studio heads and much of the movie industry were mostly in Los
Angeles, while the lobbying of both U.S. and other governments occurred in Washington
and overseas, so being bicoastal, although hard because of the travel involved, was very
helpful for Valenti’s ability to do his job.
Getting and keeping power takes time away from friends and family.
This is a price that some people are willing to pay. But it is an inevitable cost of pursuing
powerful, high-status positions that require time, energy, and focus for success.


Here’s a simple truth: the higher you rise and the more powerful the position you occupy,
the greater the number of people who will want your job. Consequently, holding a
position of great power creates a problem: who do you trust? Some people will be
seeking to create an opportunity for themselves through your downfall, but they won’t be
forthcoming about what they are doing. Some people will be trying to curry favor with you
by telling you what they think you want to hear so you will like them and help them
advance. And some people will be doing both.
Gary Loveman, the former Harvard Business School professor who is
now the CEO of Harrah’s Entertainment, commented that the higher you rise in an
organization, the more people are going to tell you that you are right. This leads to an
absence of critical thought and makes it difficul for senior leaders to get the truth—a
problem both for the company and its leaders, as you can’t address problems if you
don’t know about them. Loveman tried to overcome this problem by regularly and
publicly admitting the mistakes he made so that others would be encouraged to admit
where they had messed up too. He also placed a lot of emphasis on the process by
which decisions got made—particularly, the use of data and analytics—and almost no
emphasis on who was making the decision. Gary was conscious of the tendency forpeople in power to become deeply self-righteous and believe their own hype. This
problem is difficult to overcome as it plays into our natural tendency to want to think
highly of ourselves, but Loveman tried to overcome this tendency by seeking the
opinions of outsiders with no stake in Harrah’s and by encouraging open debate and
critical self-reflection within the company.
Loveman’s success at Harrah’s and his position as a leading executive
in the gaming industry insulated him, to some extent, from coup attempts. But no one in a
position of power is completely immune from palace revolts. Patricia Seeman, a Swiss
executive coach and adviser to numerous high-ranking executives, particularly in the
financial services industry, told me that in the typical senior management team, all the
people reporting to the CEO believe they could hold the CEO position, many think they
could do better than the incumbent, and most direct reports aspire to their boss’s job.
Some people are going to be willing to take their turn and hope that they will be chosen
when the incumbent steps down, but others will be more proactive in their efforts to move
up. Therefore, for CEOs to survive in their jobs, they need to be able to discern who is
undermining them and be tough enough to remove those people before they themselves
lose the power struggle. What’s true for CEOs is also true for other senior-level
executives with ambitious subordinates.
Ross Johnson, formerly CEO of Nabisco, is justly famous for his role in
the first huge leveraged buyout, the RJR Nabisco transaction described so well in the
book Barbarians at the Gate.14 But where Johnson really excelled was maneuvering
himself into CEO jobs and eliminating rivals who naively trusted him. When Johnson
engineered the merger of Standard Brands, where he was CEO, into Nabisco, the huge
cookie and cracker manufacturer, he was ostensibly in the number two role and faced
numerous internal Nabisco rivals. One was Dick Owens, Nabisco’s chief financial officer
—at the time of the merger promoted to the title of executive vice president and
appointed to the board of directors. “Whatever Owens wanted, Johnson got him. He
approved a steady stream of Owens’s requests for new aides…. In Johnson’s warm
embrace, Owens’s financial fiefdom grew greatly.” That is, until Johnson went to the CEO
and told him that Owens had built too large and too centralized a financial empire.
Owens was then replaced for a time by Johnson himself.15
Next, Johnson gracefully pushed the CEO aside, doing it with flattery
and kindness. Johnson had Nabisco endow a chair in accounting at Pace University in
the name of the CEO, Robert Schaeberle. He ensured that the board named the new
Nabisco research center building after the CEO. Soon, Johnson was the CEO of
Nabisco. As Johnson’s allies realized, “a man who had his name on a building…might
as well be dead.”16
When you are in power, you should probably trust no single person in
your organization too much, unless you are certain of their loyalty and that they are not
after your job. The constant vigilance required by those in power—to ensure they are
hearing the truth and to maintain their position vis-à-vis rivals—is yet another cost of
occupying a job that many others want.

Nick Binkley, a guitar-playing, song-writing (he has produced several music CDs)
graduate in political science from Colorado College, with a master’s degree in
international studies from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies,
made a career in finance when he figured out he could not support himself doing music
full-time. Binkley joined Security Pacific Bank in California as an assistant vice president
in 1977 and rose through the ranks, moving to the bank holding company’s financial
services systems division in 1983 and eventually becoming vice chairman of Security
Pacific Corporation responsible for all the nonbanking subsidiaries, which included
venture capital and personal finance (e.g., personal lines of credit). When Bank of
America purchased Security Pacific in the early 1990s, Binkley became vice chairman
and a member of Bank of America’s board of directors with an extensive portfolio of
businesses within the bank.
In his senior positions, first at Security Pacific and then at Bank of
America, Binkley had all the perquisites of power. He recounted flying with the Security
Pacific CEO in a private jet for a lunch in Japan and then flying back after the lunch. He
had access to positions on nonprofit boards, tickets for the opera and symphony when
he wanted them, and helicopters, private planes, and limousines to take him around.
When Bank of America acquired Security Pacific, Binkley got a golden parachute to
protect him in the event that he lost his job. Although encouraged by Bank of America’s
CEO at the time, Richard Rosenberg, to stay at the bank, Binkley figured that as a senior
outsider, he did not necessarily have the most secure future, so he decided, as his
parachute was expiring, to “pull the cord,” leaving with some colleagues from the venture
capital operation to form Forrest, Binkley and Brown, a venture capital and private equity
firm that was backed by the Sid and Lee Bass interests of Fort Worth, Texas.
As Binkley described it, one day he was vice chair of one of the largest
banks in the world, and the next day he was not. The transition was, to put it mildly,
difficult. He notes that occupying a senior-level corporate position in a large organization
requires an enormous amount of energy to get through the day. To be a public figure and
perform at a high level requires an intensity that produces, in his words, “a caffeinated
high.” When you leave such a position and that level of activity ceases, it is almost, as
Binkley put it, “like a car going from ninety miles an hour to a dead stop.” When the
adrenaline rush ceases, there is a visceral, physiological reaction. In addition to the
change in activity and intensity level, there is also the change from being the center of a
universe of people fawning over you and heeding your every request to a more “normal”
and less in-the-limelight existence. As a high-level executive in a large corporation,
Binkley observed, you are surrounded by “players”—that is, by people of equally high
status. And when you no longer have that job, you lose these associations because most
of the people are only interested in your companionship when you hold status and power.
This feeling of no longer being a player or a member of the elite is a loss felt intensely by
many who have been successful at the power-and-money game.Nick Binkley described a withdrawal that had physiological as well as
psychological components—he was literally ill and had difficulty sleeping. He could not
imagine that withdrawal from hard drugs could have been any more difficult. The loss of
power, even though voluntary, put stress on his marriage which, in the end, not only
endured but became stronger. Today Binkley is a member of the outside financial
advisory board of the San Francisco Zen Center; he also serves on corporate boards
and is winding down the venture capital firm after some 17 years. He was attracted to
the Zen Center’s Buddhist meditation and spiritual practices when he sought help in
coping with the “power withdrawal symptoms.” In the center of frenetic energy and
attention, it is difficult not to lose one’s identity and values.
While I was visiting the London Business School in 2005, Jack Welch,
the former CEO of General Electric, came to give a talk and promote his newest book.
As Welch lapped up the adulation of the LBS students, I thought to myself, “Why is he
doing this at this stage in his life?” One can reasonably conjecture, not just for Welch but
for many other people who have left positions of great power and status and continue to
serve on multiple boards and maintain an intense pace, that, accustomed as they were
during their work life to days filled with frenetic activity, once out of the job they seek to
re-create the same peripatetic life, the same adrenaline high, and if possible, the same
level of adulation they once received routinely.
People have a heightened risk of death in the period immediately after
they lose their job—and not just because of greater financial stress or the absence of
medical insurance. As Michael Marmot, a British researcher on the effects of social
standing on health, has written, one reason there is a connection between not working
and health is because being out of work “represents loss of a social role and all the
things that go with it.”17
Power is addictive, in both a psychological and physical sense. The
rush and excitement from being involved in important discussions with senior figures and
the ego boost from having people at your beck and call are tough to lose, even if you
voluntarily choose to retire or leave and even if you have more money than you could
ever spend. In a power-and celebrity-obsessed culture, to be “out of power” is to be out
of the limelight, away from the action, and almost invisible. It is a tough transition to
make. And because it is, some executives seek to avoid switching to a less powerful
role—Sandy Weill of Citigroup and Hank Greenberg of AIG worked long past normal
retirement age and finally were forced out by boards of directors of these large public
companies when they refused to anoint successors. Bill Paley of CBS asked his
biographer Sally Bedell Smith why he had to die as he maintained control of the media
company into his eighties. These examples and numerous others illustrate yet another
price of power—the addictive quality that makes it tough to leave powerful positions. But
everyone eventually has to step down, and the druglike nature of power makes leaving a
powerful position a truly wrenching experience for some.
In the introduction, we saw some of the benefits of achieving power and
status—longer life and better health, the potential for monetizing power and fame to
create wealth, and the ability to accomplish important organizational and social change.
In this chapter, we see the other side of the equation—the costs of achieving and holding
powerful positions. You should not necessarily eschew power, but it is important to
recognize the potential downsides. The balance between the advantages and the costsis something each individual must weigh in deciding his or her own particular
relationship with power.


How—and Why—People Lose Power

EVEN AFTER achieving

a powerful, top-level position, staying on top is scarcely
guaranteed. The CEO position, particularly in the United States, has become extremely
powerful. Incumbent CEOs control enormous financial resources, have carte blanche to
bring in supporters and dismiss underlings who challenge their authority, and can
influence the selection of boards of directors, ostensibly their bosses. Nonetheless, as
consulting firm Booz Allen reported, the annual turnover rate of corporate CEOs
increased 59 percent between 1995 and 2006. This increase occurred worldwide, not
just in the United States. During that same period, instances where CEOs were fired or
pushed out rose by 318 percent.1
Things aren’t different for leaders in other domains. One study of
business school deans noted that among the 100 members of the Association of
Business Schools in the United Kingdom, there had been 41 changes of incumbent in
the preceding two years.2 The average tenure of school superintendents in the United
States in districts with more than 25,000 students is less than six years.3 Leaders of
health-care organizations now face shorter tenures because of the growing challenges
and instability in that sector.4 Even volunteer organizations such as the American Red
Cross have faced leadership turmoil.5
If you manage to get to a position of power, it would be nice to keep it
for a while. Although each case of lost power has its own peculiarities, there are some
common factors that you need to avoid. While it is inevitable that everyone will lose
power eventually—we all get old and leave our positions—it is not inevitable that people
will lose power as often or as quickly as they do. Jack Valenti ran the Motion Picture
Association of America for almost 40 years—and he reported to the major studio heads,
not necessarily the nicest or best bosses in the world. Willie Brown was speaker of the
California Assembly for more than a decade and would probably still be in the job if term
limits had not forced him from the legislature. Alfred Sloan was CEO of General Motors
for 23 years and chairman of its board for 19, and Robert Moses held dominion over
New York’s parks, bridges, and public works for almost 40 years, outlasting numerous
powerful and flamboyant mayors and governors. Holding on to power is difficult and
becoming more so, but it is not impossible.

The old saying “Power corrupts” turns out to be mostly true, although “corrupt” is probably
not quite the right word. Berkeley social psychologist Dacher Keltner and his colleagues
talk about power leading to “approach” behavior—in that people more actively try to
obtain what they want—and diminishing “inhibition,” or the tendency to follow social rules
and constraints that might limit what people do to obtain their goals.6 Such behavior is a
logical consequence of what happens to people in power. The obsequious and less
powerful flatter the powerful to remain on their good side. Those with power have their
wishes and requests granted. They get used to getting their way and being treated as if
they are special. Although the powerful may be conscious that the special treatment
comes from the position they occupy and the resources they control, over time these
thoughts fade. As a friend who works at a senior position in British Petroleum and has
observed its CEOs at close range told me, “No matter what the original intentions and
aspiration, eventually power goes to everyone’s head.”
Studies of the effects of power on the power holder consistently find that
power produces overconfidence and risk taking,7 insensitivity to others, stereotyping,
and a tendency to see other people as a means to the power holder’s gratification. In a
study all too reminiscent of what goes on in workplaces every day, David Kipnis put
research participants in a simulated work situation with a subordinate. Some people in
the managerial role had little formal control over resources and had to influence through
persuasion, while others were given the power to reward and punish those working for
them. The more control participants had over levers of power such as pay increases or
decreases, the more attempts they made to influence their subordinates. Moreover,
those with more power came to see their subordinates’ job performance as resulting
from their control and less from the efforts or motivation of those they were supervising.
And because the supervisors with power saw themselves as superior to those they were
supervising, they evidenced less desire to spend time with their subordinates and
wanted to distance themselves from those less powerful—even though in this
experimental study who was a supervisor and how much power that person had was
randomly determined and temporary.8
One lesson from the growing number of studies on the effects of power
is how little it takes to get people into a power mind-set where they engage in all kinds of
disrespectful and rude behavior. Just having them think about a time when they were in
power and able to get what they wanted (in contrast to having them think about a time
they had little power and could not) or giving them even modest control over meaningless
rewards in temporary groups of strangers seems to be sufficient.
In one of the more well-known and interesting studies of the effects of
power, the Berkeley cookie study, groups of three strangers discussed a long and boring
list of social issues for 30 minutes. One member of the group was randomly chosen by
the experimenter to fill the role of assigning experimental points—which had nosubstantive consequence—to the other two. When the experimenter arrived with a plate
of cookies, each person naturally took one. The individual randomly assigned to give
points to the other two was more likely to take a second cookie, more likely to chew with
his mouth open, and more likely to scatter crumbs on his face and the table.9
Overconfidence and insensitivity lead to losing power, as people
become so full of themselves that they fail to attend to the needs of those whose enmity
can cause them problems. Conversely, not letting power go to your head and acting as if
you were all-powerful can help you maintain your position. Safra Catz came to Oracle in
1999 with an undefined role; today she is president of the large software company.
Oracle has regularly gone through high-profile senior leaders, including one former
president, Ray Lane, and Marc Benioff, who left a senior vice president position to found The company seems to particularly reject senior executives whose
profiles get too big. Catz avoids publicity and anything that might upstage Oracle founder
and CEO Larry Ellison. And although she is rich and powerful—a profile in Fortune listed
her as one of the most powerful women executives in the United States—she has always
known her place. As Adam Lashinsky’s profile of Catz noted:

Initially, she didn’t even have an office, working instead at a round table near
Ellison’s…. A senior executive from the Oracle unit that sells to the federal
government arranged a meeting with Catz to figure out what she did. “I’m here to help
Larry,” Catz said, according to an attendee.10

As they focus on achieving their own or the organization’s objectives,
those with power pay less attention to those who are less powerful. But this lack of
attention can cost leaders their jobs. Bernadine Healy, a cardiologist, lasted just two
years as head of the American Red Cross. In many ways, the Red Cross has been a
troubled organization. One of the largest providers in the blood banking business, the
Red Cross has faced criticism from the Food and Drug Administration over its practices
in tracking and screening blood donations. After the September 11 attack on the World
Trade Center, the Red Cross was criticized for using the disaster to raise vast sums of
money, much of which was spent on general operations or relief for other disasters.
Between 1989 and December 2001, when Healy was fired, there had been three
leaders and four interim leaders.11
Healy came in determined to fix a troubled organization and, she
thought, with a mandate to make major change. The Red Cross had a history of
decentralization, with local chapter autonomy and a large, 50-person board drawn mostly
from local chapters that did not like criticism and was not about to buckle under pressure
from the top. Healy’s downfall began, ironically, with the discovery of financial impropriety
in a small, poor chapter in Hudson, New Jersey, where the director had engaged inembezzlement. “Veteran administrators thought that she should have suspended the
employee with pay and they objected to involving external auditors.”12
Having a position of formal authority or even being right is not going to
win you the support of those whose mistakes you have called out. It is tough for those in
power to see the world from others’ perspectives—but if you are going to survive, you
need to get over yourself and your formal position and retain your sensitivity to the
political dynamics around you.
Patricia Seeman, a consultant and executive coach to senior Swiss
executives, says that the best way to hold on to your position is to maintain your
perspective and balance. She commented that “unless you understand yourself pretty
well, you’re going to lose control of yourself.” Seeman told me that a former chairman of
Swiss Re had this advice for maintaining a sense of perspective about oneself: “What
you have to do is every now and then expose yourself to a social circle that really doesn’t
care about your position.” So this brilliant and powerful senior leader would go back to
his primary school, somewhere in a village in the Alps—to the people to whom he was
just the same person he was when he was seven years old.
Unfortunately, people who arrive at high-level positions with lots of
power often do not like to be reminded of what and who they once were and how far they
have come. They will sometimes divorce the spouses who were there at the beginning of
their careers and take on a trophy companion. They will leave behind associates who
can remind them of the time when they did not have so much power. To the extent that
you can resist such tendencies and the behavioral changes that come with power, you
are more likely to keep your influence.


When you are powerful and successful, you are overconfident and less observant—and
one specific manifestation of such tendencies is to trust what others tell you and rely on
their assurances. As you become less vigilant and paranoid about others’ intentions,
they have the opportunity to take you out of your position of power.
When NationsBank, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Bank of
America, headquartered in San Francisco, merged in 1998, it was to be a merger of
equals with shared governance between the managements of the two institutions. David
Coulter, the Carnegie-Mellon business school–trained Bank of America CEO, had
entered the merger thinking it was great for both companies. Approaching the
transaction as an intellectual challenge to increase shareholder value and improve the
organization, Coulter believed the assurances about shared power and did not see the
power play unfolding. He trusted the promises provided by Hugh McColl, the CEO of
NationsBank, about Coulter’s significant role in the merged institution. David Demarest,director of White House communications under the first President Bush, was vice
president and director of corporate communications at BankAmerica Corporation at the
time of the merger. He related what happened:

It was really an amazing phenomenon. I went to a media roundtable with the Charlotte
Observer , with David and Hugh in which Hugh almost got teary-eyed talking about
how great David Coulter was and how he [Hugh] might just retire a little early because
he sees the value of this guy. And it was really quite a performance. And within weeks,
many of the commitments about how things were going to be—“we’re just going to
pick the best person for each slot”—started to unravel. At this point, the rumor has it
he [Coulter] checked with some legal counsel as to whether we could unravel the deal.
And when that got around, that’s when Hugh said, “Enough of this” and then you could
see the press stories that were coming out from Charlotte about, “Wow, there’s this
screw up in the old Bank of America and we didn’t know that this program was so
poorly funded,” and you could see the building of the case for why they were going to
get rid of Coulter.

David Coulter trusted what Hugh McColl, a man who kept an allegedly
live hand grenade on his desk, told him—and it cost him his job. Less than three weeks
after the merger, Coulter resigned as president of BankAmerica Corporation. As one
press reporter noted, “McColl and his lieutenants blew away the trusting BankAmerica
folks, who forgot that war can be brutal.”13
Coulter’s not alone. People will do lots of things to acquire power—but
you shouldn’t necessarily rely on them to keep their word once they have it. Lee Kuan
Yew, the longtime prime minister of Singapore, came to power by latching on to a pro-
communist movement, usurping its rhetoric, and seizing control of it. Once in power, he
turned on his communist allies, not only discarding them but in some instances jailing
them. As he explained:

First, we had to get rid of the British…. To do that, you had to mobilize support from
the widest possible group and get as big a majority of the population as you could….
First, you’ve got to get power. Then, having got power, you say, “What’s the problem?
Have I said these things? If so, let’s forget it.”14
Lee and his political party have maintained power for decades in
Singapore by never forgetting his own behavior and, therefore, never becoming
complacent about their potential enemies and opposition and excessively trusting the
good words of others. Stan Sesser’s portrait of Singapore called it a city of fear, and his
reporting detailed numerous examples of opposition leaders and others concerned
about staying on the good side of Lee and his colleagues.15
One way to figure out how much to trust people is to look at what they
do. As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” In the BankAmerica-
NationsBank merger, McColl prevailed on Coulter to modify the original deal for a board
evenly split between members from the two banks’ boards and got the headquarters for
the combined institution moved to Charlotte. That should have been a signal that he was
interested in control, not just shareholder well-being. The 13-to-12 split on the board in
favor of NationsBank doomed Coulter in the resulting power struggle.


Dr. Modesto Alex “Mitch” Maidique voluntarily stepped down as president of Florida
International University in Miami in 2009, having served for 23 years. That term of
service made Maidique, a Cuban American, the longest-serving university president in
Florida and the second-longest-serving research university president in the United
States. Maidique, a prominent member of the Miami community, was involved in the
hiring of Rudy Crew—the same Rudy Crew who was fired after being named the best
superintendent in the United States. How could Maidique stay in an extremely political
position for such a long time while Crew could not? There are many answers to this
question, and the jobs each held are clearly different, but part of it has to do with
As Mitch explained to me, being in a powerful position in a large, visible
institution is difficult. You have to attend functions for people you don’t necessarily like
—weddings, bar mitzvahs, fund-raisers, funerals—sometimes when you would rather be
doing something else. But you have to be at these events to fulfill social obligations and
expectations and also to solidify your relationships with people who are important to your
ability to do and keep your job. Moreover, in a visible position such as university
president, everybody—students, faculty, alumni, citizens, staff—has an opinion about
what you could be doing to do your job better, and many feel free to share their views
with you and with the public. Many of these people don’t know what they are talking
about and all of them take time away from the difficult task of, in this case, running a
university of some 38,000 students with rapidly expanding research funding. After a
while, it is easy to lose patience and lash out at the sorry fools who are making your jobwhile, it is easy to lose patience and lash out at the sorry fools who are making your job
more difficult than it should be—except, as Maidique thoughtfully noted, some of these
“sorry fools” can cost you your position. After decades in public education, Rudy Crew
had lost patience with the patronage, the pettiness, and the fact that tens of thousands of
children were getting left behind. He was simply unwilling to choose his words carefully.
Maidique, in all the decades at the helm of FIU, somehow managed to keep his
composure and outward demeanor of charm, regardless of what he actually felt.
It’s easier to lose your patience when you are in power—power leads to
disinhibition, to not watching what you say and do, to being more concerned about
yourself than about the feelings of others. But losing patience causes people to lose
control and offend others, and that can cost them their jobs.


It is hard work to keep your ego in check, to constantly be attentive to the actions of
others, and obtaining and keeping power requires long hours and lots of energy. After a
while, some people get tired; they become less vigilant and more willing to compromise
and give in. We always tend to see what we want or expect to see, but as people get
burned out, the tendency to project desires onto reality becomes stronger.
Tony Levitan and a classmate, Fred Campbell, knew that they wanted to
start a special company with a unique, egalitarian culture. When they graduated from
business school in 1993, they began a company that would become eGreetings, which
initially sold and then gave away electronic greeting cards on the Internet. Campbell was
the CEO, Levitan the co-CEO, but they had a shared leadership model and used
unusual job titles—Levitan called himself the creator of chaos—to signal that they
wanted to build a place where employees could have fun. Their business, probably
ahead of its time given the evolution of the Internet, went public under the symbol EGRT
in 1999. The dot-com crash doomed the organization, and it was sold for a modest sum
to American Greetings. By the time that all occurred, however, Tony Levitan had already
left the company.
The work of launching a start-up is demanding. “I’m the kind of guy that I
really just dive into things,” said Campbell. “So I spend seven days a week; if I’m not at
work, I’m thinking about it. But it also takes a toll on me, and I eventually burn out.” When
he started working with Levitan, he said he was good for about five years.
Levitan was also getting tired from the stress and the grind. When
Campbell announced he was going to leave, Levitan did not press the board of directors
to become the sole CEO. Instead, the company hired a search firm to seek an outside
successor. But it was a tough time to attract good CEO talent, as the Internet bubble was
approaching its height. The search itself went on for seven months—not that unusual, as
a high fraction of searches are never completed successfully. The long search processfurther exhausted people at eGreetings. The company finally hired Gordon Tucker, even
though Levitan and others had some apprehensions about his fit with the culture and his
management style. Tony was tired and the board felt a sense of urgency. Shortly after
Tucker’s arrival, Levitan was marginalized and soon left eGreetings. In talking to Tony
Levitan about the lessons he learned as a cofounder being forced out of the company he
had started, he emphasized that he was just getting too tired to remain on his game, be
alert to the maneuverings, and continue to fight.
If you feel yourself getting tired or burned out and you hold a position of
substantial power, you might as well leave. There are going to be others who will be
willing to wrest your position from you. With reduced energy and vigilance, you won’t be
able to resist very well in any case.


When Robert Nardelli was CEO of Home Depot, he ran a shareholders’ annual meeting
like a despot, with other board members absent and shareholders denied an opportunity
to voice questions or concerns as their microphones were turned off. He probably
thought he was doing nothing unusual. After all, the age of the imperial CEO was in full
flower, and ignoring shareholder activists was neither something new nor unheard of. But
his behavior provoked outrage and contributed, among other things, to his losing his job.
There is much commentary about the leadership skills of the “new” CEO—and among
such skills are listening, paying attention to multiple constituencies, and displaying less
arrogance than CEOs got away with in the past. For Nardelli, times had changed. He
had not figured that out, or if he had, he couldn’t adjust his style.
Nor did New York parks commissioner Robert Moses, who remained in
power for almost 40 years, into his eighties, fully recognize changed circumstances. In
1956, West Side mothers protested his plans to take less than a one-acre parcel out of
New York’s Central Park to make a parking lot for the Tavern on the Green restaurant.
Moses dealt with those mothers as he had dealt with opponents to his construction
projects for years. He ignored their opposition and laid plans to cut down the trees
during the night. The mothers’ protest did not impress him, as Robert Caro’s biography
makes clear:

On the seismograph on which Moses recorded public tremors, in fact, the Tavern-on-
the-Green protest had barely registered. Twenty-three mothers? He had just finishedevicting hundreds of mothers rather than shift a section of his Cross-Bronx
Expressway a single block! He was at that very moment in the process of displacing
five thousand mothers for Manhattantown, four thousand for Lincoln Center! A
parking lot, and a tiny parking lot at that!16

In this instance, there was press coverage and public criticism such as
Robert Moses had never faced before. He backed down and put in a playground instead
of the parking lot. His reputation for always winning had been tarnished and public
scrutiny of his actions was heightened. Some of his confidants said that his ability to get
his way was never quite the same after that, even though he held his many positions for
more than a decade longer. The problem was that the idea of bulldozers and bulldozing
had begun to take on a different connotation in the 1950s and 1960s than it had in the
1920s, when the building of parks and other public works was in its infancy and the
improvements were more desperately needed.
People—and companies—fall into competency traps. They are
successful because they do certain things in a certain way. The U.S. automakers got rich
making minivans and then sport utility vehicles. When the market changed to smaller
cars, the car companies didn’t notice the change, and when they did, they had little
expertise in moving to the new market segments. General Electric was lionized for its
diversified financial structure that provided some risk mitigation because it operated in
so many different economic sectors. When conglomerates fell from fashion, GE was
stuck. Al Dunlap became a hero for downsizing the companies he ran, and Frank
Lorenzo was cheered in various business schools for his battles with the labor unions,
first at Eastern Airlines and then when he ran Continental. Both downsizing and union
busting were strategies for a certain time and place, but eventually they lost their
effectiveness; neither Dunlap nor Lorenzo seemed to notice. Companies and leaders
can fail to see the changes in the social environment that can make old ways less
successful than they once were. The tendency of power to diminish the power holder’s
attention and sensitivity to others with less power compounds this problem. The
combination of diminished vigilance and changed circumstances often leads to the loss
of power.


In the end, of course, everyone loses power. As organizational behavior professorJeffrey Sonnenfeld noted in his book The Hero’s Farewell, some individuals make way
for their successors. Others hang on past the time when they are effective. Armand
Hammer, the CEO and creator of Occidental Petroleum, put in a long-term incentive
compensation system for himself with a ten-year payout—when he was in his nineties.
Some senior leaders prepare successors and leave to do other things.
Jack Welch had a number of possible replacements when he stepped down from
General Electric, and after his retirement as CEO, he became a columnist, author, and
speaker about management issues. Bill George, former CEO of Medtronic, went on to a
career as a faculty member at Harvard Business School and a writer and speaker on
leadership issues.
It is both possible and desirable to, as my wife nicely puts it, “leave
before the party’s over” and to do so in a way that causes others to remember you fondly.
You cannot always completely control how much power you maintain, but you can leave
your position with dignity and thereby influence your legacy.


Power Dynamics: Good for Organizations, Good for

T HIS BOOK has been about creating your path to power and, even if you don’t want a
lot of power, figuring out how to survive the organizational dynamics you will almost
certainly experience. Which raises the question I am often asked: “Is all of this political
behavior good for the organization, even if it is good for me and my career?”
At first glance, this concern about political behavior in organizations
seems justified. One dominant perspective in the research literature on organizations is
that “politics is associated with the ‘dark side’ of workplace behaviour and researchers
have described political behaviour as inherently divisive, stressful, and a cause of
dissent and reduced performance.”1 The empirical evidence supports this view. Higher
levels of perceived politics inside organizations are associated with reduced job
satisfaction, morale, and organizational commitment, and higher levels of perceived
politics are also correlated with higher intentions to quit.2
But I’m not sure you should worry about the effect of your behavior on the
organization, because there is lots of data to suggest that organizations don’t care very
much about you. In the spring of 2009, VentureBeat reported that four partners were
leaving the large and venerable venture capital firm Venrock.3 Tony Sun, a managing
partner who had been at the firm for 30 years and over that time had made his partners
literally billions of dollars, was going. So, too, was David Siminoff, who had joined
Venrock only two years before to much fanfare because of his experience in the digital
media space—he had been CEO of Spark Networks, which ran JDate, the Jewish
dating cite, and had founded 4INFO, a leading mobile research service. Also leaving
were Eric Copeland, who had been at Venrock for 11 years and who had a strong
background in engineering with experience in digital communications technologies, and
Rich Moran, a former senior Accenture consulting firm executive. Moran had been
brought into Venrock after doing consulting work helping improve its decision processes
and organizational dynamics.
Although the “official” story was that the departures were voluntary, they
were not. Tony Sun was caught off guard by the request for him to step down. When he
thought about resisting his ouster, he learned that the partners pushing for his removal
had outmaneuvered him. They had already told the limited partners (investors) about the
move and lined up their support. Moran, retained for a few months in the transitional role
of executive in residence, was also caught off guard by his and the others’ ousters.
When I asked him why he would be forced out given that he had just recently beenbrought into the firm to provide “adult supervision” to the ego-driven interpersonal
dynamics, his insightful response was that people who were behaving badly didn’t want
to be reminded of their bad behavior, even by having someone around with the
responsibility for improving organizational processes.
It’s probably to be expected that at the senior levels in partnerships,
people get pushed out in coups and revolts—something that happened even to Pete
Peterson, the billionaire cofounder of Black-Rock, the money management firm, when he
got into a power struggle with Lew Glucksman, who forced him out of his role as the
leader of investment bank Lehman Brothers, at that time a partnership.4 When he was
forced out in a power struggle at the large law firm Jones Day, government contracts
lawyer Eldon Crowell took most of the Washington office with him as he founded Crowell
and Moring.5 Numerous managing partners have been unceremoniously ousted from
large accounting firms.6
The many involuntary departures at partnerships occur with particular
frequency when times are tough. Research shows what common sense suggests is true:
political struggles are more likely to occur and to be more fierce and power is used more
often when resources are scarcer and therefore there is more struggle over their
allocation. Studies of budget allocations in universities found that when money was
tighter, the relationship between departmental power and the amount of the budget
obtained was stronger.7 As one venture capital partner told me, “When the money was
rolling in and times were great, I could more readily tolerate some of the partners
behaving like jerks. If they weren’t making me a lot of money and we had to shrink the
firm, my tolerance for their behavior went way down.” An article on the venture capital
industry in the summer of 2009 listed the numerous partners leaving the industry as the
number of principals shrank from 8,892 to 7,497 in one year.8 So the turmoil at Venrock
was occurring elsewhere in the industry as well, as capital flows decreased, limited
partners complained about poor returns, and the number and size of firms declined. The
lesson is clear: you should always watch your back, but be particularly wary and sensitive
to what is occurring during times of economic stress. That is when political turmoil and
the use of power are likely to be at their peak.
You may be thinking, “What does this have to do with me?” When
senior-level people get thrown out or lose a power struggle, they leave with more money
than most of us ever dreamed of, and power struggles at the upper ranks are common
enough to be almost predictable. But these events aren’t confined to the senior
executive ranks: people can find themselves caught off guard and out of a job, even if
they have done what was expected of them. Ray was brought into Unisys, the computer
company, to build a leadership development effort. He did so with great success, putting
a large number of senior executives through a very highly rated program and earning the
approval of the CEO at the time. But when that CEO retired, Ray faced a layoff or
reduction in force—of precisely one person, himself. He did not have the support of the
staff in the human resources department, which actually resented his independent
success and executive access, and they eliminated him as soon as they could.
Nor is it the case that this sort of infighting and political behavior is
confined just to men or to male-dominated organizations. In a nonprofit organization in
the San Francisco area, when the leader stepped down and some other senior people
left their positions for other opportunities at around the same time, a senior womanmoved quickly to try to take over control of additional functions and positions and also to
eliminate people she perceived as being in the way of increasing her power.
If organizations aren’t worrying about you and you can lose your job in a
political struggle or on a whim, why should you worry about them? Reciprocity works both
ways. This is not a book about broken promises, but the list of companies that have
shown little concern for their employees is enormous. Defined-benefit pension plans
have been terminated or changed, with retirement risks shifted to employees and
benefits cut. Health insurance has been abandoned or premiums and copayments have
been dramatically increased. Meanwhile, people who may have retired thinking they
were going to get health insurance find that companies are going through bankruptcy to
shed these obligations or, in other cases where they are not contractually guaranteed,
simply changing the deal.9 Not only have layoffs, the offshoring of work, outsourcing, and
other forms of “restructuring” (a terrible euphemism) increased over past decades; they
are sometimes instigated not in response to financial stress but simply to increase
profits or copy what other companies are doing.
The employer-employee relationship has profoundly changed over the
past several decades, not just in the United States but in many countries. In ways big and
small, both implicitly and explicitly, employers and their leaders have told their
employees that they themselves are responsible for their own careers and, in many
instances, their own health care and retirement. If people have to fend for themselves on
the job, never knowing when or, in the United States with its doctrine of at-will
employment, even why they might be let go, then it seems to me they should use every
means at their disposal to ensure their organizational survival—and that includes
mastering the concepts and skills of power and influence.
More than 20 years ago, Paul Hirsch, now a business school professor
at Northwestern, wrote a book titled Pack Your Own Parachute , suggesting that
managers be less loyal to their companies and adopt free-agent thinking.10 To survive in
the new world of work, managers needed to be visible, marketable, and, above all,
mobile. The idea of an economy employing free agents has a sometimes overly rosy
and unrealistic view of the upside potential of having to fend for oneself. It also doesn’t
fully acknowledge the economic and psychological risks of being employed when you
can be fired “at will,” for any or no reason at all.
So don’t worry about how your efforts to build your path to power are
affecting your employer, because your employer is probably not worrying about you.
Neither are your coworkers or “partners,” if you happen to have any—they are
undoubtedly thinking about your usefulness to them, and you will be gone, if they can
manage it, when you are no longer of use. You need to take care of yourself and use
whatever means you have to do so—after all, that has been the message of companies
and business pundits for years. Take those admonitions seriously.


Holding aside the fact that you are probably in an environment where survival of the
fittest—the most politically skilled—prevails, even if you wanted to avoid the
organizational politics, I don’t think it is possible. I have had entrepreneurs tell me they
wanted to created businesses free of organizational power dynamics, but there is
evidence that suggests this is impossible. So the original question posed at the
beginning of this chapter—“Is all of this political behavior good for the organization?”
—may be irrelevant because these processes are ubiquitous in social interaction.
At some intuitive level, we understand the inevitability of organizational
politics. Management researchers Jeffrey Gandz and Victor Murray surveyed 428
managers working in a variety of companies about their opinions of organizational
power dynamics. Some 93 percent expressed strong or moderate agreement with the
statement, “The existence of workplace politics is common to most organizations,” and
89 percent agreed with the statement, “Successful executives must be good politicians.”
More than three-quarters agreed with the statement, “The higher you go in organizations,
the more political the climate becomes,” and about 85 percent thought that powerful
executives acted politically.11
One of the reasons why power moves and political dynamics are so
common is that hierarchy is ubiquitous in animal societies—even among fish! As soon
as hierarchy exists, it is natural to want to move up and avoid being at the bottom.
Consequently, there are contests for dominance among all animals that travel or
congregate in groups. This includes people. In human interaction, even in the absence of
formal organizational arrangements, job titles, and differences in resource endowments,
differentiation arises among individuals as they interact.12 Informal leaders with more
influence emerge even if groups are just engaged in pleasurable social interaction such
as discussing a book or going on an outing. Research evidence also suggests that the
larger the group or organization, the greater the degree of differentiation, including
hierarchical differentiation, will be. Therefore, hierarchy will be prevalent in larger
collectivities such as many work organizations.13 Even though organizations vary in the
extent to which they attempt to practice shared leadership and the people in specific
leadership roles change over time, all organizations create hierarchies and the very
existence of hierarchy means that there will be competition for who occupies higher-
status positions.
It’s too bad that hierarchies are present in all social groups, because, as
social psychologist Deborah Gruenfeld has told me, many people have trouble with
hierarchical relationships. Some people resent having others in superior positions with
more power and the authority to tell them what to do; they act on these feelings by
becoming counterdependent and rebelling in ways large and small against authority.
Some people are uncomfortable with having power over others, feeling that they don’t
really deserve to be in positions where they get to control others. The people
uncomfortable with their authority don’t exercise the leadership that others expect, failing
to provide direction that leaves those they supervise lost and uncertain about what to do.
Empirical research demonstrates two facts about hierarchies. First,
status is “imported” or “carried” from one setting to another. Personal characteristics thatdefine status in the larger society—such as race, gender, age, and educational
credentials—get imported into informal and formal organization settings and are used to
create status hierarchies.14 Status, however derived, tends to generalize across the
environments in which we interact. Jon Corzine could move from a leadership position in
the investment bank Goldman Sachs to the U.S. Senate to the New Jersey governor’s
mansion because his personal wealth and social ties could be redeployed and also
because people assume that if you are smart enough to succeed in one highly
competitive domain, you must be competent in other, even unrelated domains as well.
One implication of this phenomenon for you is that the specific organization or domain in
which you rise to power may matter less than the fact that you manage to achieve high-
level status someplace. The prestige and power that come from achieving a senior
position will generalize to some extent to other contexts, providing you with status there
as well.
The second fact about hierarchies is that people seem to prefer them. In
six experimental studies, social psychologist Larissa Tiedens and her colleagues
examined the extent to which people perceived others as different from themselves
(either higher or lower) in dominance. These perceptions of difference in dominance
were motivated by the desire for positive task relationships as demonstrated by the fact
that perceptions of difference in dominance were greater when people expected to
interact with the other in task-related interactions. The interpretation was that when
people expected to interact on a task, and particularly when task performance was
important, they voluntarily constructed differences in hierarchy. This behavior shows that
people prefer or expect such differences in status in task settings.15
Research by New York University social psychologist John Jost
provides even stronger evidence that people seem to prefer hierarchical relationships.
research shows
that people
will voluntarily contribute
their own
disempowerment to maintain a stable hierarchical social order. In a series of studies,
Jost found that lower-power groups often developed attitudes that justified their own
inferior (and others’ more favored) position, thereby contributing to the persistence of
hierarchical arrangements that disadvantaged them. So, people attending a lower-status
university would not bolster their university’s status compared to higher-status schools
but accepted the fact of the lower status of their educational institution and the
implications of that lowered status.16
If hierarchy is a fact of organizational life and, in fact, apparently
preferred by people, then hierarchical arrangements will be omnipresent. When
hierarchy exists, at least some proportion of people are going to want to enjoy the
benefits of holding higher-rather than lower-status positions within hierarchies.
Consequently, striving for status and power is going to be common in organizations and,
because of its foundation in a hierarchical social order that people desire, will be
impossible to eliminate.


Most people I talk to think they don’t have enough power and would love to become
more effective at wielding influence. There are many, many jobs—project or product
manager would be one good example—where people have tasks to accomplish that
require the cooperation of others but do not have the formal authority to order, reward, or
punish those whose cooperation they need. A product manager seeking to introduce a
new version may need the help of engineering or research and development to design
the new product, manufacturing to get it produced, and sales attention for distributing it
into the market. But in many consumer products companies, product managers do not
have line authority over any of these critical functions. Similarly, implementing a new
information technology system, such as an enterprise resource planning application,
often led by a project manager from IT, requires the assistance of those from the
operating units who will need to provide data and also use the system and the
cooperation of the finance function, although IT people do not have line authority over
either operations or finance. Simply put, responsibility and authority don’t always
coincide. As organizations have become more matrixed, with overlapping and dotted-
line chains of command, employ more task forces and teams to bring disparate
expertise together to solve problems, and face greater demands for speed, the premium
for execution is going up.
Getting things done under circumstances where you lack direct line
authority requires influence and political skills—a knowledge of organizational dynamics
—not just technical skills and knowledge. Zia Yusuf, the senior SAP executive described
in chapter 3, has been extremely successful in working across organizational boundaries
—something he had to do in his roles as leader of the internal strategy consulting team
and as head of the SAP ecosystems unit. In describing how he has been able to
implement ideas even without a technical background and as an outsider to the
company, at least initially, Yusuf emphasized two things: first, do excellent quality work,
which entails hiring and effectively leading outstanding talent. And second, understand
the organizational dynamics—how different people perceive things, what their interests
are, how to make a persuasive case, and how to get along with people and build
effective personal relationships.


A fourth way to think about the issue of whether political dynamics are good for
organizations is to contrast them with the most common and seemingly preferredalternative—hierarchical decision making with its control, discipline, and orderliness. We
seem to like markets and democracies for societies, but prefer more dictatorial
arrangements inside organizations. Much has been written about the imperial CEO with
ever-increasing salaries and perquisites and unchecked authority, including the power to
stifle dissent.17 Senior executives, and even board members who don’t support the
CEO, are often ousted.
The political contests for power and influence and lobbying for support
for one’s ideas that constitute power dynamics in companies can appear messy and
chaotic. But maybe there are some useful parallels between countries and the
organizations that reside within them. As Winston Churchill noted, “It is said that
democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”18
Although people take it as axiomatic that regardless of its faults, a democratic system,
complete with campaigns designed to influence voter choice, equal weight for
everyone’s vote, and politicking to affect decisions, is a great way to make societal-level
choices, inside companies democracy is the exception. In spite of many studies
showing the superior performance achieved through delegating decision-making
authority, little devolution of power has occurred inside companies in the last 50 years.
“The idea that…organizations can be governed as democratic political systems is alien
to mainstream management thinking.”19 And even though many commentators speak
about the evils of dictatorship, the folly of central planning, and the wisdom of crowds in
making forecasts, centralization of control inside organizations in the hands of a few
people prevails.
Maybe, as Churchill’s quote suggests, democracy is good not only as a
form of government for public entities but also as a way of making better decisions in
companies and nonprofits. This was the point made by James Surowiecki’s book The
Wisdom of Crowds. Surowiecki reviewed evidence that not only were collections of
individuals better at making estimates and predictions than were experts, often
aggregating their judgments through simple voting mechanisms; they can also be more
effective in figuring out which product ideas to support and what strategies to pursue.20
In many instances, people inside organizations have different goals, and
even if they share the same objective, they may have different views of how to
accomplish that objective. Inside the UCSF Mt. Zion Medical Center, not everyone
thought patient care was the highest priority—as an academic medical center, there was
great emphasis on cutting-edge research. Some administrators were worried about
meeting budgets and the hospital’s credit rating. So, even though many could, in
principle, agree with Laura Esserman’s more patient-centered approach to delivering
treatment for breast cancer, there was great disagreement about priorities and issues of
implementation. Inside companies there are vigorous disagreements about whether to
cut costs or increase the value of the product offering to consumers, move into new
markets or retrench to where the company seems to have some advantage.
There are only two ways to resolve the inevitable disagreements about
what to do and how to do it—through the imposition of hierarchical authority in which the
boss gets to make the decision, or through a more political system in which various
interests vie for power, with those with the most power most affecting the final choices.
Neither system is perfect, but before we eschew the operation of markets, including
markets for power and influence, inside organizations of all types, remember theresearch summarized by James Surowiecki and the wisdom of Winston Churchill.
In this chapter, we have seen that there are a variety of answers to the
question, “Are organizational politics good for you and good for the organization?” One
answer is that you need to take care of yourself if you are going to survive and succeed
in places where, if you don’t look out for yourself, no one else is going to. A second
answer is that the question itself is off the mark: the evidence shows that hierarchy is
ubiquitous and sought by people and, as a consequence, there are inevitable contests
for obtaining the scarce higher-level positions in status hierarchies. In addition, power
and influence skills are essential for getting things done in complex, interdependent
systems and may be an effective way to make decisions, particularly compared to the
more typical hierarchical arrangements. The message is that you need to master the
knowledge and skills necessary to wield power effectively. In some circumstances, this
may be good for the organization, but in virtually all circumstances, it is going to be good
for you.


It’s Easier Than You Think

IT’S NOT difficult to use the ideas in this book to increase your power and your chances
of being successful inside organizations. How do I know? Lots of people have told me
how helpful these concepts can be. One wrote:

I just wanted to drop you a line and say hello…. I use the material from the Paths to
Power course all the time! What I learned made me much more strategic and
thoughtful about visibility and positioning myself, especially given that I’m working for
a large and somewhat bureaucratic corporation. Here’s a nice example. I’ve got a
newly absentee boss—my manager recently switched roles, leaving a management
vacuum above me. So I just sort of took over. And I used that as a basis to request
frequent meetings with higher levels of management.

What’s important about this situation is how completely “ordinary” it is.
The power play, so to speak, was nothing very dramatic. What this young woman
describes is seizing an available opportunity, the temporary absence of someone above
her, to fill a leadership vacuum—and to leverage the situation to build more visibility and
relationships at senior levels. Building power does not require extraordinary actions or
amazing brilliance. Instead, as comedian, actor, and movie director Woody Allen has
noted, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”1
The problem with the heroic, almost superhuman leaders whom we see
depicted in so many autobiographies and leadership classes and cases is not just that
the stories are seldom fully told or completely accurate. And contrary to management
author David Bradford’s view, nor are we in a “post-heroic” world. Bradford argues that
organizations and, for that matter, their employees, would be better off with more
collaboration, delegation, and teamwork.2
The biggest problem from the tall tales and high expectations
established in much of the writing about organizational leadership is that it is too easyfor people to ask, “Can I do all this? Is this me, and could it ever be?” Yes, it could be
you, and anyone in any role in almost any organization can benefit from the ideas I have
Some people think they don’t or won’t like playing the power game. But
how can they know until they try it? One young woman decided to try out these ideas in a
low-risk situation—to see if she could take over a student committee on which she
served. The committee was charged with organizing the events for a weekend when the
school she attended hosted admitted applicants who were deciding where to pursue
their degrees. She devised measures of success—the percentage of communications
that flowed through her, her ability to get her way on decisions—and set off on her
experiment. She found that she enjoyed acquiring power and that, contrary to her
expectations, her efforts did not produce resentment on the part of the other committee
members. They were glad to offload the work and responsibility. She received lots of
recognition and praise for her work. Most important, she decided that she really did
enjoy this power stuff. Sort of like eating some new food, you can’t know what you will
truly enjoy until you do it and become somewhat proficient at it—we tend to like doing
things we are good at doing. Once you engage in activities, including activities involved
in acquiring power, those things become part of your identity and repertoire of skills.
Don’t give up before you begin.


It’s important for you to find the right place given your aptitude and interests. Some jobs
require more political skill than others. Project or product manager would be one such
job—lots of responsibility without a lot of formal authority over the people whose
cooperation you need to be successful. Assistant to a senior leader would be another
such position, with a lot of visibility, the need to get things done, and not much direct
power to reward or punish people for their cooperation or opposition. Although it is
possible and desirable to develop your power skills, few people are comfortable
changing their likes and dislikes. Yes, you can evolve and change, like the young woman
who took over the committee, but only within limits. I suspect that she actually had an
aptitude for and interest in power but just had never had a chance to explore how much.
Therefore, the first step in building a path to power is to pick an environment that fits your
aptitudes and interests—one where you can be successful in both the technical and
political aspects, if any, of the work.
This seems like blindingly obvious advice, but it is not often followed.
Finding the right place for you requires several steps. First, you must be brutally honest
about your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences—and because of the self-
enhancement motive discussed previously, not many people are as objective aboutthemselves as they need to be. Second, you can’t get trapped into following the crowd
and doing something just because everyone else is. As decades-old research in social
psychology illustrates, conformity pressures are strong. And so are the pressures of
informational social influence: if everyone else is doing something, it must be because
that is the right or smart thing to do. For you to do something else is to turn your back on
their collective wisdom. So if everyone is going into finance, you go; if everyone is going
overseas, you try to find an international position; if high tech is cool, you go there. But
this conforming behavior can get in the way of doing what’s right for you.
Third, to pick the right place for yourself, you must be objective not only
about yourself but about the job and its risks and opportunities. We see what we want to
see, and if the job looks attractive because of its compensation package or title, we can
fool ourselves or intentionally overlook the fact that it may require more influence skills or
being tougher than we like. Harvard Business School professor John Kotter told me that
he thought for many people, the biggest obstacle to success was not talent or motivation
but the fact that they were in the wrong place—that the power and influence requirements
of their job did not fit their personal aptitudes and interests. Although I know of no formal
study of this hypothesis, my own experiences and those of many others who have
watched careers unfold suggest that it is right.
Because we see what we want to see, we may not accurately assess
the political risks of a job—and suffer the consequences. A few years ago a woman
graduating from business school told me she was accepting a position as the assistant
to the incoming university president at a large private university in the East. For almost
20 years the university had as its leader a tough, very visible, and controversial
president, and the board of trustees felt it was time for a change. The outgoing president
was going to remain on the board of trustees, and, since the new person would not take
over until the academic year began in the fall, the soon to be former president still held
formal authority. Was it a good idea, I inquired, to take a job with this degree of political
risk? What if the new president, whose assistant she would be, was undermined by his
Things turned out worse than even I expected—the new president never
assumed his position. The outgoing leader used his relationships with the board and
senior administrative people to sabotage his successor before that person could even
take office. For the putative president, not a big deal—he got a “package” and had a
distinguished reputation that permitted him to quickly land another position. For his
prospective assistant, things were not as rosy—no package and more effort required
locating a new job. You need to be realistic about the political risks, not just to you but to
those to whom you are tied, if you want to build a path to power.

Don’t Give Up Your Power

You need to be in a job that fits and doesn’t come with undue political risks, but you also
need to do the right things in that job. Most important, you need to claim power and notdo things that give yours away. It’s amazing to me that people, in ways little and big,
voluntarily give up their power, preemptively surrendering in the competition for status
and influence. The process often begins with how you feel about yourself. If you feel
powerful, you will act and project power and others will respond accordingly. If you feel
powerless, your behavior will be similarly self-confirming.
Social psychologists Cameron Anderson and Jennifer Berdahl reviewed
literature showing that people who had less power or didn’t feel powerful exhibited
“inhibitive nonverbal behaviors,” such as shrinking in, caving in their chests, physically
withdrawing, and using fewer and less forceful and dramatic hand gestures.3 As we
know from chapter 7, “Acting and Speaking with Power,” one of the ways in which you
can claim power is through your demeanor and voice—how you come across. Shrinking
in and not behaving in a forceful fashion causes others to attribute less power to you,
reinforcing a negative cycle of behavior in which you’re not treated as powerful and you
further withdraw and act powerless.
Anderson and Berdahl’s experiments showed that people higher in
personality dominance or given control over resources were more likely to express their
true attitudes and to perceive rewards as being available in situations. People lower in
personality dominance with less resource control perceived situations as threats not
opportunities and hid their true attitudes.
People give up their power in other ways, too. They don’t behave
strategically toward people with power over them, such as their boss, and instead let
their true feelings show. As a very skilled news reporter told me, he expressed his
resentment toward his distant bosses who mostly spent their time managing up and did
not provide the support to the news-gathering field operations that he and his colleagues
wanted. But as a result, he was just perceived negatively and had even less influence. As
he so nicely put it, “Either you deal with your boss, or you leave for a different company. In
a small, tightly connected industry, sometimes even leaving isn’t a very good option.
There is no other solution than to work with the cards you are dealt.” It may feel good to
blow off steam, tell people off, and express your real inner feelings. But if the targets of
your behavior are those with power, your good feelings will be quite temporary as the
consequences of your actions unfold.
People sometimes give away their power by defining situations as
outside of their control, thereby playing the victim role. Being a victim may help you bond
with fellow victims as you commiserate about the difficulties you face, and it may excuse
you from doing anything about the situation, but it won’t get you much power or approval
inside companies. Melinda described interviewing two people for a job and asking
each, “Among your peers, you have some you work with better than others. What’s the
difference?” One candidate answered that the people he works well with are easy to
work with and the ones he was challenged by were moody and hard to work with. As
Melinda explained, “That candidate gave away all his power by defining the problem
externally and as something he couldn’t influence. When we tell ourselves that our
problems are caused by others, we spend time on why we can’t be successful. When
instead we focus on what we can do, we spend time on being successful.” With that level
of insight, it is no wonder that Melinda is enjoying a very successful career herself. Her
wisdom applies not just to job applications but to all organizational situations.
People give away their power by not trying. If you don’t try, you can’t fail—which protects your self-esteem. But not trying guarantees failure to win the
competition for power and status. Sometimes people don’t want to “play the game,” or
think they won’t be good at it, or can’t see themselves following the strategies of
successful, more political individuals. I am convinced that we are frequently our own
biggest barriers to having as much power as we would like simply because we don’t
make sufficient effort to build ourselves up. When we stop thinking of ourselves as
powerless victims and cease eschewing doing the things that will bring influence, our
chances of success increase dramatically. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can
make you feel inferior without your consent.”4 It is much more difficult for others to take
away your power if you aren’t complicit in the process.

Take Care of Yourself—Don’t Expect Justice

A few years ago, Bob, the CEO of a private, venture-backed human capital software
company, invited me to serve on the board of directors as the company began a
transition to a new product platform and sought to increase its growth rate and
profitability. Not long after I joined the board, in the midst of an upgrading in
management talent, the CEO hired a new chief financial officer, Chris. Chris was an
ambitious, hardworking, articulate individual who had big plans for the company—and
himself. Chris asked Bob to make him chief operating officer. Bob agreed. Chris asked
to join the board of directors. Bob agreed. I could see what was coming next, so I called
Bob and said, “Chris is after your job.” Bob’s reply was that he was only interested in
what was best for the company, would not stoop to playing politics, and thought that the
board had seen his level of competence and integrity and would do the right thing.
You can guess how this story ended—Bob’s gone, Chris is the CEO.
What was interesting was the conference call in which the board discussed the moves.
Although there was much agreement that Chris’s behavior had been inappropriate and
harmful to the company, there was little support for Bob. If he was not going to put up a
fight, no one was going to pick up the cudgel on his behalf. People who are complicit in
their own beheading don’t garner much sympathy or support.
Taking care of yourself sometimes means acting in ways that may seem
selfish. A woman who worked in a nonprofit organization valued collaboration—so much
so that she failed to press an advantage in gaining influence over an important strategic
planning exercise:

The executive director asked me to set up some time with her to discuss the plans for
the strategic planning session. I knew that if I alone were the one to have this initial
meeting with her, I would be the main person involved in setting the direction of theproject and would be viewed as the key point person; I would be the leader and my
colleague would be there to help get the work done. I wrestled with whether or not I
could actually just schedule the meeting without my colleague, but I couldn’t bring
myself to do it, despite the voice in my head saying it was all right. This is an
indication for me of the areas where I am most challenged in acquiring power.

One wonders if her colleague would have been as considerate. And
remember, in hierarchical settings, colleagues are also competitors for promotions and
It’s not just that the world is not always fair so you should stop counting
on the triumph of your merit. People align with who they think is going to win. If you don’t
stand up for yourself and actively promote your own interests, few will be willing to be on
your side. Since observers will see you as not trying to triumph and therefore losing, they
will either not join you side or desert you, making your organizational demise more
certain. Therefore, although self-promotion and fighting for your interests can seem
unattractive, the alternative scenario is invariably much worse.

Pay Attention to the Small Tasks

Throughout this book we have seen that it’s often the little things that matter. Just as
companies sometimes overemphasize grand strategy and overlook the mundane
details of execution, individuals often neglect the small steps they can take that can
provide them with control over vital resources, visibility, and the opportunity to build
important relationships. The people who pay attention to these small things have an
edge in creating power.
When Matt joined a major consulting company, he was one of many
talented individuals in the entering cohort. How to stand out and build a reputation?
When new associates come into the firm, there are often many in the entering “class.”
The partners need to know who the new people are who can be assigned to projects,
and the entering associates need to know about the partners and the projects in the
office. In the past, there had been some informal methods—like meals and seminars
—that had brought the various people together. Matt asked the managing partner
whether he could formalize this process of ensuring that everyone knew about everyone
else to make project assignments and also the new associates’ integration into the
office easier. “Of course,” he was told. The task required Matt to interview the partners in
the office to obtain their biographies and interests, and also to interview the new
associates to ascertain their skills and specific consulting interests. By the time he had
completed this activity, Matt knew a lot about lots of people; he had also developeddeeper relationships with people throughout the office.
Will these activities make Matt a partner some day? Unlikely just by
themselves. But coupled with hard and effective work, they will provide Matt with the
reputation and visibility that gives an advantage. And the personal relationships can be
further deepened and maintained to provide even more influence in the system.


I hope I have convinced you that power and political processes in organizations are
ubiquitous—not just in certain industries, or in the private sector, or only in the United
States. Organizational politics is everywhere. You may wish it weren’t so, but it is. And
because of fundamental human psychology, there isn’t much prospect of power and
politics disappearing from organizational life.
Not only can you survive, but you can even succeed if you learn the
principles and the rules and are willing to implement them in your daily organizational life.
That’s what this book has been about—exposing you to the ideas, the research, and the
numerous examples of how to create a path to power for yourself.
So don’t complain about how life isn’t fair, or that your organizational
culture isn’t healthy, or that your boss is a jerk.5 You have both the responsibility and the
potential to change your situation, either in your present job or in some new place. Stop
waiting for things to get better or for other people to acquire power and use it in a
benevolent fashion to improve the situation. It’s up to you to find—or create—a better
place for yourself. And it’s up to you to build your own path to power. As former Bay Area
radio personality Scoop Nisker used to say, “If you don’t like the news, go out and make
some of your own.”
If you wonder if this power seeking is worth the aggravation and effort,
remember the research I described in the introduction on the relationship between
having power over and in your work environment and sickness and mortality. Michael
Marmot’s study of 18,000 British civil servants—all people working in office jobs in the
same society—uncovered that people at the bottom of the hierarchy had four times the
risk of death from heart disease as did those at the top.6 Controlling for risk factors such
as smoking or obesity did not make the social gradient in health disappear, nor did
statistically controlling for the longevity of one’s parents. As Marmot concludes, “Social
circumstances in adult life predict health.”7
So seek power as if your life depends on it. Because it does.


If you are interested in learning and reading more about power and influence in
organizations, here are some suggestions.
Each year during the winter quarter I teach a class titled “The Paths to
Power.” The course outline is publicly available. Go to my personal home page, There is a link on the left-hand side of the page
that will take you directly to the most recent version of the course.


Over the years I have written a number of cases for the power class. These are available
either through the Stanford Graduate School of Business or through Harvard Business
School Case Services, which distributes Stanford’s cases. They are short biographies
of interesting people doing interesting things entailing the use of power and influence.
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld (A): The Fall from Grace, Case no. OB-34 (A), September 2000.
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld (B): The Road to Redemption, Case no. OB-34 (B), September
Dr. Laura Esserman (A) and (B): Case no. OB-42, September 2003.
Keith Ferrazzi: Case no. OB-44, October 2003.
Gary Loveman and Harrah’s Entertainment: Case no. OB-45, November 2003.
Nuria Chinchilla: The Power to Change Workplaces, Case no. OB-67, January 2008.
Zia Yusuf at SAP: Having Impact, Case no. OB-73, February 2009.
All of these people, with the exception of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, as well as some others
mentioned in the book, including Rudy Crew and Jack Valenti, have spoken in my class,
in some instances multiple times. Edited versions of their presentations are available as
video cases through the Stanford Graduate School of Business or through Harvard
Business School Case Services. Search on their names in the section of the websites
under “Cases.” Seeing them in person provides great additional insight and learning.

Other Reading

You can learn a lot—and also have a great experience—reading wonderful biographies.
Some of my personal favorites are:
Robert A. Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (New
York: Vintage Books, 1975) (winner of the Pulitzer Prize).
Robert A. Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path to Power (New York:
Knopf, 1982).
Robert A. Caro, Master of the Senate (New York: Knopf, 2002).
Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House (New
York: Summit Books, 1984).
James Richardson, Willie Brown: A Biography (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1996).
Other books with interesting insights about power dynamics and influence strategies
Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, 2001).
David Halberstam, The Reckoning (New York: William Morrow, 1986).
Max Atkinson, Our Masters’ Voices: The Language and Body-Language of Politics
(New York: Routledge, 1984).


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was
created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book

above-average effect, 31
Abraham, Katherine, 23
Abramson, Jill, 89
acting and speaking with power, 130–46
acting with power, 130–39
Anderson and Berdahl’s experiments, 230–31
Andy Grove and, 130–31
anger displayed vs. sadness or remorse, 128, 133–36
Donald Kennedy, as the reverse, 127–28
“inhibitive nonverbal behaviors” vs., 230–31
job seeking and, 128–29
Oliver North, 125–26, 128
Rahm Emanuel and, 54, 133
role playing, 128–30
speaking powerfully, 139–46
three principles, 131
affiliation or similarity, 82, 121, 138, 153
first impressions and, 153
persuasive language using, 143
AIG, 197
Allen, Woody, 227
ALZA pharmaceuticals, 46–47
Amabile, Teresa, 87
Ambady, Nalini, 150
ambition, 35, 43–44, 46
as “dark thread,” 191
in women, 135American Greetings, 208
American Red Cross, 199, 202–3
Anderson, Cameron, 230–31
acting and speaking with power and, 54, 128, 133–36
Bill Clinton and, 134
conflict and, 169
contagion of, 45
displaying vs. sadness or remorse, 128
Ed Muskie and, 135
Gen. George Patton and, 135
Oliver North and, 128
perception of people expressing, 133, 134–35
Rahm Emanuel and, 54, 133
using memory to access, 137–38
women and, 135–36
Apotheker, Leo, 62, 63, 70
Apple Computer, 20, 72, 106, 108–9
“1984” commercial, 143
iPhone, 67
“approach” behavior, 199
arrogance, 56, 76, 84, 137, 160, 161, 210
Arthur Andersen (accounting firm), 127
asking, effectiveness of, 75–82
connections, sharing of, and compliance, 82
discomfort at asking, 78–80
enhancing people’s self-esteem and, 81
flattery and, 80–82
Flynn and Lake research on compliance, 79–80, 117
Keith Ferrazzi and, 75–76
likability and reluctance to ask, 86
mentoring and, 78, 79
Reginald Lewis and, 76–77
underestimating positive response, 78–79
Atkinson, Max, 143
five linguistic techniques, 143–45
attention decrement, 151
attitudes follow behavior
confidence and, 131
likability and, 89–90
attributes of power, 36–57
ambition, 43–44
capacity to tolerate conflict, 53–54
confidence, 49–51
empathy with others, 51–53
energy, 44–46focus, 46–48
intelligence, 55–57
objective self-assessment about your attributes, 39–42
obstacles to obtaining, 36–37
personal change and, 37–39
self-knowledge, 48–49
seven personal attributes that build, 42–57
time and attention, providing, 98, 207
will and skill, 43

Bank of America, 194–95, 204–5
Barad, Jill, 44
Barbarians at the Gate (Burrough and Helyar), 193
Barclays Bank, 47
behavior. See also acting and speaking with power; anger
acting with power, 125–39
anger displayed vs. sadness or remorse, 128
awareness of audience and, 131–32
looking engaged, behaviors, 132–33
posture and gestures, 136–37
setting the stage and managing the context, 138
taking time in responding, 139
using memory to access the desired emotions, 138
Beneducci, Joe, 48–49
benefits of power
accomplishment of goals, 176–77, 221–22, 236
control over work environment, 6–7
health and longevity, 6–7, 197, 236
leadership effectiveness, 7
wealth, 7
writing of history, 12, 158–59
Benioff, Marc, 201
Berdahl, Jennifer, 230–31
Berkeley cookie experiment, 201
Berman, Howard, 168
Best and the Brightest, The (Halberstam), 56
Bhatia, Sabeer, 80–81
biased assimilation, 152
Binkley, Nick, 194–96
Bishop, Mike, 170
Black, Cathleen, 129, 130
Black Rock, 215
Blank, Arthur, 20
blogging, 159–60Blum, Richard, 166, 172
Board of Control for Cricket in India (B.C.CI), 173–74
Boden, Deidre, 140–41
Boeing Corporation, 184
Bradford, David, 227
“brand recall,” 27, 85
breaking the rules, 5, 9, 82–86
Brehm, Jack, 167
Brescoll, Victoria, 135
“Brilliant but Cruel” (Amabile), 87
Brin, Sergey, 96
British Petroleum (BP), 154–55, 200
Brown, Tina, 28
Brown, Willie, 37, 92, 93, 97–98, 168–69, 172, 175, 199
Browne, John, 154–55
Buetnner, Russ, 54
burnout, 208–9
Burrough, Bryan, 193
Burt, Ronald, 112, 121, 122
Bush, George W., 87, 145–46
Byrne, John, 159

Campbell, Fred, 208–9
Camuffo, Arnaldo, 111
career choice, where to start, 58–74, 228, 229–30
common mistake in choosing department, 59–60
critical resources and departmental power, 65–66
departmental power, diagnosing, 68–71
line over staff positions, 94
political risks and, 229–30
powerful departments, 58–60
resource control and, 94
trade-off: strong power base vs. less competition, 71–74
unexpected paths to power, 60–65
unit cohesion and departmental power, 65
career success
attributes of climb to power and, 11–12
choosing where to start, 58–74
focusing on what you can control and, 232
gaining support for, 83
indifference of organization toward employee, 214, 216–17
intelligence and, 55–56
networking and, 111, 112–13
political savvy and, 4positive perception of individual and, 10
power and, 55
preparation, 1
salience and, 111
seeking power and, 4
surviving and succeeding in organizations, 235–36
type of knowledge most useful for your job, 123–24
Caro, Robert, 210
Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center, 44, 52–53, 164–67
Casper, Gerhard, 87
Catalyst (organization), 135
Catz, Safra, 201–2
CBS, 44, 98–99, 197
background of senior-level team and, 70
corruption of power and, 200
coup attempts and trust dilemmas, 192–94
demands on time and loss of autonomy, 188
executive compensation and size of institution, 93–94
failure of outside hires, 149, 209
Fligstein study of backgrounds, 66, 70–71
headhunters and candidate qualification, 95
imperial CEO, 209, 223
median tenure of job, 47
misplaced or too much trust by, 204–6
path to power, Cisco, 73–74
path to power, Ford Motor Company, 63–65, 66
path to power, General Motors, 59
path to power, Pacific Gas and Electric, 58–59
path to power, Time, Inc., 72
path to power, Wells Fargo, 59
power as determinant of retention, 25
reputation and outside hires, 148
resistance to stepping down, 197
ridding the board of opponents and, 174
time spent on image maintenance, 186
turnover rate, U.S., 198
Zia Yusuf’s climb to power, 60–63, 66
Chace, William, 178
Chatman, Jennifer, 33–34
Chief Executive Leadership Institute, 180–81
Chinchilla, Nuria, 132, 157–58, 159, 252n. 13
Christensen, Clayton, 187
Chrysler Corporation, 149
Churchill, Winston, 142, 223, 224, 225
Cialdini, Robert, 82, 88Cisco, 73–74, 163
acquisitions, 73–74
Citigroup, 20, 30, 164, 197
Clinton, Bill, 7, 109, 161, 190
anger vs. remorse in, 134
Clinton, Hillary, 7, 83, 190
cognitive discounting, 151
cognitive dissonance, 90
College University Personnel Association (CUPA), 102
Collins, Jim, 11
competency traps, 211
colleagues as, 234
differentiating yourself, 82–86
misplaced or too much trust and coups, 204–6
power struggles and coups, 214–16, 233
taking care of yourself, 233–34
trust dilemmas and, 191–94
zero-sum, 5
confidence, 38, 49–51, 130, 137
acting becomes reality, 130, 181
assumption of power and, 50
gaining influence and, 50–51
overconfidence and power, 200–201
using memory to access the desired emotions, 137–38
women, issue with, 51
conflict, 53–54. See also opposition
conflict aversion as norm, 54
Rudy Crew on, 167
ruthlessness and, 54
strong emotions and, 169
workplace bullying, 54
Confucius, 42
Conley, France K., 49–50, 189
Copeland, Eric, 214
Corrigan, Gerald, 88
Corzine, Jon, 220
costs of power, 183–97
addiction to power, 194–97
family and marriage issues, 189–91
loss of autonomy, 188
time and effort required, 189–91
trust dilemmas, 191–94
visibility and public scrutiny, 183–87
on women, 189–91
Coulter, David, 204–5, 206Council on Foreign Relations, 94
Cozadd, Bruce, 46–47
Crew, Rudy, 19, 30, 44–45, 167, 176, 179, 184, 206, 207
criticism, 32
criticism and negative feedback
avoidance of, 39
objective self-assessment about your attributes and, 39–42
Crowell, Eldon, 215
Crowell and Moring, 215

Daley, Richard, 43
Dalmiya, Jagmohan, 174
Daschle, Tom, 80
Dean, John, 69–70, 141
decision making, 223–25
Deddeh, Wadie, 168
Deloitte Consulting, 75–76, 78
Dimon, Jamie, 20, 30
Dreams of My Father (Obama), 154
Dubman, Sue, 165
Dunlap, Al, 158–59, 211
Dunning, David, 41

eGreetings, 208–9
Elkind, Peter, 56
Elliott, William, 84
Ellison, Larry, 201–2
Emanuel, Rahm, 54–55
emotional intelligence, 56
contagion of, 45, 131, 244n. 14
hot-button terms, 143
interference with strategic thinking, 169
multiple, 137–38
as self-reinforcing process, 131
using memory to access desired, 137–38
empathy, 51–53
obstacles to, 52
using memory to access desired emotions, 137–38
energy, 4, 43, 44–46, 132, 191, 195, 196, 208, 209
lifestyle influence on, 46
three ways it builds influence, 45–46English, Bill, 136, 139
Enron, 56, 57
entrepreneurship, 66, 68, 72, 80–82, 108, 177, 218
Esserman, Laura, 44, 46, 52–53, 164–67, 169–70, 172, 173, 176, 224
European Business Forum, 104
expectation states theory, 256n. 14
eye contact, 38, 137, 144

fair play
bending or ignoring rules, 5
“just-world hypothesis” and, 9–10, 179
favors, 79, 80, 97
“feedforward,” 40
Feinstein, Dianne, 172
Ferrazzi, Keith, 75–76, 89, 113–14, 159
Ferris, Gerald, 5
Festinger, Leon, 90
Feynman, Richard, 186
Fireman’s Fund, 48
first impressions, 149–53
accuracy of, 150
biased assimilation and, 152
durability of, 150–52
efforts to change, unsuccessful, 153
playing the law of large numbers and, 153
self-fulfilling prophecy of, 151–52
similarity, chemistry and, 153
Fish, Stanley, 145–46
flattery, 33–35
asking as, 80–82
corruption of power and, 200
demands for attention and, 188
getting others to take our side and, 82
invitations to speak as, 102
position and resources as reason for, 95–96
Fligstein, Neil, 65–66, 70–71
Flynn, Frank, 79, 117
focus, 46–48
avoiding unnecessary problems and, 170
genius and, 47
limiting activities and, 47–48
rarity of, 48
tenure in job and, 46–47
Fog of War, The (documentary), 56–57Ford, Henry, II, 63–64, 65, 67
Ford Motor Company
finance function, 63–65, 66, 67–68, 71, 94–95
Lee Iacocca at, 158
Whiz Kids and, 63–65, 67, 68
Friedman, Milton, 183

Gaither, James, 127
Galunic, Charles, 184
Gandhi, Mahatma, 7
Gandz, Jeffrey, 218
Gardner, John, 7, 175
Gates, Bill, 96
Geithner, Timothy, 88
General Electric (GE), 159, 196, 211, 212
senior executives becoming CEOs, 148–49
General Motors (GM), 59, 199
genius. See also intelligence
Bill Walsh as, 147
determinants of, 45
focus and, 47
“laborious preparation and,” 45
George, Bill, 212
Giamatti, A. Bartlett, 184
Giuliani, Rudy, 7, 54, 179
Glickman, Dan, 109
Glucksman, Lew, 215
Goldman Sachs, 61, 220
Goldsmith, Marshall, 39–40
Good to Great (Collins), 11
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 43
Google, 96
Granovetter, Mark, 116
Greenberg, Hank, 197
Greenspan, Alan, 88
Grove, Andy, 130–31
Groysberg, Boris, 148–49
Gruenfeld, Deborah, 219
Gupta, Ishan, 80–81
Gurney, Edward, 141

Halberstam, David, 54, 56, 68Hammer, Armand, 212
Hansen, Morten, 123, 132
Harrah’s Resort and Casino, 131–32, 170–71, 176, 192
Harvard Business School
Amabile study on book reviews, 87
Ann Moore at, 72
Bill George at, 212
case study, Heidi Roizen, 107
Gary Loveman and, 170, 192
Groysberg study of GE executives, 148
John Kotter at, 229
Keith Ferrazzi at, 75, 89
MBAs and Goldman, Sachs, 61
Harvard Law School, 76–77
Hasegawa, Kiich, 85
Hastings, Reed, 177
Healy, Bernadine, 202–3
Hearst Corporation, 28
Atoosa Rubenstein as youngest editor in chief at, 129
Heilbrunn, Jacob, 87
Helyar, John, 193
Hero’s Farewell, The (Sonnenfeld), 96, 178, 211
competition and, 234
decision making and, 223–25
people at bottom and health risks, 6, 236
preference for, 220–21
size of organization and, 219
status hierarchies, 118, 256n. 14
ubiquitous nature of, 219–21, 225
Hill, Anita, 89
Hirsch, Paul, 217
Home Depot, 20, 148–49, 180, 209
Honda, Sorichiro, 85
Hotmail, 80–81

Iacocca, Lee, 158
Ickes, William, 52
Indian Premier League (IPL), 173–74
Influence (Cialdini), 82
ingroup bias/outgroup derogation, 31–32
“inhibitive nonverbal behaviors,” 230–31
Intel, 130
“wolf school,” 130–31intelligence, 55–57
intimidation and, 56
reputation as smart, 147, 155
salary differentials and, 245n. 27
Isaacson, Walter, 84

Jacobs, John, 175
Jacobs, Rod, 59
aphorism, nail being hammered down, 26, 84
CEOs, time spent on investor relations, 186
differentiating oneself in, examples, 84–85
power and centrality, example, 121–22
Jeffery, Michael, 20
job performance, 19–35
executive compensation not tied to, 93
favorable impression and higher ratings, 148
highlighting favorable dimensions of, 28–29
importance of being noticed by higher ups, 26–27
ingroup bias/outgroup derogation, 31–32
intelligence and, 55
keeping your boss happy and, 21, 30, 31–32
making others feel better about themselves and, 31–35
not criticizing the boss, 32
promotions, basis of, 23–24
supervisor’s commitment and relationship to you and, 22–23
trap of great performance, 24–25
weak link with job outcomes, 19–26
Jobs, Steve, 20, 72, 143
job security
CEO retention, power as determinant of, 25
CEOs, median tenure, 47
keeping your boss happy and, 21
weak link with job outcomes, 19–26
job seeking. See also career choice, where to start
first impressions, 129, 151
networking and “weak ties,” 116–17
projecting confidence and, 38
Sam’s Club/Walmart interviewer on, 128–29
self-promoting and, 160
victim mentality and, 232
Johnson, Lyndon, 33, 45, 52, 109, 175
Johnson, Ross, 193
Jones Day (law firm), 215Joss, Robert, 59
Jost, John, 221
“just-world hypothesis,” 8–11
blaming the victim and, 10
combating perception of, 10–11
misleading leadership books and, 12, 242n. 17
negative effects on ability to acquire power, 8–9
neglecting to build a power base and, 9
taking care of yourself vs., 233–34

Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul, 81
Kawamata, Katsuji, 54
Kelleher, Herb, 143
Keltner, Dacher, 199
Kennedy, Caroline, 83
Kennedy, Donald, 127–28, 140, 142–43
Kennedy, Ted, 80, 92, 98
Kerry, John, 145–46
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 7, 139–40
Kipnis, David, 200
Kissinger, Henry, 84
power and centrality and, 120
Kizer, Ken, 19–20
Kleberg, Richard, 45
Kotter, John, 229
Krackhardt, David, 68
Kruger, Justin, 41

Lake, Vanessa, 79
Lane, Ray, 201
Lashinsky, Adam, 202
Lauer, Matt, 28
acting as a skill for, 131–39
criticism and, 32
good advice, sources, 12
misleading literature on, 8, 11–13, 242n. 17
political skills and, 5
power necessary for, 7
status and, 220
LECG Corporation, 20
Lee Kuan Yew, 54, 205–6Lehman, Rick, 168
Lehman Brothers, 215
Leon, Consuelo, 158
Lerner, Melvin, 9
Levine, Mel, 168
Levitan, Tony, 208–9
Lewis, Reginald, 76–77
attitudes follow behavior and, 89–90
book reviews and, 87
ineffective path to power, 76
interpersonal influence, degree of effectiveness, 86–87
need for affiliation, 4
niceness as weakness, 87
overrating of, 86–87, 89
people forgive and forget, 90–91
power and, 87–88, 90
use of, 160
Lilly, John, 177
Lincoln, Abraham, 43
Lizza, Ryan, 54, 133, 153, 162
Loconto, Pat, 75
Lorenzo, Frank, 211
loss of power, 198–212
burnout, stress, fatigue, 207–9
competency traps, 211
coups and revolts, 214–16, 233
involuntary departures at partnerships, 215
job loss and health consequences, 196
leaders, public and private sector, length of tenure, 198–99
leaving gracefully, 211–12
loss of patience and, 206–7
misplaced or too much trust and coups, 199–203
outdated tactics and, 209–11
overconfidence, disinhibition, and ignoring the interests of others, 199–203
Loveman, Gary, 131–32, 170–71, 176–77, 192
loyalty, 45–46
indifference of organization toward employee, 214, 216–17
intimidation and, 56
Lugar, Richard, 80
Lundy, Ed, 64

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 86–87
Macy, Kingsland, 90–91Madden, John, 147
Maidique, Modesto Alex “Mitch,” 206–7
Major, Brenda, 51
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 186–87
managing up, 19–35. See also job performance
getting noticed, importance of, 26–27, 35
making others feel better about themselves and, 33–35
pleasing your boss, 21, 30, 31–32, 35
March, James, 188
Marcus, Bernard, 20, 180
Marmot, Michael, 236
Mattel, 44
Matthews, Chris, 135
Mayer, Jane, 89
McCain, John, 143
McCarthy, Leo, 92–93
McClelland, David, 7–8
McColl, Hugh, 204–5, 206
McLean, Bethany, 56
McNamara, Robert, 56–57, 63, 155
Medoff, James, 23
Meir, Golda, 136
mentoring, 78, 79
“mere exposure effect,” 27
Mexico, 118
Meyer, Ron, 36, 37
Microsoft, 96
Miller, Arjay, 63
Miner, Judson, 154
Modi, Lalit, 173–74
Molotch, Harvey, 140–41
Mondale, Walter, 145
Moore, Ann, 72
Moran, Rich, 214
Morgridge, John, 73
Morita, Akio, 84–85
Morris, Errol, 56
Moser, Klaus, 107–8
Moses, Robert, 90–91, 176, 199, 210–11
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 109, 144, 191, 199
Mozilla, 177
Murray, Victor, 218
Muskie, Ed, 135Nardelli, Robert, 148–49, 209
NationsBank, 204
need for achievement, 4, 7
Netflix, 177
networking, 106–24
ability as important in most jobs, 110–11
career advancement and, 111, 112–13
career satisfaction, salary, and salary growth, 110
choice of people for, 116–19
definition of, and networking skills, 107–8
doing small but important tasks and, 99–101
Granovetter study on how people find jobs and, 116
Hansen study on social networks and product development, 123
Heidi Roizen and, 106–7
high-status people and, 117–19
monetizing a high-status network, 119
networking jobs, 108–10
opportunities for, 113–16
outside U.S., 111
power and centrality, 119–22
recognizing the trade-offs, 123–24
skills, learning and teaching, 112–13
small, strong ties, 124
strategy for, 115–16, 117
strong structural position in, 100, 119–22
Tauzin, PhRMA, and Republican Party, 109
time spent in, 113–16, 123
Valenti, Hollywood, and Democratic Party, 109
weak ties, importance of, 116–19, 123–24
Wolff and Moser’s study, 107–8, 110
Never Eat Alone (Ferrazzi), 113–14
Newhouse, S. I., 28
Newman, Frank, 59
New Yorker , 28
Nisker, Scoop, 236
Nissan, 54
Nixon, Richard, 69–70, 120, 141
Nobel Prize, 186
Nomura Securities, 9
North, Oliver, 125–26, 130, 140, 142

Obama, Barack, 80, 83, 140, 153–54, 161
Occidental Petroleum, 212
O’Donnell, Lawrence, 83opposition, 164–77
advancing on multiple fronts, 173–74
avoiding unnecessary problems, 169–70
focus and, 170
how and when to fight, 167–77
Laura Esserman example, 164–67
leaving people a graceful way out, 167–69
making your objectives seem compelling, 176–77
not taking things personally, 170–71
persistence and overcoming, 172
psychological reactance, 167
seizing the initiative, 174
turning enemies into allies, 168–69
using rewards and punishments to shape behavior, 174–75
Oracle, 201–2
Ostler, Clyde, 59
Owens, Dick, 193

Pacific Gas and Electric, 58–59, 69
Pack Your Own Parachute (Hirsch), 217
Page, Larry, 96
Paley, William, 99, 197
Papanek, Hanna, 190
Patterson, David, 83
Patton, Gen. George, 135
performance. See job performance
personal change to achieve power, 37–39
Peterson, Pete, 215
Pettigrew, Andrew, 68
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), 109
Plattner, Hasso, 61, 62, 63
Podolny, Joel, 117–18
political skills inventory, 5
Powell, Michael, 54
acting and speaking with, 125–46
applying techniques of obtaining, ease of, 226–36
attributes of, 36–57
benefits of, 6–7
breaking the rules and, 82–86
building your path, 228–30
career choice, where to start, 58–74
career success and, 55
claiming, not giving away, 230costs of, 183–97
creating resources, 92–105
decision making and, 223–25
fear of trying and failure to achieve, 14
flattery as strategy for, 33–35
as fundamental human drive, 8
having resources, using strategically, 92–96
how you look and, 136–37
job performance and, 19–35
keeping, 203
likability created by, 87–88
loss of, how and why, 198–212
media attention and, 158–59
motivated by, 4, 7
networking and, 106–24
opposition and, 164–77
personal attributes and, 36–57
physical closeness to and power of department, 69–70
power dynamics and organizational commitment, 213–25
relationship with those in power, 19–35
reputation and, 147–63
as self-reinforcing process, 94
setbacks and, 177–82
standing out and, 75–82
power base
building from where you are, 97
career platform for, 59–60
enhancing people’s self-esteem and, 31
“just-world hypothesis” and lack of building, 9
recruiting for, 52, 87–88
resources for, creating something out of almost nothing, 96–105
trade-off: strong power base vs. less competition, 71–74
Whiz Kids and building of, 63
winning/success, attraction to, 88
“Power corrupts” (saying), 199–203
Berkeley cookie experiment, 201
power dynamics and organizational commitment, 213–25
hierarchical authority and decision making, 223–25
influence skills, usefulness of, 221–22
power and hierarchy are ubiquitous, 218–21
power struggles. See opposition Prince, The (Machiavelli), 86–87
promotions, 23–24
loyalty and, 45–46
networking and, 111
Proudfoot, 85
Raytheon Company, Business Leadership Program (BLP), 112–13
Reagan, Ronald, 97, 125, 145
Reckoning, The (Halberstam), 54
reputation, 147–63
association with high-status institutions and, 148–49
building in the media, 155–60
constructing your image, 153–55, 235
first impressions and, 149–53
fundamental principles for high-power position, 149
image creates reality, 163
impression management (image maintenance), 185–86
loss of, dealing with, 178
power and shaping of, 158–59
rebuilding, 180–81
self-promotion dilemma, 160–61
upside of negative information, 161–63
writing articles and publishing, 156, 159–60
resources, creating, 92–105
building a resource base inside and outside your organization, 101–2
controlling access to money and jobs and, 92–96
controlling as path to power, 95
creating something out of almost nothing, 96–105
doing small but important tasks, 98–101, 234–35
executive compensation and size of institution, 93–94
financial institutions, bankers vs. traders, 93
leveraging your association with a prestigious institution, 102–5
political contributions and politicians’ voting behavior, 93
power as self-reinforcing process, 94
professional associations, 102
providing attention and support, 97–98
what a resource is, 97
Rice, Condoleezza, 87
RJR Nabisco, 193
Robb, Charles, 126
Roizen, Heidi, 106–7, 108, 114
role playing, 128–30, 181
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 232
Rosenberg, Richard, 195
Rosenthal, Robert, 150
Rubenstein, Atoosa, 129–30
Rubin, Harriet, 128, 130
favoring people who make them, 86
standing out and breaking, 5, 9, 82–86
Rushdie, Salman, 145

salaries, 23, 245n. 27
compensation and size of institution, 93–94
confidence and, 51
Hay system, 95
intelligence and, 245n. 27
networking and, 110
power of unit and, 58
relative pay in department and power of, 69
social capital and, 122
women and, 51
San Francisco Zen Center, 196
SAP, 60–63, 66–67, 71, 73, 94–95, 170, 171, 222
Schaeberle, Robert, 193
Schoorman, David, 22–23
Schwab, Klaus, 103–4, 248n. 8
Scully, John, 20
Security Pacific Bank, 194
Seeman, Patricia, 192, 203
self-assessment, 37, 39–42, 228
advice from others, 42
lack of self-knowledge, 41–42
self-enhancement motive, 31, 37, 42, 95, 228–39
structured reflection and, 48–49
self-deprecation, 136
self-enhancement motive, 31, 37, 42, 95, 228–39
enhancing people’s self-esteem and compliance, 81
“face” and, 169
fear of rejection and, 78
“self-handicapping” to avoid failure risk, 13–14
“self-handicapping,” 8, 13–15
task performance and, 14
self-knowledge, 39–42, 48–49
lack of, 41–42
structured reflection and, 48–49
setbacks, 177–82
continuing to do what made you successful, 179–81
embarrassment as response, 178–79
importance of talking about what happened, 179
projecting power and success, 181–82
Shearson American Express, 164
Siminoff, David, 214
Simonton, Dean Keith, 45Singapore, 54, 205–6
Sloan, Alfred, 199
Smartest Guys in the Room, The (McLean and Elkind), 56
Smith, Sally Bedell, 99, 197
social capital, 110, 112, 122. See also networking
“social facilitation effect,” 185
social perception, 149–53
Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey, 96, 177–78, 179, 180–81, 182, 211
Sony Corporation, 84–85
Sotomayor, Sonia, 55–56
Southwest Airlines, 143
speaking powerfully, 139–46
contesting the premises of the discussion, 140–42
five linguistic techniques, 143–45
hot-button terms, 143
humor and, 145
interruption, 140
Molotch and Boden study, 140–41
opportunities for, 146
persuasive language, 142–46
sentence structure and, 145–46
three faces of power and, 140–41
standing out, 26–27, 35, 82
asking, effectiveness of, 75–82
“brand recall,” 27, 85
breaking the rules and, 82–86
differentiating yourself, 82–86, 235
Japan and, 26, 84–85
Keith Ferrazzi and, 75–76
“mere exposure effect,” 27
Reginald Lewis and, 76–77
salience and networking, 111, 114, 235
Stanford University, 87
Donald Kennedy scandal, 127
hospital merger, 170
Sloan program, 102–3
Stanton, Frank, 44, 98–99
status, 220, 256n. 14
status hierarchies, 118–19
Stonecipher, Harry, 184
Strange Justice (Mayer and Abramson), 89
Summers, Larry, 161–62
Sun, Tony, 214
Surowiecki, James, 224, 225
Sutton, Robert, 184
Talk magazine, 28
Tauzin, Billy, 109
Thain, John, 88
Tharp, Twyla, 38
Thiry, Kent, 46
Thomas, Clarence, 89
Thornton, Tex, 63
Tiedens, Larissa, 133–34, 220
Time, Inc., 72
TLC Group, 76–77
trust dilemmas, 191–94, 204–6, 233
Tucker, Gordon, 209

Ueberroth, Peter, 130, 138
Uhlmann, Eric, 135
Universal Studios, 36
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
breast cancer care center, 52–53, 164–66, 173, 176
hospital merger, 170
Mt. Zion Medical Center, 224
University of Illinois, 59, 72, 168
Unruh, Jesse, 92
unskilled and unaware of it, 41, 244n. 6

Valenti, Jack, 33–34, 109, 132–33, 144–45, 191, 199
Vanity Fair , 28
Varon, Charlie, 152
Venrock, 214, 215
venture capital, 108
victim role, 231–32
Volcker, Paul, 88
Volpi, Mike, 73–74, 163

Walker, Jim, 9
Wallace Company, 186–87
Walmart job candidates, 128–29, 130
Walsh, Bill, 147
intelligence and, 55power and, 7
Weick, Karl, 90
Weill, Sandy, 20, 30, 164, 197
Weiss, Gary, 88
Welch, Jack, 159, 196, 212
Wells Fargo, 59
Whiz Kids, 63–65, 67, 68
winning/success, attraction to, 88, 181–82, 234
Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki), 224
“wolf school,” 130–31
Wolff, Hans-Georg, 107–8
ambition in, 135
anger in, 135–36
Ann Moore’s path to power, 72
confidence and, 51
cost of career and power on family and marriage, 189–90
coups and revolts in organizations, 216
husband and “two-person single career,” 190
interruption and, 140
Nuria Chinchilla, reputation and, 157–58
salary differentials and, 51
University of Illinois committee and, 168
Wong, Andrea, 190
World Economic Forum, 94, 96–97, 104, 248n. 8

Yusuf, Zia, 60–63, 66, 70, 71, 73, 94, 95, 170, 171, 222

Zajonc, Robert, 27


For more than 35 years, I have been researching and teaching about power. This is my
third book on the subject. In my work on power and throughout my career, I have
benefited enormously from the people who have collaborated with me in my teaching
and research. I firmly believe that performance reflects more than just individual ability
and motivation—it also owes a great deal to one’s environment. I have taught at Stanford
since 1979 and I never take the intellectual and financial resources afforded me for
granted. My colleagues in organizational behavior throughout the campus, including Jim
March and Dick Scott, and the school’s administration in the person of the deans and
associate deans I have worked with over the years, have been wonderfully generous with
their friendship, advice, and support. I thank them all. My assistant, Nanci Moore, does
so many things to make my life easier and is a delight to work with.
The elective course I teach at Stanford, called “The Paths to Power,”
owes a great deal, including its title and organizing framework, to my dear friend and
colleague Roderick Kramer. Rod has taught sections of the course, contributed
materials, and stimulated my thinking about the subject. Rod’s articles about power and
trust are invariably insightful, and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to his intellectual
partnership. I also want to acknowledge the contributions to the class of the late Gene
Webb, a member of my doctoral dissertation committee all those many years ago, who
taught sections of the course in the early 1990s. My able course assistants have
provided help, feedback, and ideas important to the class and my teaching. So many
thanks to Nate Fast, Christina Fong, Caitlin Hogan, Ena Inesi, Senia Maymin, and Tanya
Other colleagues, both at Stanford and elsewhere, who study aspects of
power and influence have profoundly influenced my writing and thinking. I owe a huge
debt of gratitude to Cameron Anderson, Ron Burt, Bob Cialdini, Gerald Ferris, Frank
Flynn, Adam Galinsky, Deborah Gruenfeld, Morten Hansen, Joel Podolny, Barry Staw,
and Lara Tiedens. Each of these individuals can, I hope, see the influence of their ideas
on these pages. My empirical research on power was done mostly with the late Jerry
Salancik. Jerry was an incredible friend, colleague, and mentor who taught me a great
deal about social science and life. For as long as I live I will miss his infectious laugh and
amazing insights.
Over the years I have had the privilege of writing cases about andlearning more informally from a simply amazing range of talented people. I have also
been able to watch at close range, sometimes painfully close, some very effective
organizational power players. A partial list of those to whom I owe much of my insight
and understanding of organizational power includes Janet Abrams, Caryl Athanasiades,
Shanda Bahles, Beth Benjamin, Adi Bittan, Nikki Blane, Nuria Chinchilla, Steve
Ciesinski, Frances Conley, Kirby Cramer, Rudy Crew, David Demarest, Bill English,
Laura Esserman, Keith Ferrazzi, Rashi Goel, Kevin Goodwin, Ignacio Gorupicz, Ishan
Gupta, Burt Herman, Ian Hill, Ray Jackson, Michael Kahn, Rob Lawson, Tony Levitan,
Bernard Looney, Gary Loveman, Meagan Marks, Chris Marsh, Melissa McSherry,
Marcelo Miranda, Rich Moran, Kara Nortman, Jenny Parker, Josh Raffaelli, Carole
Robin, Heidi Roizen, Jim Roth, John Russ, Andrew Saltoun, Patricia Seeman, Pepe
Shabot, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Kenji Tateiwa, Amanda Tucker, Jack Valenti, Ross Walker,
Steve Westly, Zia Yusuf, and all the students in the many sections of the course over the
years who have been kind enough to share their stories, ideas, and most important, their
My amazingly wonderful agents, Christy Fletcher and Don Lamm,
provided support, advice, and encouragement every step of the way. Don also provided
unstinting editorial advice and friendship as well as telling me the truth about this project,
even when I didn’t want to hear it. Over the years, Don has become a dear friend and I
value his wisdom. I have worked with a number of editors over the years, but have never
encountered anyone better than Ben Loehnen of HarperCollins. Ben offered support and
thoughtful comments and had an uncanny ability to help me produce text that was better
than I thought I was capable of writing. Ben deserves enormous credit for helping me
see how to improve the early drafts and for providing just the right mix of critique and
Charles O’Reilly and Bob Sutton deserve a special place in my heart.
Close friends as well as coauthors and colleagues, they are unselfish with their time,
advice, feedback, and support. Chip Heath, as always, was insightful and generous with
his suggestions about titles. It is an honor and privilege to work with all of these people.
My dear friend and former Sloan student, Stuart Young, provided much
indirect inspiration for this book. Stuart, a radiologist already retired for several years in
his early sixties, lives in a huge house in Portola Valley and drives a Bentley. Stuart was
someone who made his money from biotech companies that not only were never
profitable, they never even had revenues. Our “grumpy old men” lunches are a source of
continuing delight, and the very fact of his financial success renders an analysis of power
in organizations all the more relevant.
When I met Kathleen Frances Fowler at approximately 10 P.M. on
January 19, 1985, at a party in San Francisco, it changed my life forever, although I didn’t
fully understand in what ways and how much that evening. After we started going out, she
wanted to read something I had written. I gave her an autographed copy of my first book
on this subject, Power in Organizations , which she found way too academic. On the
other hand, she married me on July 23, 1986. It was Kathleen’s encouragement that I
write something that regular people could read that produced Managing with Power and
many other things such as the various magazine columns I have written over the years.
This book will, hopefully, be even more to her liking—if nothing else, it is shorter! Now, as
we approach the 25th anniversary of the evening we met, I realize that she has taught memore than I know, or at least act on. Kathleen remains my best friend as well as the most
beautiful human being I have ever encountered. This book, like everything in my life, is
dedicated to her.

About the Author

JEFFREY PFEFFER is the Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior at
the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, where he has taught since 1979.
He is the author or coauthor of thirteen books, and has also held visiting professorships
at the Harvard Business School, London Business School, IESE Business School in
Spain, and other institutions.

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The External Control of Organizations
Managing with Power
Competitive Advantage Through People
New Directions for Organization Theory
The Human Equation
The Knowing-Doing Gap
Hidden Value
Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense
What Were They Thinking?


Jacket photography © Getty Images
Jacket design by Jason Ramirez


POWER. Copyright © 2010 by Jeffrey Pfeffer. All rights reserved under International and
Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been
granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pfeffer, Jeffrey.

Power: why some people have it and others don’t / by Jeffrey Pfeffer.
p. cm.p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-06-178908-3
1. Success in business. 2. Success. 3. Management. 4. Power (Social sciences). I. Title.
HF5386.P5765 2010

EPub Edition © August 2010 ISBN: 978-0-06-201061-2

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1. David C. McClelland and David H. Burnham, “Power Is the Great Motivator,”
Harvard Business Review 81 (2003): 117–126.
2. Gerald R. Ferris, Darren C. Treadway, Robert W. Kolodinsky, Wayne A.
Hochwarter, Charles J. Kacmar, Caesar Douglas, and Dwight D. Frink, “Development
and Validation of the Political Skill Inventory,” Journal of Management 31 (2005):
3. M. G. Marmot, H. Bosma, H. Hemingway, E. Brunner, and S. Stansfeld,
“Contribution of Job Control and Other Risk Factors to Social Variations in Coronary
Heart Disease Incidence,” The Lancet 350 (1997): 235–239.
4. Mark J. Martinko and William L. Gardner, “Learned Helplessness: An Alternative
Explanation for Performance Deficits,” Academy of Management Review 7 (1982):
5. This and other, related research is summarized in Michael Marmot, The Status
Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health and Longevity (New York:
Times Books, 2004).
6. Mike McIntire, “Clintons Made $109 Million in Last 8 Years,” New York Times , April
5, 2008.
7. John W. Gardner, On Leadership (New York: Free Press, 1993).
8. David C. McClelland, Power: The Inner Experience (New York: Wiley, 1976);
McClelland and Burnham, “Power Is the Great Motivator.”
9. Matthew Montagu-Pollock, “Why Jim Walker Walked,” Asiamoney (December
10. Melvin J. Lerner, The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion (New
York: Plenum, 1980).
11. C. R. Snyder, “Social Motivation: The Search for Belonging and Order,”
Psychological Inquiry 7 (1996): 248.
12. Murray Webster Jr., book review of The Belief in a Just World , by Melvin J.
Lerner, American Journal of Sociology 88 (1983): 1048.
13. Ibid., 1049.
14. Ibid.
15. Jim Collins, Good to Great (New York: HarperCollins, 2001), 12.
16. Rudolph W. Giuliani, Leadership (New York: Hyperion, 2002).
17. This process was described more than 30 years ago by Barry M. Staw,
“Attributions of the ‘Causes’ of Performance: A General Alternative Interpretation of
Cross-Sectional Research on Organizations,” Organizational Behavior and Human
Performance 13 (1975): 414–432. It was applied to the leadership literature that
same year by Terence R. Mitchell, James R. Larson, and Stephen G. Green, “Leader
Behavior, Situational Moderators, and Group Performance: An Attributional Analysis,”
Defense Technical Information Center, Accession No: AD1021285. The fundamental
idea—that positive attributes will be construed as occurring together even if they
don’t, undergirds the argument in Phil Rosenzweig, The Halo Effect (New York: Free
Press, 2007).
18. These and other data on the extent of misrepresenting qualifications on resumés
can be found in Jeffrey Pfeffer, What Were They Thinking? Unconventional Wisdom
About Management (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007), ch. 13.
19. See, for instance, E. E. Jones and S. Berglas, “Control of Attributions About the
Self Through Self-Handicapping Strategies: The Appeal of Alcohol and the Role of
Underachievement,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 4 (1978):200–206.
20. Michael J. Strube, “An Analysis of the Self-Handicapping Scale,” Basic and
Applied Social Psychology 7 (1986): 211–224.
21. Frederick Rhodewalt and James Davison Jr., “Self-Handicapping and
Subsequent Performance: Role of Outcome Valence and Attributional Certainty,”
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 7 (1986): 307–322.

1. It Takes More Than Performance

1. Christine Armario, “Miami Ousts Nationally Recognized School Leader,”
Associated Press, September 11, 2008.
2. Amy C. Edmondson, Brian R. Golden, and Gary J. Young, “Turnaround at the
Veterans Health Administration (A),” Case no. 9-607-035, Boston: Harvard Business
School Publishing, July 20, 2007.
3. Catherine Arnst, “The Best Medical Care in the U.S.,” BusinessWeek, July 17,
4. Amy C. Edmondson and Brian R. Golden, “Turnaround at the Veterans Health
Administration (B),” Case no. 9-608-062, Boston: Harvard Business School
Publishing, August 14, 2007.
5. F. David Schoorman, “Escalation Bias in Performance Appraisals: An Unintended
Consequence of Supervisor Participation in Hiring Decisions,” Journal of Applied
Psychology 73 (1988): 58–62.
6. James L. Medoff and Katherine G. Abraham, “Experience, Performance, and
Earnings,” Quarterly Journal of Economics 95 (1980): 705–736.
7. Thomas J. Dohmen, “Performance, Seniority, and Wages: Formal Salary Systems
and Individual Earnings Profiles,” Labour Economics 11 (2004): 741–763.
8. Abraham Carmeli, Revital Shalom, and Jacob Weisberg, “Considerations in
Organizational Career Advancement: What Really Matters,” Personnel Review 36
(2007): 190–205.
9. Dimitrios Spyropoulos, “Analysis of Career Progression and Job Performance in
Internal Labor Markets: The Case of Federal Civil Service Employees,” unpublished
master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, School of Business and Public Policy,
Monterey, CA, March 2005;
10. S. C. Gilson, “Management Turnover and Financial Distress,” Journal of
Financial Economics 25 (1989): 241–262.
11. C. Edward Fee and Charles J. Hadlock, “Management Turnover Across the
Corporate Hierarchy,” Journal of Accounting and Economics 37 (2004): 3–38.
12. Eddie Harmon-Jones and John J. B. Allen, “The Role of Affect in the Mere
Exposure Effect: Evidence from Psychophysiological and Individual Differences
Approaches,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (2001): 889–898.
13. Angela Y. Lee, “The Mere Exposure Effect: An Uncertainty Reduction Explanation
Revisited,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27, no. 10 (2001): 1255
14. Robert B. Zajonc, “Mere Exposure: A Gateway to the Subliminal,” Current
Directions in Psychological Science 10, no. 6 (2001): 224–228.
15. Elizabeth Kolbert, “How Tina Brown Moves Magazines,” New York Times
Magazine, December 5, 1993.
16. For a review of this literature, see John R. Chambers and Paul D. Windschitl,
“Biases in Social Comparative Judgments: The Role of Nonmotivated Factors in
Above-Average and Comparative-Optimism Effects,” Psychological Bulletin 130
(2004): 813–838.
17. John T. Jones, Brett W. Pelham, Mauricio Carvallo, and Matthew C. Mirenberg,
“How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Js: Implicit Egotism and Interpersonal
Attraction,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87 (2004): 665–683.
18. Jennifer Crocker and Ian Schwartz, “Prejudice and Ingroup Favoritism in a
Minimal Intergroup Situation: Effects of Self-Esteem,” Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin 11 (1985): 379–386.
19. Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: Science and Practice, 4th ed. (Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, 2001).
20. Connie Bruck, “The Personal Touch,” The New Yorker , August 13, 2001.
21. Ibid.
22. Jack Valenti, This Time, This Place: My Life in War, the White House, and
Hollywood (New York: Harmony Books, 2007).

2. The Personal Qualities That Bring Influence

1. “Ronald Meyer,”
2. Daniel R. Ames and Lara K. Kammrath, “Mind-Reading and Metacognition:
Narcissism, Not Actual Competence, Predicts Self-Estimated Ability,” Journal of
Nonverbal Behavior 28 (2004): 187–209.
3. James Richardson, Willie Brown: A Biography (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1996).
4. “Creativity Step by Step: A Conversation with Choreographer Twyla Tharp,”
Harvard Business Review (April 2008): 49.
5. Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter, What Got You Here Won’t Get You There:
How Successful People Become Even More Successful (New York: Hyperion,
6. See, for instance, Justin Kruger and David Dunning, “Unskilled and Unaware of It:
How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-
Assessments,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 77 (1999): 1121
–1134; David Dunning, Kerri Johnson, Joyce Ehrlinger, and Justin Kruger, “Why
People Fail to Recognize Their Own Incompetence,” Current Directions in
Psychological Science 12 (2003): 83–87.
7. Quoted in Dunning et al., “Why People Fail,” 83.
8. See, for example, David Mechanic, “Sources of Power of Lower Participants in
Complex Organizations,” Administrative Science Quarterly 7 (1962): 349–364.
9. Alan Ehrenhalt, “Little Caesar,” review of American Pharaoh, by Adam Cohen and
Elizabeth Taylor, New York Times Book Review, June 4, 2000.
10. Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham
Lincoln (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2005).
11. G. Wayne Miller, Toy Wars (New York: Times Books, 1998), 214.
12. Sally Bedell Smith, In All His Glory: The Life of William S. Paley (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1990), 394.
13. Sara Mosle, “The Stealth Chancellor,” New York Times Magazine, August 31,
14. The literature on emotional contagion is vast, and encompasses field research,
experiments, and even neuroimaging studies. See, for instance, Christopher K. Hsee,
Elaine Hatfield, John G, Carlson, and Claude Chemtob, “The Effect of Power on
Susceptibility to Emotional Contagion,” Cognition and Emotion 4 (October 1990):
327–340; Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, “The Emotional
Reality of Teams,” Journal of Organizational Excellence 21 (Spring 2002): 55–65.
15. Robert A. Caro, The Path to Power (New York: Knopf, 1982), ch. 13.
16. Dean Keith Simonton, “Talent and Its Development: An Emergenic and Epigenetic
Model,” Psychological Review 106 (1999): 435–457.
17. Fay Hansen, “Data Bank: CEO Profile,” Workforce Management, June 22, 2009,
18. Brenda Major and Ellen Konar, “An Investigation of Sex Differences in Pay
Expectations and Their Possible Causes,” Academy of Management Journal 27
(1984): 777–792; Brenda Major, Dean B. McFarlin, and Diana Gagnon, “Over-
worked and Underpaid: On the Nature of Gender Differences in Personal
Entitlement,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 47 (1984): 1399–1412.
19. William Ickes, ed., “Introduction,” in Empathic Accuracy (New York: Guilford
Press, 1997), 2.
20. See, for example, Denise Salin, “Ways of Explaining Workplace Bullying: A
Review of Enabling, Motivating and Precipitating Structures and Processes in the
Work Environment,” Human Relations 56 (2003): 1213–1232; Tim Field, “Workplace
Bullying: The Silent Epidemic,” British Medical Journal 326 (2003): 776–777.
21. Ryan Lizza, “The Gatekeeper: Rahm Emanuel on the Job,” The New Yorker ,
March 2, 2009.
22. Michael Powell and Russ Buetnner, “In Matters Big and Small, Crossing Giuliani
Had Price,” New York Times, January 22, 2008.
23. Stan Sesser, “A Reporter at Large: A Nation of Contradictions,” The New Yorker ,
January 13, 1992.
24. David Halberstam, The Reckoning (New York: William Morrow, 1986), 149.
25. See, for instance, John E. Hunter and Frank L. Schmidt, “Intelligence and Job
Performance: Economic and Social Implications,” Psychology, Public Policy, and
Law 2 (1996): 447–472.
26. Tarmo Strenze, “Intelligence and Socioeconomic Success: A Meta-Analytic
Review of Longitudinal Research,” Intelligence 35 (2007): 401–426. The quoted
number comes from page 411.
27. Ibid. Their meta-analysis finds a correlation of just .09 between academic
performance and income, meaning that less than 1 percent of the variation in income
can be attributed to variation in academic performance while in school.
28. Walter Kirn, “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Aptitude,” New York Times
Magazine, July 5, 2009, 11–12.
29. See, for instance, Stephane Cote and Christopher T. H. Miners, “Emotional
Intelligence, Cognitive Intelligence, and Job Performance,” Administrative Science
Quarterly 51 (2006): 1–28.
30. Tim Weiner, “Robert S. McNamara, Architect of a Futile War, Dies at 93,” New
York Times, July 7, 2009.

3. Choosing Where to Start

1. William L. Moore and Jeffrey Pfeffer, “The Relationship Between Departmental
Power and Faculty Careers on Two Campuses: The Case for Structural Effects on
Faculty Salaries,” Research in Higher Education 13 (1980): 291–306.
2. John E. Sheridan, John W. Slocum Jr., Richard Buda, and Richard C. Thompson,
“Effects of Corporate Sponsorship and Department Power on Career Tournaments,”
Academy of Management Journal 33 (1990): 578–602.
3. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power (Boston: Harvard Business School Press,
1992), 58.
4. Jeffrey Pfeffer, “The Importance of Being in the Right Unit,” ibid.
5. The material on Zia Yusuf comes from a case I wrote. See “Zia Yusuf at SAP:
Having Impact,” Stanford, CA: Graduate School of Business, Case no. OB-73,
February 3, 2009.
6. John Hagel and John Seely Brown, “How SAP Seeds Innovation,” BusinessWeek,
July 23, 2008.
7. Finance’s rise to power at Ford Motor is described in David Halberstam’s book,
The Reckoning (New York: William Morrow, 1986).
8. Ibid., 256.
9. Pfeffer, “The Importance of Being in the Right Unit.”
10. Ibid.; see also D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings, C. A. Lee, R. E. Schneck, and J. M.
Pennings, “A ‘Strategic Contingencies’ Theory of Intraorganizational Power,”
Administrative Science Quarterly 16 (1971): 216–229; C. R. Hinings, D. J. Hickson,
J. M. Pennings, and R. E. Schneck, “Structural Conditions of Intraorganizational
Power,” Administrative Science Quarterly 19 (1974): 22–44; Gerald R. Salancik and
Jeffrey Pfeffer, “The Bases and Use of Power in Organizational Decision Making: The
Case of a University,” Administrative Science Quarterly 19 (1974): 453–473.
11. Neil Fligstein, “The Intraorganizational Power Struggle: Rise of Finance Personnel
to Top Leadership in Large Corporations, 1919–1979,” American Sociological
Review 52 (1987): 44–58.
12. Halberstam, The Reckoning.
13. Andrew M. Pettigrew, Politics of Organizational Decision-Making (London:
Tavistock Institute, 1973).
14. David Krackhardt, “Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition and
Power in Organizations,” Administrative Science Quarterly 35 (1990): 342–369.
15. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Competitive Advantage Through People (Boston: Harvard
Business School Press, 1994), 52.
16. John W. Dean III, Blind Ambition (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1976), 29–30.

4. Getting In

1. Victoria Chang and Jeffrey Pfeffer, “Keith Ferrazzi,” Case no. OB-44, Stanford, CA:
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, October 2003, 4.










3. Reginald F. Lewis, Blair S. Walker, and Hugh B. Price, Why Should White Guys
Have All the Fun? How Reginald Lewis Created a Billion-Dollar Business Empire
(New York: John Wiley, 1994), 52.
4. Francis J. Flynn and Vanessa K. B. Lake, “If You Need Help, Just Ask:
Underestimating Compliance with Direct Requests for Help,” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 95 (2008): 128–143.
5. Kate Zernike and Jeff Zeleny, “Obama in the Senate: Star Power, Minor Role,” New
York Times, March 9, 2008.
6. Ishan Gupta and Rajat Khare, Make the Move: Demystifying Entrepreneurship
(New Delhi: Unicorn Books, 2007).
7. Jerry M. Burger, Nicole Messian, Shehani Patel, Alicia del Prado, and Carmen
Anderson, “What a Coincidence! The Effects of Incidental Similarity on Compliance,”
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30 (2004): 35–43.
8. Larissa MacFarquhar, “Mrs. Kennedy Regrets,” The New Yorker , February 2,
9. Walter Isaacson, “Harvard: The Ambitious Student, 1947–1955,” in Kissinger: A
Biography (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992).
10. “Mr. Sony’s Struggle,” Fortune, November 22, 1999, 237–248.
11. Malcolm Gladwell, “How David Beats Goliath: When Underdogs Break the Rules,”
The New Yorker , May 11, 2009.
12. Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: Science and Practice, 5th ed. (Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, 2008).
13. Susan T. Fiske, Amy J. C. Cuddy, and Peter Glick, “Universal Dimensions of
Social Cognition: Warmth and Competence,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11
(2007): 77–83.
14. Teresa M. Amabile, “Brilliant But Cruel: Perceptions of Negative Evaluators,”
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 19 (1983): 146–156.
15. Amy J. C. Cuddy, “Just Because I’m Nice, Don’t Assume I’m Dumb, ” Harvard
Business Review (February 2009): 24.
16. Jacob Heilbrunn, “Consent and Advise,” New York Times Book Review , January
20, 2008.
17. R. B. Cialdini, R. J. Borden, A. Thorne, M. Walker, S. Freeman, and L. Sloan,
“Basking in Reflected Glory: Three (Football) Field Studies,” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 34 (1976): 366–375.
18. Gary Weiss, “The Re-Education of Tim Geithner,” Portfolio (May 2009): 93.
19. Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson, Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence
Thomas, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994), 223.
20. Leon Festinger, Conflict, Decision, and Dissonance (Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 1964).
21. Robert Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (New
York: Vintage Books, 1975), 217.

5. Making Something out of Nothing

1. James Richardson, Willie Brown: A Biography (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1996); see particularly ch. 19, “The Play for Power.”
2. Dalton Conley and Brian McCabe, “Bribery or Just Desserts? Evidence on the
Influence of Congressional Voting Patterns on PAC Contributions from Exogenous
Variation in the Sex Mix of Legislator Offspring,” Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of
Economic Research Working Paper No. W13945, March 2008.
3. Henry L. Tosi, Steve Werner, and Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, “How Much Does
Matter? A Meta-Analysis
of CEO Pay Studies,” Journal of
Management 26 (2000): 301–339.
4. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, The Hero’s Farewell: What Happens When CEOs Retire (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1988).
5. Richardson, Willie Brown, 250.
6. Sally Bedell Smith, In All His Glory: The Life of William S. Paley (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1990), 156.
7. Ibid., 152.
8. Information on Schwab and the World Economic Forum is widely available. See,
for instance, Craig R. Whitney, “Political and Corporate Elite Soak Up Big Ideas at
Davos,” New York Times , January 28, 1997; “What Does It Cost to Get into Davos?”
DealBook Blog, New York Times , January 23, 2008; Adrienne Gaffney, “Politics and
Power: Getting to Know Klaus Schwab, the Man Behind Davos,” Vanity Fair , January
30, 2009.
9. Whitney, “Political and Corporate Elite Soak Up Big Ideas at Davos.”

6. Building Efficient and Effective Social Networks

1. Nicole Tempest and Kathleen McGinn, “Heidi Roizen,” Harvard Business School
Case no. 9-800-228, September 11, 2000.
2. Hans-Georg Wolff and Klaus Moser, “Effects of Networking on Career Success: A
Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (2009): 196–197.
3. Ibid., 198.
4. See, for example, M. L. Forret and T. W. Dougherty, “Networking Behaviors and
Career Outcomes: Differences for Men and Women?” Journal of Organizational
Behavior 25 (2004): 419–437; P. H. Langford, “Importance of Relationship
Management for the Career Success of Australian Managers,” Australian Journal of
Psychology 52 (2000): 163–168.
5. Wolff and Moser, “Effects of Networking,” 196–206.
6. Ronald S. Burt and Don Ronchi, “Teaching Executives to See Social Capital:
Results from a Field Experiment,” Social Science Research 36 (2007): 1158.
7. Mark S. Granovetter, Getting a Job: A Study of Contacts and Careers
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1974).
8. Mark S. Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties,” American Journal of
Sociology 78 (1973): 1360–1380.
9. Joel M. Podolny, “A Status-Based Model of Market Competition,” American
Journal of Sociology 98 (1993): 829–872.
10. For a review of this literature, see, for instance, Katherine J. Klein, Beng-Chong
Lim, Jessica L. Saltz, and David M. Mayer, “How Do They Get There? An
Examination of the Antecedents of Centrality in Team Networks,” Academy of
Management Journal 47 (2004): 952–963.
11. Daniel J. Brass, “Being in the Right Place: A Structural Analysis of Individual
Influence in an Organization,” Administrative Science Quarterly 29 (1984): 532.
12. Seymour M. Hersh, The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House
(New York: Summit Books, 1983).
13. See, for instance, Ronald S. Burt, Structural Holes: The Social Structure of
Competition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992); and Ronald S. Burt,
Brokerage and Closure: An Introduction to Social Capital (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2005).
14. Ronald S. Burt, “Secondhand Brokerage: Evidence on the Importance of Local
Structure for Managers, Bankers, and Analysts,” Academy of Management Journal
50 (2007): 119–148.
15. See Morten T. Hansen, Joel M. Podolny, and Jeffrey Pfeffer, “So Many Ties, So
Little Time: A Task Contingency Perspective on Corporate Social Capital in
Organizations,” in S. Gabbay and R. Leenders, eds., Research in the Sociology of
Organizations, vol. 18 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001), 21–57; Morten Hansen, “The
Search-Transfer Problem: The Role of Weak Ties in Sharing Knowledge Across
Organizational Subunits,” Administrative Science Quarterly 44 (1999): 82–111.

7. Acting and Speaking with Power

1. “Oliver North, Businessman? Many Bosses Say That He’s Their Kind of
Employee,” Wall Street Journal, July 14, 1987.
2. Anthony DePalma, “Stanford President at Brunt of Storm,” New York Times , May
10, 1991.
3. “Stanford, Government Agree to Settle Dispute over Research Costs,” Stanford
University News Service News Release, October 18, 1994.
4. Harriet Rubin, “Shall I Compare Thee to an Andy Grove?” Strategy+ Business no.
49 (Winter 2007): 26–31.
5. Much of the information on Rubenstein comes from Wikipedia and from Stephanie
Rosenbloom, “Calling All Alpha Kitties,” New York Times , October 4, 2007.
6. John Helyar, “Playing Ball: How Peter Ueberroth Led the Major Leagues in the
‘Collusion Era,’” Wall Street Journal, May 20, 1991.
7. From the transcript of a talk given by Andy Grove at a Harvard Business School
publishing conference, Cupertino, California, October 3, 2002.
8. Rubin, “Shall I Compare Thee to an Andy Grove?”
9. Sigal G. Barsade, “The Ripple Effect: Emotional Contagion and Its Influence on
Group Behavior,” Administrative Science Quarterly 47 (2002): 644–675.
10. Daniel J. Howard and Charles Gengler, “Emotional Contagion Effects on Product
Attitudes,” Journal of Consumer Research 28 (2001).
11. Ryan Lizza, “The Gatekeeper: Rahm Emanuel on the Job,” The New Yorker ,
March 2, 2009.
12. Larissa Z. Tiedens, “Anger and Advancement Versus Sadness and Subjugation:
The Effect of Negation Emotion Expressions on Social Status Conferral,” Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology 80 (2001): 87.
13. Larissa Z. Tiedens, Phoebe C. Ellsworth, and Batja Mesquita, “Sentimental
Stereotypes: Emotional Expectations for High-and Low-Status Group Members,”
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (2000): 560–575.
14. Tiedens, “Anger and Advancement Versus Sadness and Subjugation,” 86–94.
15. These quotes are from Roderick M. Kramer, “The Great Intimidators,” Harvard
Business Review, February 2006, 92.
16. Lisa Belkin, “The Feminine Critique,” New York Times , November 1, 2007.
17. Victoria L. Brescoll and Eric Luis Uhlmann, “Can an Angry Woman Get Ahead?
Status Conferral, Gender, and Expression of Emotion in the Workplace,”
Psychological Science 19 (2008): 268–275.
18. Ursula Hess, Reginald B. Adams Jr., and Robert E. Kleck, “Who May Frown and
Who Should Smile? Dominance, Affiliation, and the Display of Happiness and Anger,”
Cognition and Emotion 19 (2005): 515–536.
19. See
20. There are scores of studies on this issue. See, for instance, Anne Case and
Christina Paxson, “Stature and Status: Height, Ability and Labor Market Outcomes,”
Journal of Political Economy 116 (2008): 499–532; Nicola Persico and Andrew
Postlewaite, “The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The
Case of Height,” Journal of Political Economy 112 (2004): 1019–1053.
21. Markus M. Mobius and Tanya S. Rosenblat, “Why Beauty Matters,” American
Economic Review 96 (2006): 222–235.
22. Helyar, “Playing Ball.”
23. Harvey Molotch and Deidre Boden, “Talking Social Structure: Discourse,
Dominance and the Watergate Hearings,” American Sociological Review 50 (1985):
24. A great discussion of political language can be found in Murray Edelman, The
Symbolic Uses of Politics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1964).
25. Harold Evans, “His Finest Hour: Roy Jenkins Chronicles the Life of the Prime
Minister Who Led Britain to Victory over the Nazis,” New York Times Book Review ,
November 11, 2001.
26. Ibid., 13.
27. Max Atkinson, Our Masters’ Voices: The Language and Body Language of
Politics (London: Methuen, 1984), 40.
28. Ibid., 54.
29. Ibid., 57.
30. From a transcript of a video conference presentation on March 15, 2002.
31. Said on Michael Krasny’s KQED Forum program, San Francisco, June 19, 2008,
in the first hour between 9 A.M. and 10 A.M.
32. Stanley Fish, “The Candidates, Seen from the Classroom,” New York Times ,
September 24, 2004.

8. Building a Reputation

1. The information on John Madden and Bill Walsh comes from their Wikipedia
2. Sandy J. Wayne and K. Michele Kacmar, “The Effects of Impression Management
on the Performance Appraisal Process,” Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes 48 (1991): 70–88.
3. Rakesh Khurana, Searching for a Corporate Savior: The Irrational Quest for
Charismatic CEOs (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 2002).
4. Boris Groysberg, Andrew N. McLean, and Nitin Nohria, “Are Leaders Portable?”
Harvard Business Review 84 (2006): 92–101.
5. Janine Willis and Alexander Todorov, “First Impressions: Making Up Your Mind
After a 100-ms Exposure to a Face,” Psychological Science 17 (2006): 592–598.
6. Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal, “Thin Slices of Expressive Behavior as
Predictors of Interpersonal Consequences: A Meta-Analysis,” Psychological Bulletin
111 (1992): 256–274.
7. Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal, “Half a Minute: Predicting Teacher
Evaluations from Thin Slices of Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Attractiveness,”
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64 (1993): 431–441.
8. T. W. Dougherty, D. B. Turban, and J. C. Callender, “Confirming First Impressions in
the Employment Interview: A Field Study of Interviewer Behavior,” Journal of Applied
Psychology 79 (1994): 659–665.
9. For a discussion of these processes, see Philip E. Tetlock, “Accountability and the
Perseverance of First Impressions,” Social Psychology Quarterly 46 (1983): 285
10. Varon’s talk, “Genome Out of the Bottle,” is available on video. See
11. Ryan Lizza, “Making It: How Chicago Shaped Obama,” The New Yorker , July 21,
12. See, for instance, Financial Times, December 2, 2002.
13. Nuria Chinchilla’s influence and rise to power is described in Megan Elisabeth
Anderson and Jeffrey Pfeffer, “Nuria Chinchilla: The Power to Change Workplaces,”
Stanford, CA: Graduate School of Business, Case no. OB-67, January 2008.
14. Ibid., 13.
15. Lee Iacocca with William Novak, Iacocca: An Autobiography (New York: Bantam
Books, 1984).
16. Robert Lacey, Ford: The Men and the Machine (New York: Ballantine Books,
1986); see especially pp. 602–614.
17. Albert J. Dunlap and Bob Andelman, with John Mahaney, Mean Business (New
York: Crown Business, 1996).
18. John A. Byrne, Chainsaw: The Notorious Career of Al Dunlap in the Era of
Profit-at-Any-Price (New York: HarperCollins, 1999), 351.
19. Jack Welch and John A. Byrne, Jack: Straight from the Gut (New York: Business
Plus, 2001).
20. Thomas F. O’Boyle, At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit
of Profit (New York: Random House, 1998).
21. D. T. Kenrick, S. L. Neuberg, and R. B. Cialdini, Social Psychology: Unraveling
the Mystery (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2002), 129.
22. See, for instance, C. Wortman and J. Linsenmeier, “Interpersonal Attraction and
Techniques of Ingratiation in Organizational Settings,” in B. M. Staw and J. R.
Salancik, eds., New Directions for Organizational Behavior (Chicago: St. Clair
Press, 1977), 133–178; D. R. Forsythe, R. Berger, and T. Mitchell, “The Effects of
Self-Serving v. Other-Serving Claims of Responsibility on Attraction and Attribution in
Groups,” Social Psychology Quarterly 44 (1981): 59–64.
23. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Christina T. Fong, Robert B. Cialdini, and Rebecca R. Portnoy,
“Overcoming the Self-Promotion Dilemma: Interpersonal Attraction and Extra Help as
a Consequence of Who Sings One’s Praises,” Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin 32 (2006): 1–13.
24. Ryan Lizza, “Money Talks,” The New Yorker , May 4, 2009.
25. L. Holson, “Young Deal Maker Is Force Behind Company’s Growth,” New York
Times, November 19, 1998.

9. Overcoming Opposition and Setbacks

1. Judith Ramsey Ehrlich and Barry J. Rehfeld, The New Crowd: The Changing of
the Jewish Guard on Wall Street (Boston: Little, Brown, 1989).
2. David B. Hilder, “American Express Chief Keeps Tight Grip—Still, Nearly All the
Company’s Units Have Difficulty, Wall Street Journal, June 28, 1985.
3. “Dr. Laura Esserman (A),” Stanford, CA: Graduate School of Business, Stanford
University, Case no. OB42-A, September 30, 2003.
4. Jack W. Brehm, A Theory of Psychological Reactance (New York: Academic
Press, 1966).
5. James Richardson, Willie Brown: A Biography (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1996), 279.
6. Tom Rubython, “Cricket’s Rainmaker: Lalit Modi Has Successfully Monetised the
Indian Game,” SportsPro, July 2008, 64–82.
7. Ibid., 68.
8. “Jeffrey Sonnenfeld (A): The Fall from Grace,” Stanford, CA: Graduate School of
Business, Case no. OB-34(A), September 2000.
9. Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld and Andrew J. Ward, Firing Back: How Great Leaders
Rebound After Career Disasters (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007).

10. The Price of Power


2. T. R. Horton, The CEO Paradox: The Privilege and Accountability of Leadership
(New York: AMACOM, 1992), 38–39.
3. Robert I. Sutton and D. Charles Galunic, “Consequences of Public Scrutiny for
Leaders and Their Organizations,” in Barry M. Staw and Larry L. Cummings, eds.,
Research in Organizational Behavior , vol. 18 (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1996), 201
4. See, for instance, Russell G. Geen, “Social Motivation,” Annual Review of
Psychology 42 (1991): 377–399; Robert Zajonc, “Social Facilitation,” Science 149
(1965): 269–274.
5. The CEO Project, “Interviews with CEOs of Fast-Growth Companies, Summary of
Findings, Preliminary Results as of 10/16/04,” Scottsdale, AZ: The CEO Project, 14.
6. Patricia Robinson and Norihiko Shimizu, “Japanese Corporate Restructuring: CEO
Priorities as a Window on Environmental and Organizational Change,” Academy of
Management Perspectives 20 (2006): 44–75.
7. J. Gleick, Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman (New York:
Pantheon, 1992), 382; cited in Sutton and Galunic, “Consequences of Public Scrutiny.

8. R. C. Hill, “When the Going Gets Tough: A Baldrige Award Winner,” Academy of
Management Executive 7 (1993): 75–79.
9. Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies
Cause Great Firms to Fail (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997).
10. Frances K. Conley, Walking Out on the Boys (New York: Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 1998).
11. Ibid., 57.
12. Hanna Papanek, “Men, Women, and Work: Reflections on the Two-Person
Career,” American Journal of Sociology 78 (1973): 852–872.
13. See, for instance, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Jerry Ross, “The Effect of Marriage and a
Working Wife on Occupational and Wage Attainment,” Administrative Science
Quarterly 27 (1982): 66–80; Eng Seng Loh, “Productivity Differences and the
Marriage Wage Premium for White Males,” Journal of Human Resources 31 (1996):
566-589; Jacqueline Landau and Michael B. Arthur, “The Relationship of Marital
Status, Spouse’s Career Status, and Gender to Salary Level,” Sex Roles 27 (1992):
665–681; Catherine Kirchmeyer, “Gender Differences in Managerial Careers:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” Journal of Business Ethics 37 (2002): 5–24.
14. Bryan Burrough and John Helyar, Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR
Nabisco (New York: Harper and Row, 1990).
15. Ibid., 34.
16. Ibid., 37.
17. Michael Marmot, The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our
Health and Longevity (New York: Henry Holt, 2004), 130.

11. How—and Why—People Lose Power

1. Chuck Lucier, Steven Wheeler, and Rolf Habbel, “The Era of the Inclusive Leader,”
Strategy + Business, no. 47 (Summer 2007): 43–53.
2. Linda Anderson, “Search for a Dean: Improbable Mix of Talents Sought,”,
March 18, 2002.
3. Robert J. Clark, “The Superintendent as a Temp,” The School Administrator , April
2001, 40–41.
4. Stewart Gabel, Leaders and Health Care Organizational Change (New York:
Springer Verlag, 2001).
5. Deborah Sontag, “Who Brought Bernadine Healy Down? The Red Cross: A
Disaster Story Without Any Heroes,” New York Times Magazine , December 23,
6. Dacher Keltner, Deborah H. Gruenfeld, and Cameron Anderson, “Power,
Approach, and Inhibition,” Psychological Review 110 (2003): 265–284.
7. Cameron Anderson and Adam D. Galinsky, “Power, Optimism, and Risk-Taking,”
European Journal of Social Psychology 36 (2006): 511–536.
8. David Kipnis, “Does Power Corrupt?” Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology 24 (1972): 33–41.
9. This particular study is described in Keltner, Gruenfeld, and Anderson, “Power,
Approach, and Inhibition.” There are numerous studies of a similar form showing how
power leads to less inhibition in behavior. See, for instance, Cameron Anderson and
Jennifer L. Berdahl, “The Experience of Power: Examining the Effects of Power on
Approach and Inhibition Tendencies,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
83 (2002): 1362–1377.
10. Adam Lashinsky, “The Enforcer,” Fortune, September 28, 2009, 120.
11. Sontag, “Who Brought Bernadine Healy Down?”
12. Ibid., 35.
13. “NationsBank Struck with Brutal Military Precision,”,
October 25, 1998.
14. Stan Sesser, “A Reporter at Large: A Nation of Contradictions,” The New Yorker ,
January 13, 1992.
15. Ibid., 57.
16. Robert A. Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
(New York: Knopf, 1977), 986.

12. Power Dynamics

1. Jo Silvester, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Politics and Politicians at Work,” in
G. P. Hodgkinson and J. K. Ford, eds., International Review of Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, vol. 23 (Chichester, UK: John Wiley, 2008), 107.
2. Ibid., 112.
3. Camille Rickets, “China-Focused VCs Depart Posts—Asia Capital Crunch to
capital-crunch-to-blame, February 4, 2009.
4. Ken Auletta, “The Fall of Lehman Brothers: The Men, the Money, The Merger,” New
York Times Magazine, February 24, 1985.
5. Nicholas Lemann, “The Split: A True Story of Washington Lawyers,” Washington
Post Magazine, March 23, 1980.
6. See, as just one of many such tales, Alison Leigh Cowan, “The Partners Revolt at
Peat Marwick,” New York Times , November 18, 1990.
7. Frederick S. Hills and Thomas A. Mahoney, “University Budgets and Organizational
Decision Making,” Administrative Science Quarterly 23 (1978): 454–465; Jeffrey
Pfeffer and William L. Moore, “Power in University Budgeting: A Replication and
Extension,” Administrative Science Quarterly 25 (1980): 637–653.








Door,”, June 5, 2009.
9. Many of these changes are detailed in “More Mr. Nice Guy: Why Cutting Benefits Is
a Bad Idea,” in Jeffrey Pfeffer, What Were They Thinking: Unconventional Wisdom
About Management (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2007).
10. Paul Hirsch, Pack Your Own Parachute: How to Survive Mergers, Takeovers,
and Other Corporate Disasters (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1988).
11. Jeffrey Gandz and Victor V. Murray, “The Experience of Workplace Politics,”
Academy of Management Journal 23 (1980): 237–251.
12. See, for instance, Fred L. Strodtbeck, Rita M. James, and Charles Hawkins,
“Social Status in Jury Deliberations,” American Sociologial Review 22 (1957): 713
13. See, for instance, Peter M. Blau, “A Formal Theory of Differentiation in
Organizations,” American Sociological Review 35 (1970): 201–218; Marshall W.
Meyer, “Size and Structure of Organizations: A Causal Analysis,” American
Sociological Review 37 (1972): 434–440.
14. A research program called expectation states theory has produced much
evidence on this point. The empirical literature on expectation states is extensive. A
good review and overview can be found in Joseph Berger, Cecilia Ridgeway, M.
Hamit Fisek, and Robert Z. Norman, “The Legitimation and Delegitimation of Power
and Prestige Orders,” American Sociological Review 63 (1998): 379–405.
15. L. Z. Tiedens, M. M. Unzueta, and M. J. Young, “An Unconscious Desire for
Hierarchy? The Motivated Perception of Dominance Complementarity in Task
Partners,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93 (2007): 402–414.
16. John T. Jost and Mahzarin R. Banaji, “The Role of Stereotyping in System-
Justification and the Production of False Consciousness,” British Journal of Social
Psychology 33 (1994): 1–27.
17. See, for instance, Rakesh Khurana, Searching for a Corporate Savior (Prince
ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 2002).
18. See
19. David Butcher and Martin Clarke, “Organizational Politics: The Cornerstone for
Organizational Democracy,” Organizational Dynamics 31 (2002): 35.
20. James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than
the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economics, Societies, and
Nations (New York: Doubleday, 2004).

13. It’s Easier Than You Think

1. See
2. David L. Bradford and Allen R. Cohen, Power Up: Transforming Organizations
Through Shared Leadership (New York: John Wiley, 1998).
3. Cameron Anderson and Jennifer L. Berdahl, “The Experience of Power: Examining
the Effects of Power on Approach and Inhibition Tendencies,” Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 83 (2002): 1362–1377.
4. See
5. Robert I. Sutton, The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and
Surviving One That Isn’t (New York: Business Plus, 2007).
6. Michael Marmot, The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health
and Longevity (New York: Times Books, 2004), 39.
7. Ibid., 53.
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